


I just couldn't control my giggles. Those words and phrases were strangely similar to what Karlton had said before. It was a lot easier to keep my calm and relax in that situation when I knew there wouldn't be a negative reaction. It had not dawned on me until recently that I was actively participating in his eccentric personality.

It didn't seem like a terrible idea to remind you," I went on to say. I take pleasure in imparting knowledge to you as well. I kissed him on the cheek and let my face fall back against his as I did so. The narrator asks, "Can you tell me what you're looking for?"

Slightly to the left and then moving forward, he made a cross.

Beautifully emphasising, he said, "Bee Prime." Specifically, "it's the brighter of the two stars to the left of that cluster," she said, "and it is the 2nd superstar to the left of that cluster."