

  "Are you okay mom?" I asked her. She was quite for a little while and the atmosphere became a little bit awkward. 

"Did you just mention sebatian?" she asked. I also mentioned Victoria but why did she make mention of sebatian.

"Yes I did", I answered.She picked the spoon she had dropped earlier and she was quiet again. "Mom, are you really okay!?" I asked her again.

"I am fine honey," she answered with faint smile. "I am a little bit surprised to hear the name sebatian again" she says with a really awkward laugh. 

What those she mean by hear the name by sebatian again. "What do you mean by the name sebatian again" I say as I glared at her.

"Sebatian is an old classmate of mine back in highschool" she stuttered. Why does she look so nervous right now, honestly my mom is so weird and it is now I am realizing it.