
Supernatural Alliance's First Halloween Soiree Party

Lord Livious gets out of the coffin and lit a candle, as he heads to the library even goes up to the top level and looks at the books until he; spots one with a unusual and unique symbol even still sit at the desk and begins to read it as he feels ice, cold chills.

"A teenager called Wayne Adam Matthew Stevenson that was born, in the year 2235 from a pureblood devil-vampire hybrid mother but the birth; father is unknown..." Lord Livious hears a male's voice.

Until Mari puts a hot warm cup on the desk while he eats, a garlic cookie but Livious stops reading and looks at him with the annoyed look.

"nani? Why are you looking at me like that?" Mari asked in Japanese and English.

"Do you mind? I am reading...Wait! What is that?" Lord Livious asked even, tries to replies until he spots the cup and asks as he points.

"Oh. You haven't had dinner yet." Mari replied.

"Please, tell me it's not what I think it is?" Lord Livious asked after he looks in the cup and back at him.

Mari gives him a expression look of "what?"

"Uh...It's, uh..." Mari replied.

Lord Livious takes a sip and looks at him with the "for real?" look, before going into a frenzy and Mari ducks as Livious throws stuff around and Mari; crawls down the stairs until Livious jumps off the top level and turns into mist even appears, in front of Mari.

"Unmei Mari, why are you shivering in fear?" Lord Livious asked but Mari didn't look up and continued crawling towards; the door while Livious raised an eyebrow wondering "what the hell is with you, Mari?"

Mari opens the door and leaves as Livious turns into mist, even floated out of the library and returned into normal form in the hallway.

"Argh! It's a vampire!" young sierena screamed and Jack hugs his daughter.

"Sierena, your granduncle is only half-vampire. Rightfully, known as a dhampir. Half-human and half-vampire." Jack said.

but Jack takes his phone out of his pocket, answers it.

"annyeong-haseyo? (Hello?)" Jack asked as he puts his daughter on the floor.

'Hey, Jack. It's me.' woman replied over the phone.

"Hey, hon." Jack said as he walks to the family room.

"Who is he, talking to?" Livious asked.

"My mom, rings and talks to dad over the phone through telepathy." young Sierena replied as Livious raised an eyebrow.

Young Sierena. heads to the dining room with Livious to get a milkshake.

"What would you like, my lady?" maiden asked.

"A vanilla milkshake please." young Sierena replied.

"And you, my lord?" maiden asked.

"iie. arigatogazimasu. (No. Thank you.)" Livious replied in Japanese.

Then, the maiden started to make the milkshake and puts 17 choc-chip cookies in a paper bag with Sierena's name in Korean/mermaid 'anmey sierena' and; handed them to her.

Livious takes young Sierena to the family room, after making himself a hot cup of green tea.

Family Room...

"She's fine." Jack said as young Sierena and Livious, entered even sat down.

'Make sure, that she doesn't eat cookies. And have one Vanilla fish shake once a week.' woman said over the phone.

Jack's face turned really green after hearing, a certain shake and feels sick.

Not long after Jack hanged up the phone he was given given a cup of, lemonade but he spotted a bag of cookies and threw up in a baff bag; even Mari threw up once something fish-y with Vanilla.

"Ugh." Jack exclaimed.

"You okay?" Livious asked.

'Are 'we' okay? We just threw up, Livious." Mari asked and said.

Jack sits on a lounge sofa on the other side of the family, room along with Mari while Livious is wearing sunglasses and looking at the moon.

"Why is everyone looking away from me?" young Sierena asked.

Jack looks as he says "huh?" with sleepy eyes.

"Uncle." young Sierena said.

As Livious looks at young Sierena hugs him before, going to bed and Livious tucked her in then he reads a bedtime story and Mari sees an unusual sight.

"Sleeping zombies?" Mari asked himself.

He looks at Jack and tries to wake him, up but it didn't work.

"Jack's out cold." Mari said and Livious threw a pillow at him for 'shut up' as, they went back to sleep.

Kingdom of Devils...

King Relma is wondering if he is dreaming or seeing, things as he sits on the throne.

"This has to be a dream. I cannot just see things." King Relma said as he called for the, royal physician.

"Yes, my lord?" royal physician asked, as she entered the throne room.

"Take a look around, and tell me what you see." King Relma replied as the royal physician slowly took a look around.

"There's no one here besides you. What do you see?" royal physician said and asked.

"My father's spirit." King Relma enters his royal office study and sits on the chair, he gets a letter with an invitation symbol as he puts on glasses; and reads the letter.

'Dear your majesty king Relma,

You have been invited to attend our first Halloween, soiree party. Tonight at 6:30pm at 'Halloween Forest'. See you there.'

King Relma puts the letter in a pile that is labeled, 'maybe/thinking' as he goes through the paperwork and signing them to piles; labeled 'interesting or not interesting and nowhere near important even boring' until, a young girl appears and king Relma jumps six feet from the chair.

"Hi, otosan." young girl said as she placed her bucket of treats on the desk then he exhales and walks over to her.

"Why are you wearing that mask?" King Relma asked.

The young girl sobs as she runs out, and his personal guard stands at the door.

"I'm surprised." man said.

"It's none of your business." King Relma said as he looks, out the window.

"Relma, it's been 3 months since you and Vassila aka Tachi Ritsula had her 3 years ago and divorced. Don't be to hard on your daughter." man said as he leaves the royal office study; and he sees her in the garden.

King Relma sighs as he sees the family photo.

"Ritsula, what should I do now?" King Relma asked as he sits on the chair and fell asleep.

As the moon rose with the night sky he hears, a voice calling his name.

'Relma! Relma?...RELMA!'

And he wakes up and looks around before going to sleep.

'Are you kidding me? For real? You're unbelievable. WAKE UP!'

Until he wakes up and sees his daughter in her, soiree dress standing there.

"Lizzie. Father, will be there in a few minutes." King Relma said as he exhales and fell to the floor and the young girl called out; and the maids stood behind her while the doctor closed the doors and the maids took her to the throne room.

As the hours went by the doctor walked up to her.

"Your highness." royal doctor said.

"Daddy's sleeping now?" young girl asked.

"Yeah." royal doctor replied and she runs out of, the palace and kingdom.

Kingdom of Vampires' Tower...

"It's the princess!" guards yelled.

The gates opened and all the vampires let her, go as she enters the palace.

"Princess, where is your otosan?" butler asked.

Throne Room...

"Come!" Queen of vampires said.

And as the doors opened the Queen of vampires someone, familiar.

"My queen, your daughter is here." butler said.

"What? How?!" Queen of vampires questioned as she stood up.

"She ran. You should talk to her, ma'am." butler replied.

"Excuse me." Queen of vampires said as she runs to her daughter and took her somewhere, in the palace.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing here?" Queen of vampires asked as she sits next to her.

But, the young girl didn't reply except hugged her mother while crying.

"I know. I know." Queen of vampires said as she hugged her daughter while the maids, left the room even closed the doors.

But at the kingdom of humans, Livious' unexpected granddaughter showed up and threw something at a thief.

"1. 2. 3." she counted and the thief was, knocked out.

Halloween Forest...

Candles are getting put out and everyone who attended, left while the host is sitting and drinking red wine until a woman walked up and sat down.

"Some Halloween soiree party." woman said so coldly.

"Please, leave." man said.

"I have been looking for you, lord Matthew. Son of Unmei, Marie." woman said.

"Save your breath. I ain't interesting enough. Or interested in whatever you are with." he said as he leaves.

Mainland of Mortals...

"Marie, how are they?" Jessie asked.

Before she could text she gets two texts from Brooke, and home mainland.

'We're fine.' Marie reads as she reads the second text 'King Relma is dead.'

Marie puts her phone down on the table and, covers her eyes as the girls in both bands knew something's wrong.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jessie asked.

"King Relma is dead." Marie replied as she walked over to the window, their dorm with her arms crossed.

"Well, our tour that is coming up is cancelled. Because we are going with Marie and Brooke, to their home mainland." Jessie said and the bands: STARLIGHT and BRIGHT are packing their suitcases then; went down to the cars and drove to the airport after putting the suitcases in the cars.


They are heading to the terminal and boarded the plane.

"Brooke, you guys sit together." Jessie said as she sits in her seat.

BRIGHT goes to their seats even sits as the other passengers, boarded the plane and the hatch closed then flew into the sky.

"Brooke, are you okay?" Jessica asked as she takes her earphones out and Brooke looked at her.

"Ye (Yes). But, please go to sleep. And on second thought keep an eye on Christina. I'm worried about her." Brooke replied and Jessica stands and walks over to where Christina is and sits; in the empty seat next to Christina.

"maknae, how are you feeling?" Jessica asked.

"Jess an-ni, what is this about?" Christina replied and asked then; slowed her and Jessica sighs.

"That's enough. Go to sleep., both of you." Brooke said before going to sleep.

S.N.A.I.N.A.P. (Supernatural Alliance International Airport)

The plane landed and the passengers exited the plane, along with the girls walked through the airport then they got in the mini-van and; went straight to a motel without delay.

Border Motel...

Mini-van pulled up around the back and, went inside with bags.

"Brooke, it's Marie and the girls." Jessica said and Brooke looks up from; her phone and walked over to them.

"Hey. What time did you, guys arrive? 6am? 6pm?" Brooke asked.

"We arrived at midnight. Let's go upstairs." Marie replied.

Then, both bands went upstairs.

Joint Motel Room...

Marie opened the door and both bands enters, the room then Christina spots and asks "Um, what's this?" and Brooke calls the police while Jessie; takes Christina to BRIGHT's room while Elizabeth and Choli starts to cook dinner and Marie, sees the police at the door.

"Hi." Marie said.

"G'day, may we come in?" police officer 2 asked.

"Yeah." Marie replied and the police entered, then grabbed the plastic bag with a glove and see some powder inside.

"Oh, great. Bloody heroin. I'm sorry, girls but you are to go to another motel or hotel or anywhere." police officer 1 said.

"I have somewhere we can stay. Same with Brooke." Marie said as they see her talking to someone.

"Who was that?" Jessica asked as the phone hanged up.

"My father. Me and the girls are staying, at the house where STARLIGHT was staying during their tour for the concert." Brooke replied.

Marie goes to the room and sees small dots, on Jessica's right arm.

"Brooke!" Marie yelled and Brooke runs in.

"What's up?" Brooke asked.

Jessica shows her arm and Marie took Brooke out, of the room before she lost her cool.

"What were you thinking?!" Jessie questioned.

"It's not a big deal." Jessica replied.

"Jess, it is a big deal! You're a world famous artist!" Jessie yelled as Christina who is maknae (youngest) of BRIGHT entered.

"Jess, how did you get these drugs? Better, yet. Who gave them to you?" Christina questioned very angrily as she showed the bag of evidence.

Jessica looked away.

"Mission's over. We are going back with her, don't expect to her again." Jessie said angrily as she grabbed her by; the arm and left.

To be continued.