
I am HER

Noah then stood and left the dining hall. Charlotte shook her head and stood, following her brother.

"What was that?" she asked him furiously.

"I want her to tell me everything, but look what happened!" "Mom is still lying about the things she did to my wife!"

"Brother! Don't make decisions that fast! That was really close. "We need to wait for the right time," she said to him.

"I want to put mom in jail!" "I cannot forgive her!"

Charlotte could see the anger on her brother's face. She sighed in disbelief, and he frowned. "I'm sorry, brother," he said.

"Why are you saying sorry to me?" he asked her.

She looked down, lowering her shoulders at the same time. "I know I've been so horrible to Abigail, but I didn't think that mom would do such things to her." "And I think... I'm also one of the people to blame," she explained, feeling guilty deep inside.