

  Shannelle's phone kept buzzing on the table during breakfast but she did not answer the call because it was her mother on the line. She had been calling none-stop and scolding Shannelle for not leaving the mansion to go and live with them in the new house their father had bought.

  Shannelle did not want to leave the mansion. Despite the fact that she did have the best relationship with her brother, she loved him and she loved being by his side. Also, the weekly allowance he gave her was something she did not want to miss. He had already made it clear to her that if she left the house, he would no longer be responsible for her, hence no hundreds of thousands of dollars every week for her. She couldn't afford to lose all of that.

  "And why aren't you answering your phone?" Jamal asked when the phone rang for too long.

  "Because it's mum, she keeps forcing me to go live with her and father which I don't want to!" She cried.