
The Billionaire Artist And His Maid

Ellie becomes a maid to the demanding, devilish, and ridiculously charming legend, Jonathan Conrad. She falls deeply in love with him as their relationship takes a very sexual turn. Such a damsel of a man will come at a price. This proves that she must keep their relationship a secret, even from her best friend Chloe, his goddaughter. When their sexual relationship leads to pregnancy, how well can the truth still be hidden?

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Ellie and the mysterious boss

The alarm sounds at exactly 7 O'clock. Chloe had set it there since she knew she had the weekend to herself. Ellie can arrive anytime and would certainly be hungry. She doesn't want to indulge in the kitchen so early, especially since Jonathan is on a business trip. She has told her grandmother Abigail that Ellie will be coming over to hang out with her that weekend, and if everything goes right, and Jonathan doesn't murder her the moment he sets eyes on her, she will get to stay with them indefinitely.

Although Chloe didn't tell Ellie much about the job when they spoke on the phone about how Ellie was tired of home and needed a hustle, she probably would never have imagined a hustle this big and twice as demanding. It doesn't help that Lie has no idea what it means he is a maid. It is a good thing she kept that part out.

The main reason she tricked her friend is probably sweeter than she's letting on. The truth is, she has missed Ellie.

Ellie is by far the smartest person she has ever met, well, except for her Godfather, of course. But considering that her Godfather is Jonathan Conrad, a billionaire artist with wealth that his fame can only rival, it's a given.

He's one of the busiest men alive, but recently, he's been making more time for himself. For her, for everyone. People say that happens when a person prepares to die, but she hopes not. As he says, she hopes it's just a sign of retirement. The fact that he retired from Art proves that Jonathan Conrad is tried. As if that isn't bad enough, it happens to be just around the time that Chloe's grandmother and Jonathan Conrad's maid also retired. It's been too many years, so much so to replace. No wonder it has been such a hassle to replace her with Jonathan.

Well, Chloe, being his goddaughter, felt she must find him a maid, one she could trust, one that is sweet and undeniably caring. All those qualities pointed to Ellie for quite a while, and when she miraculously asked for a job, Chloe jumped for it.

She told her to come right over, that a job was waiting and the pay was good. If only she knows the extra details. Like how she will have to work face to face with a literal walking, Art. Jonathan Conrad himself. Chloe shook her head before she started thinking lewd things about her Godfather.

The bottom line is if Ellie gets the job, Jonathan is in good hands, and that is exactly what she wants. The question is, why shouldn't Ellie get the job? Joseph Conrad himself can only answer that question.

Chloe grabbed her cell and went to the grocery store. The store is small but has most of what she needs now. Besides, the next one would be up the block, and she'd rather save her strength.

When she is done, she heads back swiftly. They could have easily spent an hour there if Ellie had been with her. Deep down, she wonders if she had come so early so she wouldn't have to go shopping with her best friend.

She got to the mansion to see that the door to her room was unlocked. She was startled for a few seconds until she smelled Olive, Ellie's favorite cologne. The guard must have let her in. Why not.

Ellie was right at the center of the living room, back turned. Her petite stature is unaware of Chloe's presence. She was wearing a purple mini gown that went up to reveal tight shorts when she bent. She is battling to unzip her luggage. Just that luggage for the whole summer, maybe more?"

Chloe tiptoes towards her, minding every step. When she is close enough, she reaches out her hand and grabs Ellie's shoulder almost violently. Ellie shook in fear, followed by a scream. She staggers to turn around and then sees her best friend laughing uncontrollably. The fear was automatically replaced by something else. A mixture of what Ellie couldn't describe. Love, happiness, pleasure, admiration.

She rushed in for a hug, and Chloe was ready. Her laugh descended into soft chuckles and then a broad smile. She patted Ellie's hair and kissed her on the ear.

Ellie whispers, 'I missed you,' or so Chloe thought.

"I missed you too, bestie," Chloe says.

Ellie breaks off the hug and spanked her best friend's arm.

"I said I was hungry," she corrects.

They both laugh and finally settle down. Chloe notices that Ellie's hair is much longer than she remembers. His lips were more poised, and her hips were curvier than two years ago, the last time they saw each other.

"Want some spring rolls? Got some just now," Chloe offers.

"But it's so early in the morning," Ellie complains.

"o, you don't want Spring rolls?" Chloe says and dangles it right in her face.

"Of course, I want Spring rolls, you devil," she admitted, diving for the grocery bags. Chloe knows it is her favorite and must have bought it specifically for her.

Chloe watched her devour the spring rolls hungrily. Making sure each bite was a mouthful. She would occasionally tuck in the bits stuck on each side of her mouth.

"So, how have you been?" Chloe asks.

Ellie nods severally, a gesture that indicates that she is well. She chewed on until it was all gone.

"Same old, same old," she says.

Chloe smiles innocently. She wants her to go into details, but Ellie does not talk much. Never has been. She is reserved, respectful, kind, and too mature for her age.


Ellie looks at her best friend mischievously enough to make Chloe know the direction of the conversation.

'I'm sorry, I should have told you. It sorta skipped my mind," Chloe sighs.

"Come on, Chloe, you live in a mansion. That sort of thing does not skip one's mind. What else are you keeping from me" Ellie probes further?

Chloe clears her throat and tries to maintain a straight face. It wasn't working, so she let out a sigh instead and pulled Ellie closer.

"Don't you want to work in a friendly environment? You don't want to stay with me? I missed you, Ellie," Chloe confesses.

Ellie smiles and loosens up. She understands her to an extent and is thrilled to work so close to her. Not just close, right under the same roof.

"Fine, fine... I don't mind. Now, who am I working for? Your dad?" Ellie asks.

Chloe scoffs. She knows Ellie knows her had has never been in the picture. Her sarcasm is evident.

"I'm sorry, that was insensitive," Ellie says.

"What do you take me for, a crybaby?" Chloe replies with a spank on Ellie's shoulder.

They both giggled excitedly, giving Chloe the room to change the subject. She watched lie stand up and go to the fridge to get water. She opens the lid, and it is almost empty. She chuckles unbelievably and looks at Chloe, who is restraining a laugh.

Ellie comes back with the bottle, taking a few gulps. She sits down next to Chloe, pushing her to the edge of the three-sitter couch and laying her head on Chloe's lap. She looks up at Chloe's face, tracing the outline to her jawline. Her jet-black hair and been twisted into two giant ponytails. Both shoulder length.

"Grandma will soon be here," Chloe broke the silence.

"Great, I hope one of your boyfriends isn't living with you," Ellie says.

Chloe chuckles before she responds,

"You know I wouldn't do that," Chloe says.

"Not even Jack?" Ellie says defensively.

"Wait, you know about Jack?" Chloe asks, surprised.

"You've only mentioned him a thousand times, or isn't he the tall, dark one from the picture last year?" Ellie says.

"No, that was Ralph. He's a dick," Chloe clarifies.

"I thought Rick was the dick," Ellie chuckles.

"Well, they're both dicks" Chloe replies.

"What about that... I forgot the name. The one from..." Ellie was saying.

"Argentina?" Chloe chirps in.

"Yeah, that one," Ellie adds.

"What about him," Chloe asks.

Ellie bursts into laughter, aware of what the rhetorical question means.

"I don't get it; what do you do with all these guys," Ellie asks, amused.

"It was never meant to be anything. They knew that too" Chloe defends.

Chloe glances down and sees Ellie's mocking expression, and she spanks her arm playfully.

"Enough about me. Talk about you. Where's that mysterious vampire boyfriend of yours" Chloe says.

Ellie burst into laughter when she said, vampire. Since they'd watched twilight together years ago, and she admitted to liking the vampire more than the ware wolf, Chloe had turned that statement into a lifetime of taunts.

"Who says I have a boyfriend' Ellie defends.

"Really? Looking all pretty in your short gowns, of course, you'll have a boyfriend even if they grow on trees only during eclipses."

Ellie burst into laugher again, this time trying to shut herself up at some point. Chloe just watched her.

"I think this is why I missed you, your sense of humor' Ellie admits

"I have a sense of humor?" Chloe asks playfully.

Ellie smiled at her before she turned to the side, head still on her thighs but now facing her torso. She slowly began closing her eyes while Chloe stroked her hair softly. Her hair was now messy from the movement, but she still looked great.

Chloe slowly pulled out the closest piece of clothing, mindful not to startle her. She placed the clothes gently above her legs to her thighs. When she was sure Ellie was as comfortable as possible, she smiled until Ellie opened her eyes again.

She watches her best friend intently, almost like she sees this side of her for the first time. She is not.

"So, why not find someone that's meant to mean something?" Ellie says.

"You're still on that? I thought you wanted to sleep?" Chloe says.

Ellie giggles but says nothing.

"That's you, Ellie. You're the lover type. You're sweet, and you're thinking, but I'm not. I can't spare the time for a guy right now. They don't deserve it, and I don't need it," Chloe voices.

'Woah... That's... Okay... But do you think all guys are like that? I mean, not worth the love, attention?" Ellie asks curiously.

"Well, maybe not all, I guess. I think they become more responsible with age," Chloe says.

Ellie giggles until she notices Chloe is serious, which fuels her curiosity.

"You talk like you know a lot of elderly men," Ellie asks.

"No, not really. Just one, the best," Chloe says.

"And any chance I'll meet this gorgeous elderly man of yours?" Ellie teases.

"I should think so; you'll be working for him," Chloe says.

At the mention of 'work,' Ellie sprints up. They're back to the topic of the mysterious owner of the mansion. Chloe's so-called sweet older man.

"Now I'm getting nervous," Ellie confesses.

"You should be, he's my godfather, and he's super famous," Ellie confesses.

"Wait, your Godfather? Oh..." Ellie thinks briefly before she retorts, "Well, if he's super famous, then I should know him. Who is he?"

Chloe flinches when her request is made. There is no stalling it any longer.

"You do. He is Jonathan Conrad"