

  The next morning, Adele woke up with terrible morning sickness. Jamal was sitting on the sofa in their bedroom, tying away on his laptop.

  Adele wanted to go into the bathroom and vomit, but she was scared that he would understand her reason for vomiting. She was still very mad at him and she did not want him to know just yet that she was pregnant with his child.

  She needed some time to make up her mind to do so.

  “Good morning Adele.” Jamal greeted from the Sofa without sparing her a glance.

  “Good morning.” She mumbled, trying hard to keep her vomit at bay. She was experiencing her worst symptom days in his presence!

  She kept looking at him every two minutes and praying he would just vanish to his bureau or library, or have a sudden meeting at his company, or even vanish to the tennis court to meet his most precious Danielle, but he did not and it was becoming much harder to support

  nausea with every passing moment.