
The Beyonder Esper (A "The Legendary Mechanic" Fan Fiction)

Meng Min, an avid "The Legendary Mechanic" reader, transmigrates into the world of "Galaxy". Equipped with knowledge from the novel, an NPC model, and two Esper abilities, Meng Min is overwhelmed by the initial thrill of transmigration. But questions linger in his mind. Why is he here? How should he play his advantages? How should he interact with Galaxy's main character, Han Xiao, to prepare for the looming threat of the World Tree Civilization? Hidden threats bare their teeth as he realizes he is far from the familiar Shattered Star Ring. (This is a fan-fiction of the novel "The Legendary Mechanic", also known as "超神机械师" in Mandarin Chinese. This is my first published work, so there are bound to be errors. If you notice any typos, inconsistencies with the story, or other mistakes, please make them known in the comments! I will address them as I can. Thank you for giving this fan fiction a chance.) Spoiler warning: Moderate-minor spoilers relating to the World Tree Civilization and EsGod. As the chapters progress, more spoilers will be included, but I aim to limit them as much as possible. ...Upload schedule? What's that? The cover is an ai-generated placeholder. A replacement will be produced soon™.

Poils · วิดีโอเกม
12 Chs

Chapter 8: You're Here way too Early in the Story!

The group finally arrived at the end of the long tunnel. As the tunnel's purpose suggested, there were many space-age dollies, vehicles, and machines that Min did not recognize tucked into some storage cubicles.

The tunnel's exit looked similar to a large garage door. There was a terminal on the right wall and some a mechanism on the ceiling. Min lacked a password for the terminal, so he felt it easier to lift the garage door with his body rather than guess the password. He had eavesdropped on some guards babbling about how unreliable the lifting mechanism was, so he knew about this failsafe.

Min squatted in the likeness of a deadlift and grabbed a handle on the garage door. As he pulled up, the garage door lifted effortlessly. Before he could boast in his mind, he heard something above him. The lifting mechanism was working!

He released the garage door's handle and turned to the terminal. Ezhilarasan, the clear culprit, pointed at the terminal keyboard. "I used the Arena's master password."

"...What's the password?"

"Gin's bin of beets."


Min massaged his temples before turning to the now-open garage door. He cleared his throat and stepped through, everyone following.

The exit door led to a small structure built into the side of a hill. Four large slabs of concrete comprised the walls, ceiling, and floor. The front of the structure was open, as it was indeed a supply depo. One would guess that trucks docked at the open front and unloaded their contents.

Contrary to expectation, this ugly concrete building had a remarkable view of a dark, beautiful city. To the untrained eye, this city's architecture could be described as sharp. The city had more skyscrapers than regular-sized buildings along with many barely visible floating platforms, which added to the galactic city aesthetic. 

Min put his hands on his hips and took in the view. "Woo-wee, what a great sight."

"I never thought I'd hear a Halmet say Baluk was beautiful. I guess Kaibent isn't all it's made up to be, huh?" Chad elbowed Min's shoulder with roaring laughter. 

"Uh, I guess. Let's get going before our celebration is ruined."

Everyone stepped out of the structure, their feet hitting the pavement. As starlight showered on their skin, a horrific, choking pressure came from the sky. The entire group froze up as cold sweat immediately drenched their clothes. The pressure brought a fear Min never experienced before! It felt like the moon was crashing down on him! 

A man dropped down from the sky, right into Min's field of view. As the man landed, Min felt his senses return to him. His eyes focused on the man, who was a Halmet like Min, though his ears were longer. He had a model-like appearance with a distinct presence. His extravagant robe flowed despite the lack of wind, with a stable cane supporting him giving some good visual contrast. Underneath the robe was more black clothing, primarily formal in appearance. 

The man's eyes slowly opened, revealing a cold look. He turned his gaze to Chad and Ezhilarasan, who were still affected by the pressure, and lifted his hand. 

Bang! Bang!

Red splattered onto the dirt floor and walls, with a light 'rain' following shortly after. An invisible barrier had protected the living from getting sprayed by the blood. With a thousand thoughts forming in his head, Min saw the Elf's hand sway to Damira's direction.

Without hesitation, Min desperately put his hand out. "Wait! Please don't blow her up!"

If this request made the stranger blow Min up too, then there was no chance in the beginning. Min's life was held in the hands of this stranger- a feeling he had known well for the past months, but one he hadn't felt so extremely until now.

The Halmet stopped and looked back at Min. His expression softened as he returned his raised hand to his cane. "What is your name, young man?"

"Meng Min, sir." Min gulped while trying to slow his breath. 

"Sir? Do you not know who I am? Brainwashing is unlikely due to this facility's personnel…" 

The Elf appeared right in front of Min and grabbed the side of his head. He pressed his thumb into Min's forehead with slight intrigue. "Odd, there is no sign of brainwashing, yet you were born on the capital… No matter. I do not mind introducing myself."

He released Min and stepped back.

"I am our species' first and only Beyond Grade A Super, Hal Taifeng. During the days of the Confederation, I was instrumental in crushing the heathens that threatened our race. In the modern day, my presence has warded off the Arcane Church's attempts at subjugation. Is this a sufficient explanation?"

Min's mouth would have hung open in shock, but his nerves were too strained for this to happen. 'B-B-BEYOND GRADE A SUPER!?! What is this guy doing here?!! Am I going to get kidnapped and become his disciple or something??? If I'm forced to do that, who will cultivate the Leek farms that I'm destined to run!?'

Min calmed himself down. Given Taifeng's attitude, there probably wasn't any immediate danger. This guy was obviously extremely influential in Halmetistan, who was the likely raiding force. While that was all good and swell, his presence here made zero sense. Min decided to ask the source since he seemed friendly enough- even if he had blown up two people earlier.

"If I may, Your Excellency Hal Taifeng. Why are you present at this raid? From an outside perspective, it is far beneath you."

Hal Taifeng chuckled softly, amused by Min's question. "I am often called the [Ancestral Master] due to my love of kin. When I saw this operation's file, I could not simply stand by."

"I… see. Well, thank you for your assistance, Your Excellency Hal Taifeng, but I'm sure you have other things to do. I don't want to keep you."

While Min was thankful for the Ancestral Master's help, his raid mission hadn't ended yet. The random reward given by the 'Escape the Arena' path was very tempting, so he wanted to leave as soon as possible. Min grabbed Damira's shoulder, trying to shake her out of her fearful daze. "Yo, yo, yo, wake up, missy. We gotta get going."

She snapped out of her daze state and fell onto one knee, holding her chest breathlessly. Meanwhile, Hal Taifeng chuckled once again.

"I suppose we do have to get going. The raid has concluded and we will be holding an event to spread awareness about these kinds of organizations. I would like for you to come with me to the event."

Before Min could rebut, he felt energy be infused into his body. The energy made him feel weightless while also completely immobilizing him. He shot a glance at Damira, who seemed to be experiencing a similar thing.

Taifeng, who was holding a hand up, shot off into the sky while Min and Damira lagged behind him. Their flight path made a small arc and landed in an open area. It looked similar to a construction site without any green in sight.

Everyone's attention came to them. Hal released Min and Damira before returning his lifted hand to his cane.

"I collected these two from an alternative exit. Please sweep the complex once again to ensure no one was left behind."

All of the soldiers dropped what they were holding, including corpses, and saluted in sync. After Taifeng returned something that looked more like a motion than a salute, the soldiers all ran into the Arena once again. Taifeng stepped onto a dirt road and followed it.

A strange feeling of obligation arose in both Min and Damira, so they followed Taifeng. They passed by a pile of corpses on their walk. The pile was mostly comprised of Arena employees, but a few slaves were present. Min was about to shake his head and look away, but someone caught his eye. It was Fae!

'Heh, Fae. Always knew you were a bit WEAK.'

Min mentally giggled to himself, still too pressured to say something so outrageous aloud. He had always wanted to use this line on someone. 

Everyone avoided looking in their direction due to Taifeng's fame and power. That made the walk easier since everyone moved out of their way, but it also felt a little awkward. They quickly made it to a makeshift platform with a lectern. Before stepping on, Taifeng turned around to the two of them.

"Some seating will be arranged shortly. Min, when I signal for you, please join me on stage."

Taifeng gave Damira a passing glance before stepping onto the platform. While Min was contemplating Taifeng's intentions, Damira whispered into Min's ear. "How are you not sweating all over? He's terrifying!"

He raised an eyebrow and glanced back at her. "You're acting like he can't hear us. Also, I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm stronger than you?"

Min felt that Hal Taifeng was intentionally restricting the amount of pressure he felt due to some form of ingroup bias. If the gossip he heard a few months ago about Hal Taifeng's supposed prejudice was true, then he would be right.

Everything was set up quickly. Min and Damira remained at the side, not sitting in the array of seats. Despite the setup being relatively crude, there were various devices that Min had never seen before.

Because of technological advancement, most live-streamed events had a simulated, in-person viewing option. Thus, because they had little time to make the speech's setting pretty, they did not bother. Additionally, the setting would add to the aesthetic and appear more genuine, increasing the emotions felt by the audience.

Min was unaware of this, however. Many people gathered and took a seat in the foldable chairs, some of which Min recognized as former servants in the Arena. Most of the seats were empty so those watching online had more options for seating. As the live stream began, Taifeng tapped the microphone-like device before putting on a solemn face.

"Today, February 24th of the year 687, the Halmetistan Vassal Relations Bureau cooperated with the Baluk Civilization to destroy an underground trafficking ring. This organization, which I will call the 'Arena' from here on, captured many people from all across the Lesser Austris Star Cluster. This operation lasted for nearly a decade before being destroyed today…"

Taifeng continued his speech, giving a summary of the Arena's operations and purpose. The physically present audience was rather stone-faced since it comprised of people who had directly experienced these events. This preface was meant to inform the online viewers.

Taifeng glanced at several individuals, including Min, before changing topics. "To make their sacrifices and suffering remembered, I would like to introduce you all to a few of the survivors."

Certain that this was the signal, Min and five others stepped onto the stage. They all stood behind Hal Taifeng in a line. Glancing at the others, Min could tell that these were the best candidates for sympathy. They were primarily naturally pretty women who were currently rather dirty. These women had been servants to those who watched the arena.

Before returning to looking forward, Min realized something. Gin was standing right next to him! But he couldn't just pass a note to Gin or something, so he decided to remain quiet.

Taifeng motioned to everyone while explaining their name, origin, and experience. Everyone was nervous under Taifeng's explanation and fiddled with their hands. After passing the first four, he landed on Gin and explained his story.

"This is Gin Brevin, a Grade E Mechanic. Unlike the other victims, he was an employee at this organization and contributed greatly to its operation. His actions have cause, however. Six years ago, his son was captured by the Arena's leader. He was used to blackmail Gin into working with the Arena. He won't be easily forgiven for his actions, but with great effort, he can atone for his sins."

Gin looked down with a somber look, seemingly contemplating his life choices. Taifeng motioned to Min and gave his explanation before wrapping up the speech.

"This tragedy can happen to anyone. Bea, a tourist from another Star Cluster; Gin, a local Baluk resident; Min, a Kaibent resident with a powerful family. Without eternal vigilance, we will always be victims to chance. Please continue to be watchful and insightful."

Taifeng turned away from the lectern and walked off the stage, with the others following after. Somber clapping could be heard before the live stream ended. As Min stepped off the stage, he received a system notification.


You have completed the Urgent Mission [Raid]. Path 'Assist the Raid' was completed.

Calculating rewards…

You have gained 23,500 Exp. 


'Damnit, I couldn't get the random reward. I suppose that makes sense in hindsight- the System's rewards tend to scale with mission difficulty, and a random reward could be as valuable as 70,000 Exp. No matter- now that I'm free, I can properly begin my journey.'

Min clenched his fists to suppress the excitement bubbling up inside him. Today was the day that his rise would truly begin.

I plan on revising Chapters 1-3 before continuing on to Chapter 9.

Poilscreators' thoughts