

  One week later.

  "I'm sorry Mr. King, I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen." Jamal's secretary apologized as she rushed into Jamal's office and shortly after, Danielle waltzed in looking all furious. Jamal groaned in frustration and heaved out a heavy sigh of exasperation before turning to the secretary who now looked like she had seen a ghost.

  She was scared for her job, her future and her life as a whole.

  Jamal King Dominick was not a man whose orders were to be disobeyed. Grave consequences always accompanied disobedience.

  "It's okay Gloria, you can leave." He dismissed the young girl and she hastily walked out of the office, leaving the two to settle whatever problems they had.

  "Seriously Jamal? You instructed that lowlife to not let me into your office whenever I come? Do you know how embarrassing that is?" Danielle asked, raising her voice.