

"What did you say?" The startled Tiffany asked as she clutch onto the chair she was on. "Marry me" Frederick repeated and that got her getting out of her seat. "But why? I already told you why I pretended to be Sarah" she replied wondering why he's asking to marry her when there are thousands of girls wanting to be with him. "And I told you that I don't care. What I care about is that I marry you and marrying you I will. I mean it Tiffany, you will be my wife forever " ***** It all began with a dare. A dare which change Tiffany Hilton life for good. While attending a school reunion gathering, Tiffany was dared into dressing up as Sarah Morgan. Sarah being a rich model who was currently visiting their city. Being some one who who does not like losing to a challenge, Tiffany sneak into Sarah's room and dress up like her but what she didn't expect is that she will be mistaken to be Sarah. And it just so happen that Sarah is meant to attend a blind date that day. Since they mistook her to be Sarah, Tiffany has no choice but to attend the date as Sarah. And that's where she meets Frederick Davis, a rich business tycoon who turn out to be Sarah's blind date. Tiffany did her best to end the date as soon as she could but every crazy thing she did got Frederick more interested in her. Noticing his interest in her and knowing that she's just an imposter pretending to be some one else, Tiffany escape from the date hoping to never see him again. But then some thing happen which brought her back into his life and this time Frederick decided to keep her by his side and never to give her the chance to escape from him.

Daoistl476bw · สมัยใหม่
24 Chs



"Sarah what?" Frederick asked glaring at the stranger who introduced herself as Sarah Morgan. 

"Am Sarah, the girl you were meant to...."

"Is this a joke or what?" Frederick ask cutting her off abruptly.

"Why would I be joking about myself? " Sarah asked.

"Look, I have a lot of things to do and so if you have nothing to say, I suggest you...."

"Why are you so rude? Fine! It is my fault for not showing up for the blind date but that doesn't give you the right to be rude to me. On that day I suffered from a foot injury and that's why I could not show up, I only came to tell you the reason for my absence but if you are going to be rude then It's best I leave" she snapped turning to leave but Frederick held her back.

"Are you really claiming to be Sarah Morgan?" He asked while she rolled her eyes at him.

"Every one knows who I am, am a bit offended that you don't even know how I look. Have a search through the internet and you will get the answer you need, I don't think we have to see one another again" She replied hotly before leaving the room.

Frederick stood starring at the closed door in a daze.

If she is Sarah Morgan then who on earth did he go out on a date with? 

He thought as he went back to his desk, typing in Sarah Morgan name and the result he got were pictures of the lady who just left his office and none of the one who went on a blind date with him.

Going through some files on his desk, he finally got to the new employee file and searching through it he found her resume.

"Tiffany Clinton" he read out her name and it was then everything dawned on him.

He went out with the wrong girl, that's due to him for not checking out his blind date properly but still that didn't give her the right to fool him.

Banging the table loudly, he squeeze Tiffany's resume in anger.

"You are going to pay for making a fool out of me Tiffany, you will pay" He let out in anger.



Tiffany got off the lift with Philip as they were on the last floor.

"What about your father?" Philip asked.

"He left already" Tiffany replied.

"Aren't you going too?" Philip asked.

"Well...I...I...my team is having a dinner get together and so have got to attend since am one of them now" she made up the lie.

"Really? Then it's a shame, I really wanted us to celebrate your first time at work but since you are busy, have got to let go. Take care then and if Vivi gives you a hard time, let me know. She's cranky to everyone around her but when it comes to me, she's as sweet as a dove" Philip said which got her nodding in reply.

"See you later then" He said ruffling her hair before sauntering off.

While he walk out of the company, other female employees kept gawking at him which brought Tiffany back to earth.

If Philip was hers then she won't give anyone the chance to stare at him but he isn't and she would have given every thing to be in his company tonight but duty calls and she have to be Sarah Morgan again cause she's going out with Frederick.

It's also one of the reason she lied to Philip about the team dinner.

She stood at the lobby waiting for Frederick so they could go on their date when the receptionist walk up to her.

"Here's a letter for you" the receptionist said giving her the piece of paper.


On reading the letter, Tiffany bubbled with joy.

She can spend the evening in Philip company, she thought as she quickly left the lobby heading to the parking lot where Philip is.

He was driving out when she got there and quickly she waved at him which got him stopping the car.

"The team dinner has been cancelled so am free" she told him in excitement 

"Am sorry Fanny but I can't go out with you this evening " he said ruining the excitement she felt.

"But you told me a while ago that...."

"Layla called and am going to see her. Let's fix another day for it, see you cutie" he said having a apologetic look before driving off.

Tiffany kept watching his car until it was out of sight before making her way to the bus station.

Unknown to her, Frederick who had watch the whole scene in the confine of his car let out a angry sigh.

"Get me info about her. Like things she do, her family, her age, everything! I want to know everything about her" He said to his driver who often help him to investigate people's background.

"I will sir" the driver replied.

"Let's go to the hospital" he said and immediately he started the car, driving past Tiffany who still had the sad look on her face.



As soon as he got to the hospital, he was taken to the VIP room which had his younger sister Brianna and grandmother Cassandra.

"How is she?" He asked Brianna who shook her head in reply.

"Grand ma problem isn't her health but it is you" The rimmed eyes glasses Brianna told her brother who gave her a frown before walking into the room to speak to their grandmother.

"Are you okay Grandma, I came as soon as I heard the news" he said walking towards her only to recieve a slap on the arm.

"What's that for?" Frederick half yelled.

"Don't yell at me you stupid boy!" Grandma Cassandra yelled in return.

"I was expecting you not to answer my call, I was expecting you to give a reply that you are out with a girl, wineing and dinning her to give me the great grand child I want but instead you are here" she said which got Frederick sighing.

"So it was a prank call?" Frederick asked.

"It's not a prank call, grandma is really worried about you" Brianna replied.

"Worried with a smack on the arm? I doubt that" Frederick retorted.

"Mr Morgan called me and told me about how rude you were to his daughter. What exactly is wrong with you? Don't you want to get married? Can't you see that I am getting old and I want to see my great grand child before I die! Brianna is too little to give me what I want but you are older and wiser" Cassandra said which got him pouting in annoyance, a habit of his.

" I will get married, I just haven't found the right girl" Frederick gave his number one excuse.

"You said that to me two years ago and also during the third month of last year and you are still saying the same thing this year. I won't stand it, if you don't bring a bride home before two weeks, get ready to be replaced by Jefferey" she said which got Frederick looking at her.

"Are you threatening me with the company now?" 

"Take it whichever way you want, all I know is that if you don't bring back a girl before the end of two weeks then your position will go to your cousin" 

"We all know that Jefferey isn't capable of handling the company and.... "

"Have made up my mind Frederick, let's not talk about this until you bring home a girl and it has to be a good one, you may leave" Cassandra said dismissing her grandson.

"Goodbye, Chairwoman" he said addressing her formally.

" There are times when I really want to beat some sense into your brother head!" She said to Brianna who gave pleading look in return.



"Happy birthday!" Tiffany's dad and Kelvin yelled in unison as soon as Tiffany walk out of the house.

"I thought you two left" she said giving them both a bright smile.

"How can we? When we've not wish you yet, Happy birthday sweet heart" Her father said giving her a bouquet of rose.

"Thanks dad" she replied getting teary.

"Now that you are a year older, I hope you will stop nagging me and get yourself a boyfriend. Happy birthday" Kelvin said which got her punching him on the arm.

"Thanks " she said feeling touched by their gesture.

"And now that the birthday stuff is out of the way, we can all get going" her father said but knowing what will happen if she arrived at the company with her father , she refused insisting they leave first.

"Must I really ride your motorcycle?" Her father asked Kelvin who insisted that he ride with him rather than to take the bus.

When they were gone, she took the flowers in and set out for work.

She was walking down the streetwhen she heard a horn.

"Good morning birthday girl" Philip greeted which got her grinning widely.

"I thought you left for work"

"I didn't want to be blamed for forgetting about your birthday and so I waited a bit longer" he replied.


"Are you free tonight?" Philip asked.

"I am, why do you ask?" 

"We need to go out and celebrate your birthday" he replied.

"You don't have...."

"I want to and besides you did the same for my birthday two months ago and so it's only right that I take you out. I will text you the address of the restaurant, get in so we can go to work" he offered and she gave the same excuse she gave her father and brother just so he won't take her to work.

"Okay then, see you during lunch hour" he said driving off while she kept grinning like a fool.

She will be having dinner with Philip in the evening! She just can't wait.



Kelvin drove his motorcycle into the school attracting other students attention, most especially the girls.

As soon as he park his bike, he was swarm by girls who found him handsome and desirable.

Used to the everyday attention, he ignored them wanting to leave when a girl walk past them.

She didn't even give them a glance which got him wondering who she is.

"Alright girls. Kelvin needs to prepare for his class and you also need to prepare for your class" William, a close friend of Kelvin said to the girls who frowned at him.

"Why don't we do this! I promise to give Kelvin number to the first five students who gets to the school hall" Raymond, another friend of Kelvin said which got the girls running off in a rush.

"Why make such promise?" Kelvin asked holding onto Raymond neck.

"It's the only way to get them to leave and it did work" Raymond replied pushing off his hand.

"Is this the bike you've been talking about?" William asked as he touch Kelvin's bike.

"It is" Kelvin replied feeling proud.

"You sure do have the best dad. Mine always ask me for my result whenever I ask for some thing" William replied.

"Then try getting a good score, you might end up getting a bike like Kelvin" Raymond said.

"Screw you" William snorted,showing Raymond his middle finger which got a Kelvin laughing.

"Before I forget, I notice a girl earlier. She walk past me without even giving a glance which has never happened, do you know who she is?" Kelvin asked.

"Tell us more about this girl" William said and just at that moment, Kelvin spot her on the second floor.

" Oh! That's Brianna Davies. The nerdy princess" William said.

"Nerdy?" Kelvin and Raymond asked in unison.

"Yes. She's a typical nerd, wherever she goes she is always with her book and also with her best friend, another nerd" William explained.

"Is that why she failed to notice me?" Kelvin asked.

"You might have all the girls drooling over you but the nerdy princess won't ever look your way" William replied.

"Is she a shy type?" Raymond asked.

"Shy? She's the complete opposite. She just doesn't budge when it comes to guys. You know that handsome senior from class diamond, he tried wooing her but it never work and to be sincere I tried too but she only ignored me" William told them which got them laughing.

"She sounds interesting " Kelvin said starring at the second floor.

"Why? Do you like her?" Raymond asked.

"Like? Don't be absurd. You know I only f**k and not date" Kelvin answered in irritation.

"Then why are you suddenly interested in her?" Raymond asked again.

"Cause she's the first girl who ignored my presence. What if I give it a try?" Kelvin suggested 

"Give what a try?"William asked.

"Wooing her" 

"That won't work. She's rejected everyone who came to her, do you think she will fall for a playboy like you?" William asked.

"She will" Kelvin replied bravely.

"Fine then, if you succeed then I will always pay for the tunning of your motorcycle but if you lose, you give me your motorcycle" William said laying the bet.

"It's a deal. Are you betting with us?" Kelvin asked Raymond who shook his head in return.

"Not interested " Raymond replied waving them off.

"So within a month you must succeed in dating her or you give in and I end up being the owner of your motorcycle" William stated.

"That won't ever happen cause not only will I succeed in dating her, I will also end up f**king her" Kelvin said with a lot of assurance.



"Here are the details you ask for" Willow, Frederick's driver and Investigator said as he drop a folder on his desk.

Opening it, Frederick read everything about Tiffany.

"Her father works here also?" Frederick asked and Willow nodded in reply.

"Then why was she at the hotel that day? How come she was in Sarah's outfit?" Frederick asked.

"From what I found out, she was given a dare by her friends to dress up as Sarah. What they didn't realise is that she will be mistaken for Sarah" Willow replied.

"They must have thought me a fool who didn't recognize his date and ended up going out with some one else, a liar" he added the last part while clenching his fist in anger.

At that moment Lucas chose to come into his office.

Willow excused himself leaving the two friends alone.

"What has put you in a fowl mood?" Lucas asked as he sat on the desk and when he didn't give a reply, Lucas pick up Tiffany's file on the desk.

"Who is she?" He asked.

"A liar I came across" Frederick replied.

"Care to explain?" Lucas said and that got Frederick telling him the whole thing.

"Stop laughing! It isn't funny" Frederick snap at his friend who kept laughing at Frederick story.

"Am sorry but I just can't help it. How on earth would you confuse Sarah to Tiffany?" Lucas asked when he stopped. laughing.

"The date was forced on me, I didn't bother to check who she is" Frederick defended.

"Fine then. What do you intend to do about her?" 

"What else! She gets fired along with her father. You know how much I hate lies" Frederick replied hotly.

"I know but in this case you need to calm down first and think about it again" Lucas said earning Frederick attention.

"Why must I think about it again?" 

"Cause you are meant to be getting revenge rather kicking her out" Lucas replied.


"If she's bold enough to decieve you, you should also do your best in making her regret it" 

"That's not a bad idea" Frederick replied, a evil smirk appearing on his face.

"That's it. Let her know who the boss is, pay her back for messing with you" Lucas said while Frederick began thinking of some thing.



Tiffany watch as the nurse deftly wrap the bandage over her burnt hand.

It's just a little burn but Frederick insist on bringing her to the hospital, some thing she would have preferred he didn't do. 

She thank the nurse as she left her room.

When Frederick didn't come back on time, she decided to go look for him at the nurse desk.

She saw him talking to a nurse who was asking him about her.

"Are you her husband?" The nurse asked.

"No, am her boss" 

"Then we will have to notify her family If she's going to stay here for some couple of days " the nurse said while he nodded.

"Why is he taking it too far, it's just a little burn" she muttered still watching him from a distance.

"So what's the patient name, if you brought her here then you must know her name" The nurse said 

"It's Sarah..... cancel that" he said suddenly which got Tiffany concentration on them.

"It's Tiffany Clinton, her name is Tiffany" Frederick said and that made Tiffany gasp out from behind 

As if he notice her standing there, he turned to stare at her.

"Are you sure it's Tiffany and not Sarah?" The nurse asked and still having his gaze on her.

"I am sure. Her name is Tiffany Clinton" he replied which got her eyes widening in shock.

When exactly did he know that she's Tiffany and not Sarah...


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Thank you!!

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