
The Beginning After 3,000 Years Of Training With My Masters.

Guy dies and gets wishes and wishes to train with Ulquiorra,Yamamoto, Dante, and Vergil wall getting powers similar but more powerful than theirs and a companion that is a mix of four girls put together then he is surprised by the world blend he gos to.

Hates_Thanatos · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

Chapter 1. Learning What You Gotta Go Through To Be Born More Powerful Than Your Teachers.

??? "The hell? Could have sworn that I was a goner!?! When that steal beam hit me I felt everything brake before emence earth shattering pain then nothing. And now I'm here wherever here is anyway. And there's a bright light just over in the distance. Don't they say don't go towards the light? Well I most certainly don't want to go back to the body I was in. Things a pancake now."

Light "I'm waiting little one. Do hurry up."

??? "Yes androgynous light bast being."

Light "Now before you are born again what do you wish for in your next life? Remember that you only get 3 wishes so word them carefully."

??? "Three wishes eh well that's neat. For my first wish I wish to be trained by Yamamoto, Ulquiorra, Dante and Vergil to inherit powers more powerful but very similar to theirs in Yamamotos case I have a white and black fire phoenix for a zombakto that can grow in strength infinitely. For Ulquiorra when I go into resurrection or vasto lord form I get 4 sets of black wings on my back, horns, a thick tail, claws, a halbert that my spearit energy terns into that can be thrown or used as intended but when I want it to or wen it touches something after being released it explodes and black and red spearit energy that can grow infinitely. Dante and Vergil my demon factor is 100,000x stronger and can infinitely grow wall still easily controlled by me no one else and can last 10,000x longer than there's and the time increases the stronger I get and my weapon mastery skills are 100,000,000x better than the 4 combined and is always improving also that I take the looks of Ulquiorra, Dante and Vergil put together but with white hair red eyes a trinch colt that's black with red purple and blue highlights that look like flames on it and a purple interior to the trinch colt."

Light " I see what you did there. Good job. That's one wish what's your second?"

??? "For my second wish I wish for a companion a woman with the looks and power more powerful but similar powers to, to be training by and and personality's of Orihime, Nel, Trish and Star Fire but she's 100,000 times stronger than them with 100,000 times stronger talent in combat without it making her a battle maniac. With a zonbakto with an ice phoenix as powerful as my white and black fire phoenix and also gets trained by a suitable master with her spearit energy being blue gold and green."

Light "and for your last wish?"

??? "I wish we will have a 100% perfect replica that fits us perfectly of all our instructors equipment in our own storage space we each have one that is 100,000 miles by 100,000 miles that can oddimaticly store by touch what we want stored separately that doesn't let anything touch that we can feel where everything is in them and oddimaticly know what's inside them whenever we look inside them and grow with us."

Light "greate now first you training then we'll see we're you go."

??? "So I'm training before I go?"

Light "yes unfortunately but fortunately you're not going to be alone. 😁your companion will be with you."

???" That ain't fair to ether of us. But whatever. I guess I need a new name don't I. How about Gabriel sence I'm a nefulim. And how about Hana for my companion."

Light "good choice. Now time to train for you. I also have to get the people who are to train your new wife."

Gabriel "wait were not training together?!?"

Light "no she's gonna train with other people remember you didn't wish to train with her but had different masters for each of you."

Gabriel "well fuck.!."

Just as the light disappeared 4 people showed up. Ulquiorra, Yamamoto, Dante, and Vergil.

Ulquiorra "I'll be your first instructor considering I'm the weakest here. Not by much but still there's a gap however small save those two's healing abilities far exceed mine." *looks at Dante and Vergil*

Dante "you know this is quite the line of powerhouses we've got here. Care to share what your trying to accomplish with your own power?"

Vergil "… I'm curious about that as well."

Yamamoto "tell us boy I'm not as scary as I look."

Ulquiorra "…"

Gabriel "I just want to be able to at least protect myself and those I care about the long life helps to."

Dante "and the girl?"

Gabriel "is it wrong to want someone to spend time with whom will share in everything with you good and bad who won't leave you on a whim?"

Vergil "what if she doesn't want to be with you from the beginning? Because you broght her to life on a whim?"

Gabriel "then wall I'll be sad I'll let her go. I don't want to force someone to be with me. That second wish was just blind hope anyway."

Dante, Vergil, Ulquiorra, Yamamoto "I see…"

*look at each other and laughs.*

Ulquiorra "I like you boy."

Vergil "it isn't wrong to hope even if it's blind hope."

Dante "well said brother! You know I think we can get this done within 6,000 years if you're willing to make seeing your companion your top priority." *snikers*

Yamamoto "young ones can't help themselves can they hahaha."

Gabriel "fuck you very much too… hahaha assholes."

Dante "well time to get your ass kicked a lot kid."

Gabriel "wha?!?"

Just then Ulquiorra smacked Gabriel with his sheath and sent him flying.

Ulquiorra "I'm not going easy on you."

Gabriel "sun of a bitch!!!"