
The billionaire and his contract wife

Mr Quin walked into his office very furious, he had just a very intense argument with his father who threatened him with his position if he doesn’t get married in a month time Mr Quinn being a play boy and heartbreaker needed to device means to save his position as the CEO and claim what was his. He needed to act fast even if it meant falsifying his marriage. He needed a pawn in his game. After several rejections from his exes he decided to try his luck with his assistant even if it meant doubling her price He called his assistant Annabelle and she rushed in, he threw document at her and ordered her to sign it. Unknown to him that she a secret identity that he was not aware of. Annabelle took the contract and saw the boldly written inscription “Marriage contract” she was confused, she secretly loved Mr Quinn but she wasn’t expecting him to force her into a fake marriage. She looked up to him but he wasn’t starring at her she was lost in thought. Finally she signed it, hoping seize the opportunity to make her boss fall her her within the period of their contract. little did she know that she had just signed a contract with the devil. fully knowing that Edwards Quinn was a cold hearted play boy who doesn’t care about people’s feelings he does whatever he wants and gets away wïth it he doesn’t believe in commitment or forever. Can Annabelle make Quinn to fall for her?? Will her fake identity be exposed? Explore the chapters to find out…

Seaquin · สมัยใหม่
159 Chs

Edwards Recalls the intimate night with Annabelle.

"Explain that to your wife, I remember those looks of betrayal and tears in her eyes" she said laughing out loudly like someone who just lost her mind and is going on rampage "Initially I planned on getting pregnant for you but then she walked in on us,I just decided not to continue since she had already seen us,which other way my plan worked." Lydia spilled.

"You don't believe it? Oh, but it is possible," she countered, her tone dripping with malice. "I made sure she saw exactly what I wanted her to see."

Lydia merely shrugged off his denial, her smirk widening into a deranged grin. "It doesn't matter," she taunted. "You couldn't resist me, Edwards. And now, your marriage lies in ruins because of it."

As Edwards struggled to comprehend the enormity of Lydia's revelation, she continued with unabashed cruelty, reveling in his anguish. "I drugged your drink, Edwards. And when she walked in on us, I made sure she saw the two of us together, naked and entwined."