

  “You are Welcome, Mrs. King.” Kain, the butler greeted as he took Adele’s winter coat.

  “Thank you very much, Kain.” She responded with a sweet smile before heading for the staircase. All she wanted at that moment was to go into her bedroom and have a long rest. She had had a very hectic day at the office and barely had anything to eat as well.

  Her plans however, were ruined when she heard the voice of her mother in law calling her name.

  “Adele!” Her name came through again and she stopped on her tracks and rolled her eyes hard before turning to face the woman who was calling her like she was deaf.

  “Yes mother. Good afternoon.”

  “Keep your stinking greeting to yourself!” Aliya retorted bitterly. At that moment, Adele was confused because she had no idea what she had done to make the woman so furious. “How dare you!”

  “I… I don’t think I understand.”