Tory pried her eyes away from the fantastic drop dead gorgeous man that was exactly the image that dominated her fantasies, and currently making her heart beat faster, to stare around because she didn't understand what was going on, what with a super hot man with glowing light doing here? In her uncle's bedroom?, With a gun? . He definitely wasn't Nigerian, not with the hair and skin color.
And why was her uncle naked and bleeding on the floor, also unconscious, or pretending to, she could see his eye lashes moving slightly.
"What's going on here?. What have you done to my uncle?" Tory had not meant to shout, she had just wanted to ask calmly because of how scared to the core she was and how much she feared guns.
She had been threaten with a gun althrough college by her brother, whenever he wanted money, he'd put it right in the middle of her forehead while holding and squeezing her neck. She was dead scared of a gun, but where was she getting the confidence from?..
"Princess!" Ludwig stylishly ran the butt of the dark pistol in his hand over Tory's cute v shaped face, taking a strand of hair from her face to the back of her head, ever so slowly taking in her unfiltered beauty, but the deep frown that crease his brow didn't disappear.
He went down all the way to her shorter height, leaning in closer until his deep red eyes was staring directly into her light brown.
Her nose was filled with his manly smell of woody spice, with a mixture of whiskey and sweat, her breath siezed in her throat and she swallowed all the questions that had been forming on her lips, the look on his face was enough to make her pee in her pants, he looked dead dangerous.
He held her gaze and said with a low smooth voice, "You princess, is coming with me until your father pays back every penny he owes me."
If it was any other day, Tory would beg to follow this man anywhere, even to heaven. But her stubbornness kicked in.
Tory wet her bottom lips with the tip of her to to tongue, a movement that made Ludwig's gaze move down to her tiny lips and linger there a bit.
"You asshole. That's not my father, you thief!. You won't get away with this!" She barked into his face, spitting over his cheeks.
Even her voice was gorgeous, he raised a lean finger and wiped the bottom of his left eyes, "We'll see how this goes" he pried his eyes away from her and backed away, "Take her to the car. We leave now. And take the money, search for his credit card, we empty everything in his bank account."
Tory let go of the breath she didn't realize she was holding as he moved away from her taking his scent with him, the two men began to drag her back, one palming her mouth with his large hand.
Ludwig kicked Terry's limp body on the floor, he knew the dumb man was pretending but he didn't have time to waste anymore, his jet might be sighted anytime soon and he's be in trouble in this foreign country, "Pay me back in two days or I'll be back to kill you. For now, I'll have fun with your daughter."
Ludwig broke the half broken bottle on Terry's head again, this time he passed out...for real.
They left Terry's naked body on the floor.
"Let go of me!!!."
Tory kept trashing and fighting at the men that held her, she was hell bent on being stubborn, they had no right to take her away...
"Let go!" She bit the palm over her lips, then used her elbow to hit his face aiming at his eyes, then kicked his dick.
Since the first man was down, the second one was easy to take down, all she had to do was aim the tip of her heel right into his balls and pull out the gun in his belt.
Ludwig watched Tory in amusement, amazed by how the little tiny lady was trashing two of his men, her brown wavy hair trashing all over the place.
"Don't you dare come any closer!" Tory held the gun in her hand, pointing the pistol to herself but quickly switched. She circled around threatening to shoot while the men held their guns too, ready to shoot if she did something stupid. The men beginning to circle her in speaking words she didn't understand in German.
"Stand back, we have a tigress in the building" as the men stood back, Ludwig approached her, staring intensely into her brown eyes, taking in the fear in them, he loved the look of terror in her eyes that she was so desperately trying to hide, he'd love to see more of what the tiny lady could do.
The look of tiredness and anger never leaving Ludwig's face, "she'll be a great fuck" he muttered to himself.
Loan on the other hand, just coming downstairs with Terry's credit card, brought out a tranquilizer gun and tried to aim for her neck as she fidgetted around.
"Stop right there or I blow off your head..." Tory threatened.
Ludwig's brows curved into a frown, he hated the nonsense Tory was doing wasting the time he didn't have,"Your shoes are untied!."
"Uh?" She fell for it and glanced down even though she didn't have sneaker on.
In a swift movement, Ludwig had crossed the distance between Tory and himself, raised her hands up, twist her body until her back to his front, holding both of her wrist together and making her drop the gun.
"Now!" Loan shot the dart straight into Tory's neck, Tory gasped as a sharp pain hit her neck,she passed out almost immediately.
He let her limp body drop to the floor. Without saying the order out loud, one of the men came to carry her.
Ludwig led the way, out of the room.