
Episode three

Bonnie: we need to get out of here and find that compass, while finding what the hell is happening out there!

Damon: can't you just preform a location spell to find it?

Bonnie: I don't know that kind of magic but I think I know who might

Damon: oooh no don't say we have to work with them! Her brother is literally the most wanted man and we know that from a cave in a deserted island where there are this posters everywhere which kind of draws a very very very thick red line to stay the hell away from them! Need I remind you of what he did with his humanity on? Let alone what he'll do with it off to us with no reason, he'll literally play soccer with my head!

Bonnie: and yet that's even not the worst part

Damon in an annoyed mocking tone: that's great we have worse! And the prize for the most doomed group in history goes to...

Bonnie interrupting: quit blaming us already! As I was saying, to preform that location spell to know where's the compass we have to preform the spell on the same magic the twins syphoned from the cave before it fades away from them

Damon: so anyone have more bad news in his system this is the time to shovel it in my face although I don't think it can possibly get worse!

Alaric: I guess that's it

Damon: so not to mention the fail attempt to even say goodbye, I vote we get the hell out of this cave and go home to come up with a damn good plan!

*After a day long silent journey*

Damon: finally we are in Mystic Falls I want to just go home and get a long cold shower, Alaric would you kindly just drop me at my place *Damon says in a calm mocking tone*

Alaric: why don't you just come with us?

Damon: are you kidding? Your place means I spend one more hour in this car and I just want out of here

Caroline: do you mind talking in a less aggressive way? They're kids in the back seat!

Damon: oh I'm sorry but in case you failed to notice just like failed to control them in front of the portal, this is me being calm in this shitty situation and moreover, we've arrived at....

*Alaric stops the car in front of the Salvator house which seems as good as it was before Damon burned it*

Damon: I know we have been gone for quite a while but I'm pretty sure that we didn't go that much long ago!

Bonnie: looks like your house has been restored it's as good as I remember

Damon: no no, that's super weird there's something going on in here I'll go check it out

*Damon gets in the house and the house seems just fine when something catches his eye*

Damon: that's Stefan's diaries! Guys!! Come on in here! These diaries Stefan burned a long time ago after the whole Sails mess! How can it be here?!

Caroline: it can't be!

Damon: not the perfect time to hold your tongue Barbie!

*The door opens and both Stefan and Elena come into the house laughing*

Damon: what the hell!? How is that even possible?!

Bonnie: no way!

*Stefan notices the crowd and get as shocked as everyone else*

Stefan: Damon?!!!

*Damon smiles from ear to ear and hurries towards Stefan to hug him*

Stefan: hold on a second!

Damon: oh hell no I'm not letting you go this time! Oh brother you don't know how much I needed to see your face right now, I missed so damn much! Ooh Elena how are you even awake? It doesn't matter, what matters is that you both are here now!

Stefan angerly: so about 15 years ago when you didn't find Kathrine, put all of us at risk, act super weird and then you disappear into thin air, making me almost losing my mind, couldn't find anywhere as if you have vanished from this earth, making me think you died, mourn you, and then here you are standing in our house saying almost the same words you said to me that day! And so did Bonnie to her Gramz and Elena and Then also Caroline, we thought you were dead!

Damon: what do you mean I vanished? You don't remember all the shit we've been through?

Stefan: what are you talking about?

*Bonnie interrupts both of them and asks Stefan*

Bonnie: what happened after that night?

Stefan: you mean when we spent five years looking for the three of you?! Finding every possible witch to help us locate any of you but there were no sign, untill her Gramz communicated with the original witch, we had to steal from Klaus Mikaelson one of the original vampires and yes the legends are true, he is the most ancient one! We had to steal his mother's body to set her free as she promised to help us find you, but all she did was killing one of her sons Elijah, which only made him what turn off his humanity, haunts witches, and reveals the vampire secret to the whole world, do you know how hard it was to live?! Oh no you have no idea because you're who you are, selfish!

Damon to Bonnie: I guess that summarizes what happened when we traveled back in time and it makes sense, I really missed your whole "I hate your guts" thing little brother

Stefan: what? I'm super confused and pissed by the way, hold on traveled in time? What do mean travelled in time?

*Damon's smile fades and his face gets more serious*

Damon: it's a very very long weird story but I guess showing you is easier than telling all the crappy details

*Damon puts his hands on Stefan's head and starts to show him what happened since the day he didn't find Kathrine in the tomb to the day he traveled back in time but not his whole death situation*

*Stefan slaps Damon and punches him in the face*

Damon: not the reaction I expected but what is that for?!!

Stefan: hooking up with my girlfriend!

Elena: what?! I hooked up with him

Damon in a sarcastic voice: you choose me over him

Caroline: that's true and don't ask me how because I don't even know how, I mean, I clearly chose Stefan

*Elena gets more confused*

Caroline: we got married and he

*Damon interrupts quickly*

Damon: and Kathrine ruined the party now little brother allow me to show her the memories

*Stefan stands in his way*

Stefan: is this kind of sick game you play to take my girlfriend?

Damon: no, it's not, and I really am grateful for you being here

Stefan: so we really went through all of those stuff, the originals, the tomb Vampires for the second time, Elena being a vampire, the sire bond, Rina Cruise, sirens, hell fire, Kathrine, Klaus Mikaelson, Sails the immortal witch mind control freak, the Ogasten, the prison world...

Damon: no need to continue the list brother it's a damn long one and you should look at Elena's face

Elena: I became a vampire?

Damon: and we got you a cure for it while those toddlers' uncle put you in a sleeping coma, linked your life to Bonnie and killed their mother

Caroline: Damon!

Damon: sorry care bear cover their ears would you?

Damon: but with the sight of you here and Elena, I'm guessing she's also still alive, my guess is so is Enzo and I bet he is still the Ogasten's toy

Bonnie: and my dad will be alive as well, and my mother will still be a witch

Caroline: and so is my both parents!

Elena: what are the Ogastens? And who is Enzo? What is going on and why am I not understanding a single world you're saying?!

Damon: fill her in Romeo I need to shower it has been a long shitty 5 years

*Damon heads to the shower*

*Stefan feels overwhelmed and confused*

Elena: I want to understand what is going on here and be there for you, it seems quite a mess he got himself into but you need to tell me what he told you

Stefan: I can barely understand myself Elena, but I'll show you his memories, I'm still processing that my mother was alive in some kind of prison world

Elena: your mother is alive?! Just show me it seems a lot to take in

*Stefan puts his hands on Elena's head and shows her Damon's memories*

Elena: oh my god I killed people! And how is John is my dad! I'm adopted?! And my mother is a vampire that's just great and did I really burned my house when Jeremy died?!

Bonnie: so did Damon when...

*Bonnie stopped talking*

Stefan: what? He burned the house but why?!

Caroline: aam it doesn't matter, now we have a task we need to get to Freya to help us retrieve the compass to fix this future or past where half of the humanity is not dead

Bonnie: and it seems like Damon knows where Enzo is, let's get him first, Stefan! You said you worked with my Gramz, can you call her here and I'll call my dad

Caroline: I'll go see my mom but first...

*Caroline goes towards Elena and so did Bonnie*

Both Caroline and Bonnie: we missed you so much we're so happy that you're awake

*Caroline looks at Stefan as she wants to hug him but then she stops herself*

Caroline: it's really good to see you again Stefan

Elena: well John acted like a jerk to you and tried to get both you and your brother killed but he saved me once from turning into a vampire I guess that counts

Stefan: and I can't believe I became Klaus's slave، but now you know who your real family is, do you want like go see them?

Elena: I guess I want to or not... I don't know, let's make that decision after this whole mess is over

Stefan: I guess we too need a long cold shower while processing this.. situation?

Elena: yup

Damon: nice shower, so now what?

Bonnie: now you come with me to save Enzo until my family and Caroline's get here to fill them in

Damon: looks like I have a very long day ahead of me

Stefan: I get that the whole situation is extremely complicated but do you really want to go to organization which removes vampires' organs where you were held before while there's a war between human kind and Vampires with just a witch?!

*Damon holds a knife and throws it at Stefan*

Stefan in pain: oow! What the hell?!

Damon: just like I expected you're still eating bunnies and squirrels so you're not coming period! Come on Bon Bon

Bonnie: do you think we have to travel to Wetmor University?

Damon: naah they were keeping him at Elena's dad's old clinic come on it wouldn't be hard I guess

*At the old clinic*

Bonnie: I'll watch here in case anyone shows up

Damon: and I'll go get Enzo

*Inside the clinic*

Enzo: came for more cutting already?

Damon: can't say I missed your pissed ass but no I'm here to free you

Enzo: what? Damon?! How are you here and how did you know where I was

*Damon breaks Enzo's cuffs*

Damon: long story, I'll fill you in later we probably should go before anyone gets here

*Damon breaks the last cuffs and instantly Enzo graps Damon weakly*

Enzo: you left me to die in that fire!

Damon: no we're not doing the same conversation twice

Enzo: what do you mean twice?

Damon: like I said we don't have time for this

*Damon snaps Enzo's neck*

Bonnie: Damon hurry someone's coming! Oow! Hey!

*Damon carries Enzo and heads towards Bonnie*

Damon: take him and wait for me in the car

Dr. Wes: Damon Salvator, the guy who managed to escape our cells, but don't worry you won't escape this time

*Dr. Wes shots a vervain bullet but Damon catches it and throws it back at him*

Damon: I killed you once and enjoyed it, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut this reunion short, lack of time and all

*Damon snaps Dr. Wes's neck and then joins Enzo and Bonnie*

*After a long day of explaining the situation to everyone in the house, showing them future memories and spending time with them*

Bonnie: alright everyone, we all should go rest now, we'll have to meet Niklaus Mikaelson tomorrow and I'm not feeling very optimistic about it

End of Episode three