

  Weeks passed and nothing changed between Adele and Jamal. He did not make it up to her like he had promised. They kept having sex like a regular couple and most times, Adele would wake up to an empty bed. He hardly stayed the night after spending the night with her.

  Adele was heartbroken and devastated. She wanted to tell Grandma all what Jamal was doing to her, but on a second thought, she changed her mind. It was her marital problem and she had to deal with it herself.

  Since her and Jamal were not on talking terms, she decided to immerse herself in her work to avoid thinking about him all the time. She was so busy with work that she forgot to care for herself. The past week, she had been feeling tired and nauseous most of the time. At first, she thought it was bad food she ate, but as the feeling prolonged, she began to suspect pregnancy. Her and Jamal had been having unprotected sex and she also noticed her period was more than one week late.