
The Beginning Of The Twin Worlds

In the beginning, a young man named John lives in the present-day world. However, he is unexpectedly teleported to a medieval world. He tries to escape this world but inadvertently finds himself in a series of adventures. But there is still much he doesn't know about himself and the universe... Authors: Baran Aksoy Hüseyin Ortayol

HQXBaranax · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

V1 - Chapter 1.5: Kingdom of Eldoria Promo

(Map of the kingdom of Eldoria and more on our discord server "novel-illustration" channel)

Veridia (Capital): In the center of this City stands a towering stone fortress, which is both the administrative center and flies the flag of Eldoria, the symbol of the kingdom, while a grand palace serves as the administrative center of the kingdom, the dazzling center of the city. The narrow streets and historic buildings within the city reflect the magic of old times. Colorful markets and street performers create a lively atmosphere in the city.

Meridian: Meridian's grand cathedral is notable for its tall spires, and its interior is filled with magnificent stained glass windows. The port in the city center is an important hub for merchant ships and maritime activities. A large river runs through the city and colorful houses line its banks. Galleries, art studios and café corners inspire art lovers.

Grenwood:Grenwood is depicted as a magical elven city built on tall trees, with tree houses, shimmering magical vegetation and mysterious ponds in the forest (the ponds are known only to the elves, so they are not included on the map), giving the city a unique atmosphere. The elves are charged with protecting nature and the forest, guiding visitors and sharing special forest rituals.

Stonemere:Stonemere is famous for seafaring and its large stone harbors are important for maritime trade.Stone buildings and castles form the aesthetic fabric of the town.Wind-filled streets create a lively atmosphere filled with the sounds of sailors and merchants.Fish markets and fresh seafood restaurants can be found on the beach.

Ravenhold: Built in a narrow gorge between mountains, Ravenhold is known for its mining and quarrying activities.Stone houses are connected by tunnels through the narrow gorge and underground caves serve the miners.The streets of the town are lined with shops filled with the belongings of miners and quarry workers.

Silverhaven:Silverhaven, gümüş madenciliği ve elmas işçiliği ile ünlü bir dağ şehrini temsil eder.о Dağlık manzara, yüksek dağların eteklerine inşa edilmiş evlerle çevrilidir. Madenlerin içinden gelen zenginlik, şehrin ekonomisini destekler ve dikkat çeken maden kuleleri şehrin siluetini oluşturur.

Veridia Village: This village has the appearance of a flat village in accordance with medieval depictions. But the agriculture practiced here contributes to Veridia.

South-East Direction: Behind Silverhaven, the continent continues and there are other kingdoms.

Beyond the Sea: There are other continents here too, and trade with the kingdoms of those continents is carried out by sea.

To see the illustrations, just join our discord server and visit the "novel-illustrations" channel.

Discord: https://discord.gg2SkQtXWQZp

Until the next episode, see you


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