

"What did you say?" The startled Tiffany asked as she clutch onto the chair she was on. "Marry me" Frederick repeated and that got her getting out of her seat. "But why? I already told you why I pretended to be Sarah" she replied wondering why he's asking to marry her when there are thousands of girls wanting to be with him. "And I told you that I don't care. What I care about is that I marry you and marrying you I will. I mean it Tiffany, you will be my wife forever " ***** It all began with a dare. A dare which change Tiffany Hilton life for good. While attending a school reunion gathering, Tiffany was dared into dressing up as Sarah Morgan. Sarah being a rich model who was currently visiting their city. Being some one who who does not like losing to a challenge, Tiffany sneak into Sarah's room and dress up like her but what she didn't expect is that she will be mistaken to be Sarah. And it just so happen that Sarah is meant to attend a blind date that day. Since they mistook her to be Sarah, Tiffany has no choice but to attend the date as Sarah. And that's where she meets Frederick Davis, a rich business tycoon who turn out to be Sarah's blind date. Tiffany did her best to end the date as soon as she could but every crazy thing she did got Frederick more interested in her. Noticing his interest in her and knowing that she's just an imposter pretending to be some one else, Tiffany escape from the date hoping to never see him again. But then some thing happen which brought her back into his life and this time Frederick decided to keep her by his side and never to give her the chance to escape from him.

Daoistl476bw · สมัยใหม่
24 Chs



As soon as Tiffany got home, the first thing she notice is the new bike park in front of their house.

Knowing who it belong it to, she went into the house heading to a particular room.

Not bothering to knock, she barge into her brother's room.

"Kelvin!" Tiffany called out and that got him pausing the video game he was playing.

"You are back! Hello and bye bye" Kelvin said dismissing her but Tiffany went further into his room and when she got to where he was seated, she slap him on the head.

"Ouch! That hurts" 

"You should be grateful that am not holding a stick or I would have smash your head with it!" Tiffany said even as she stared up at her younger brother.

"What did I do now?" Kelvin said still holding onto his head.

"That bike out there is it yours or did you lend it from your friend?" Tiffany asked trying to keep her temper in check.

"Are you blind? Didnt you see that it's new, I bought it!" Kelvin replied.

"You bought a new bike knowing the situation we are in?" Tiffany asked and he nodded.

" I know money is being spent slowly in this house but still, I hate taking the bus to school and so I had to buy it" He replied.

"Kelvin! Am going to kill you!" Tiffany yelled as she went to pick up his guitar which he left at the foot of the bed.

"Arrgh! Are you crazy" Kelvin screamed as he ran around the room.

"Having a brother like you is enough to make me crazy!" Tiffany said as she kept running after him around the room. 

"Don't you dare ruin that guitar or am going to.....Daddy!" Kelvin screamed as he ran out of his room while Tiffany followed suit.

She got downstairs only to see him hiding behind their father.

"What is it now? Why are you running after your brother?'" George Hilton asked.

"Did you know what Kelvin did? He bought a...."

"I gave him the money " George replied cutting her off abruptly.

"What! But dad, you know how short we are of cash" Tiffany let out slowly.

"Go to the garden Kelvin, your sister and I have got to talk" George said to Kelvin who poke his tongue at her before leaving the house.

"Come have a seat" George said and when she stood still without obliging, he went to pull her to the chair.

"I know we've been frugal with money and that's due to the hospital loan we borrowed before your mother's death. It's also the reason why you quit college and why you work three jobs in a day" 

"But that's over cause I manage to get some money and have...."

"Where did you get the money?" Tiffany asked interrupting him.

"That doesn't matter"

"It matters to me dad" 

"Well I talked to the big boss and he gave me some money" George replied hoping his daughter wouldn't notice the nervous look in his eyes.

"And the big boss you are referring to is Rick Davis. But Philip told me that Rick didn't give you the loan you ask for " Tiffany said.

"Philip and I might be working in the same company and for the same boss but we are in different department, so he can't know every thing that goes on in the company" George replied.

"Fine then, let's say Rick gave you the loan you ask for but why would you spend it on a bike for Kelvin?" Tiffany asked.

"He keeps on complaining about the distance and all...."

"But you know Kelvin is like that, he whines all the time if he doesn't get what he wants. If you keep on giving him every thing he asks for with out him working for it, you will end up spoiling him" Tiffany said cutting him off.

"Don't be absurd, you say that whenever you are jealous of your brother" George said discarding her advice as always.

"Am not Jealous of Kelvin! Am only thinking of his welfare. Anytime I talk to you about him, you change the subject by accusing me of being jealous when it's you who keep closing your eyes to reality" Tiffany let out in anger and when her father said nothing in reply.

She stood up to leave, she was almost at the door when she heard him ask.

"Where are you going?" 

"To Philip and just so you know, I also got a job in the same company you work . So you don't have to worry about me" Tiffany replied before leaving the house.

Getting out of the gate, she walk to the next house. 

If her dad is back from work then Philip must also be home, she thought as she knock on the door.

She was about knocking for the third time when Philip open the door having only his bath robe on.

"Had a fight with your brother?" Philip asked as he open the door for her and slowly she made her way in.

"Not with my brother but with dad. Both of them are just so.... Arrgh!" She let out in frustration while Philip chuckle behind her.

"Have a seat and I will bring you your favourite" Philip said as he went to the kitchen while Tiffany curled up on his sofa.

He return with a lemon drink and when she had her drink in hand, he sat on the space beside her and Tiffany couldn't fail to notice his hairy leg thanks to the short bath robe he had on.

She turn away from him trying to get rid of the naughty thoughts running through her head.

"So what happen between you three?" Philip asked and that prompt her into telling every thing to him.

She's known Philip ever since she was three and the both of them grew up to be close friends.

Infact they are still close friends but Tiffany feelings towards Philip has change to one of love.

It began two years ago and though she's manage to hide it, she's still hoping that he will notice her love for him and stop treating her like a sister.

"Kelvin is the baby and so your father will want to take care of him" Philip said when she stop talking.

"But still I don't....." She stop talking when he took hold of her hand.

"Stop thinking about it. Your father knows what he is doing, so put your trust in him " he told her firmly.

Tiffany could give no reply and that's all because of his hold on her hand. Each time Philip touch her, her heart beat faster than normal which leaves her speechless.

Pulling her hand out of his, she got off the sofa and went to stand by the window putting a distance between them.

"I caught you at a bad time" she said referring to his shower.

"You didn't, I just finish talking to Layla when you arrived" He said stretching his leg on the table.

On hearing him mention Layla, Tiffany excitement vanished into thin air.

Philip had met Layla during a trip and the two had hit it off. When he told her about being in a relationship with Layla, she had thought that it would only last for two to three months since Philip never stick to one girl for long but they've been dating for a year now.

"Really? When is she coming back?" Tiffany asked.

"Tomorrow evening. I hope her law firm won't send her on more trips cause I miss her all the time" Philip said which made Tiffany sad.

"Before I forget! Am attending the company party tonight. You should come with me " He said suddenly.


"Because in a few weeks time you will be working with the people who will attend the party tonight. So it's best you do some networking before you join the company officially" he replied.

"Fine then. What do I have to wear?" Tiffany asked.

"Just dress casually but look gorgeous, you might actually catch the interest of some one" He stated.

"Am not interested in catching anyone attention" Tiffany replied stiffly.

"You say that all the time, don't you want to date and fall in love?" Philip asked.

"I don't. Love isn't part of my plan, so save your advice for some one else. See you tonight" She said quickly leaving his house.

If only he knew that he's the only one she will ever love, she thought as she went back to her house.



Dressed in a black knee length gown, Tiffany got out of Phillip's car while Philip did the same.

"Am nervous" Tiffany said and Philip pulled her towards him pushing back a strand of her hair.

Anyone who saw them would think them to be a couple but the two people who stood close to each other knew what they were.

"Don't worry, am here" He said taking hold of her hand and just at that moment, he got a call and after answering.

He came back to her, having a sorry look on his face.

"Am sorry Fanny but you will have to go in by yourself" he informed.


"Layla just got back and I have to go pick her up at the airport" he explained.

"Then am leaving too" she said moving towards his car but he stopped her.

"Just go in. I promise that once I take Layla home, I will come join you" he said.


"Keep a seat for me okay!" He said as he walk back to his car.

Knowing Philip to be someone who stick to his word, she went into the building, joining the party and meeting Frederick again.


"You don't have to carry me" Tiffany said as Frederick carried her up the stairs while the other guest watched.

When she tried to get off his arms, he held her back and that got her starring at him.

"Stay put " he said softly and with her still in his arms, he took her into a room where he sat on the chair.

Pulling out some tissue from a tissue box, he took hold of her hand wanting to wipe the dirt off it but she pulled away.

"I can do it" she said softly.

"I meant it when I said you should stay put" he muttered.

"I can't do...."

"One more word from you and am going to kiss you" he threatened which got her tightening her lips.

She watch him wipe off her hands and then her dress which had some food particle on it.

"You were trying to run away from me right?" He asked suddenly.

"Of course not, I just...."

"You did the same thing during the date" he said which got her looking away from him.

"I had to leave for some important business" she lied.

"And the right thing to do is to tell me, I waited an hour for you" he said.

"Am hour? You should have left when I didn't show up" she replied.

"Am a gentle man who always wait for the lady he takes out" 

"Tch! More like a dummy" she murmured but he heard.

"Apart from standing me up, you've added insult to it?" He said looking a bit annoyed and that got her sitting properly.

"Am sorry. I didn't mean to say that" She said starring at her fingers and Frederick couldn't hold back a smile when he saw how sorry she looked.

"If saying sorry could solve every offence then there won't be a need for the police" he said teasing her.

"Then what do you want me to do? I already apologised" Tiffany let out slowly.

"Hmmm...that's a tricky question. I want you to do everything but am only going to pick one" 

"Which is?" 

"Go on another date with me" he said.

Tiffany was saved from giving a reply when the door open to reveal a man.

"It's time for your speech sir" the man said. 

"Get some one else to do it" Frederick ordered his gaze still on Tiffany.

"But your speech is the main event, we just can't let some one else do it" the man protested and seeing this as her chance, she urge him to go.

"Am not leaving until you've given me your answer" he said and knowing that he meant what he said, she nodded.

"Fine! I will go on another date with you" she agreed and that got him smiling.

"Don't you dare leave. The speech is only going to take me a few minutes, so wait here for me" He firmly told her and she nodded in return.

He turned to leave but on sudden impulse, he turn back to Tiffany and before she could stop him.

He bent towards her and claim her lips.

It was a brief kiss but it left Tiffany feeling strange.

She pulled away from him when he would have deepened the kiss.

"W...wh...why did....you do that?" She stuttered.

"A date isn't complete with out a kiss and also, I wanted to know the taste of your lips" He replied, winking at her before leaving the room.

For a while Tiffany sat still, her hand on her lips.

It's not like it is her first kiss, she has been kissed before but then...this kiss is quite different, she thought still fingering her lips.

He certainly can't be interested in her? She thought as she remembered some thing Lucia said once.

*" A guy will always want to kiss a girl he is interested in, they just can't resist it"* 

If Frederick is interested in her things will certainly go wrong.

With that thought in mind, Tiffany made her way to the door and out of the room.

When no one stopped her, she took the stairs and luckily for her everyone attention was on Frederick who was giving his speech.

No one, not even Frederick who was on the podium notice her as she slip out of the hall....

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Thank you!!

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