
I protect every thing that is mine

Yang mi was discharged from the hospital a few days later after the crash so she moved in with Chang Fei, she had already called Changchang to tell her album was going to be delayed as she is on a break .

There was a knock on Yang Mi's door she stood up to check who was there once she realized it was Chang Fei she opened the door. Smiling Yang Mi asked "what brings you here at this time of the day"

"Isn't this my house I can go anywhere I want to can't I ? besides you are my soon to be wife he said and I want to protect what is mine " he said coming in to the room.

Note :The following content is rated 18years and above

As he entered he pulled down the trousers removing his boxers and removed Yang Mi's skirt and shirt leaving on her bra and panties . Yang mi removed her panties as he through herself on Chang Fei . Chang dropped her on the bed putting his dick into her pussy as he slammed it into her pussy walls leaving her leg widened you could hear Yang Mi groaning loudly Mmmmm "harder harder harder"Yang Mi groaned harder .Chang Fei removed his dick from her pussy putting it in her mouth as she sucked now it was his time to cum in her mouth .Chang groaned and groaned harder removing his dick from her mouth he rubbed it on her breasts before putting it back in her pussy walls as he kept on slamming it in her bring her up so she could kiss him they kissed and caressed themselves as Yang Mi kept on rubbing his dick that was been slammed in her pussy walls😙