"We're here, sir" the driver announced.
"Shit" Lorenzo cursed under his breath closing his eyes, imagining he could grow wings and fly or had the ability to vanish.
"Sir!" The driver called his attention again, glancing back.
The young man named Lorenzo finally got out of the car, although he didn't want to. He was almost the opposite of a mature man as he looked like a teenager that just hit puberty and behaved like one.
He had short brown hair that was rough and unkept, deep grey intensified eyes. His height stopped at seven foot two. He was in fact a mature man! 27 year old. But he has a little mental issue and wasn't as mature as 27.
He was involved in a very unfortunate event that had killed him mother, something he hasn't gotten over. Only he, his brother Matthew, and father survived. Alexander lost both legs but he was still okay.
Clad in light blue suit that wasn't commenting his appearance at all. Lorenzo would rather be clad in sweats and tees than anything else but because today was a special day, he had been summoned by his father, he had to be corporately dressed.
Lorenzo's father might be an ugly looking man but he took proper grooming seriously.
Still, underneath his blue suit jacket and white shirt, he had on a Batman t shirt. A tie wasn't knotted on his neck and the top buttons weren't done so the hem of the Batman shirt was visible.
"Welcome Sir" the guards by the door with matching tatoos on their bald heads greeted holding the door as he went in. The company was heavily guarded, just anyone couldn't be let in.
He took the elevator to the seventh floor humming a tune to himself along the way. After the ding, he went out.
"Oh Mr Snart" the lady secretary exclaimed getting up as he got closer to her.
"Please, just call me Lorenzo" he said with boredom in his tone, he hated his last name, "Or Batman" he added, more to himself.
"Uhn?. I mean nevermind. You can go right in, Mr Snart has been expecting you since about an hour ago."
"He always keeps his hopes up" Lorenzo tapped his fingers on her desk nervously and strode towards his father's office.
Two guards standing by the door glanced at him in shock before sliding aside the brown heavy door, they had thought the boss's second son was dead already.
Alexander was standing on his own two feet... plastic legs...looking out the glass window, his back turned to Lorenzo. Pando reporting feedback from whatever operation they had done to him.
"Are those legs strong enough to hold?" Lorenzo commented taking a seat.
Pando turned to look at him but Alexander did not. Pando continued reporting to Alexander and when he was done Alexander said stifly, "Thank you. You can leave."
"Yes sir!."
Alexander kept on staring down to the city below that his office out stretched to, "What a beautiful city this is. What a pity it's filled with so many bad men."
"Ha!" Lorenzo let out a dry laugh, "It's so much more beautiful, i wish you'd be able to see more of it if so people didn't want you dead." Including me, he added to himself.
Alexander clicked his teeth, "Do you know why Italian Mafias are so strong?."
"They take care of their own, stick together and support each other no matter what."
"Correct but that's not all. You'll find out more as you grow."
"What am I doing here?."
"Where is she?."
Lorenzo didn't bother denying, "she was so young. She at least deserved someone her age. But she should be dead already, she would have probably feel off the cliff or got bitten by snakes or ..
"Don't play your silly games with me son"
"I guess any of those would have been better for her than being your sex slave. I've heard those ladies scream dad and I'm not sure if they come out alive" he ran his hand through his hair begining to get enraged and disgusted, "you kill them for your own pleasure."
"That's my business Lorenzo" Alexander's voice was low and enraged because he could never raise his voice again, his lungs might blow up.
"Is that what you always do to mom too?."
"Lorenzo!. You worthless piece of jerk. You still think you're a kid uhn?. Playing around with Batman toys, you're sick in the head son. I should have never let you anywhere near that woman. Now you think you're a super hero..."
"I don't think I'm a super hero. I am a super hero. Mom raised me to be a super hero. She raised me and Matthew to help people from bad men like you...."
"It would have been better if you had died in that accident along with her, now I'm stuck here living with a mentally unstable son who thinks he's batman because that's the last thing he saw before passing out. Good thing i still have Matthew, he's the only functioning son I have..."
Lorenzo was silent and speechless. But burning within.
"Now listen to me Lorenzo, you stay out! Stay out of my business! Stay out!. I'm sick of you seating around being ldle, having nothing to do than feed yourself with thoughts of batman. You either join me, get your hands dirty and become a Mafia, or you run my car company. Those are the two choices I'm giving you son. And you must pick one."
Lorenzo slammed his hands angrily on the desk and got up to leave.
"And son. Don't try to fly again, I've had all those ropes you fixed around the house cut down."