


Nate helped me sit on the bed, before Ethan entered with a bottle of water with the pills and

/"take these/"Ethan said helping me take the pills for sickness that the doctor assigned

I swallowed the pills as he took the bottle from me and placed it on the side as I layed down on the bed and Katie covered me

/"We're gonna head out, you rest/" Nate said as they closed the lights and disappeared

I felt disgusting, I didn't want anyone to come near me, the door suddenly opened then closed and I felt the other side of the bed sink in, a kiss was placed on my shoulder and I knew that it was Alex

/"Don't/" I said

/"Don't?/" He asked taken back from what I just did

/"I feel disgusted, I just threw up Alex/" I said

/"I don't care/" Alex said as he pulled me to his chest so now my back was touching his chest

/"Alex../" I said but he stopped me

/"No Becca/" Alex said as I cuddled up into him