
The Begining.

Delve into the timeless journey of Brandon, a singular being who walks the annals of human history. From primordial tribes of untamed Africa to the sprawling cities of today and the enigmatic reaches of our future, Brandon is both witness and player in a grand cosmic game. As he navigates the intricate tapestry of human civilization, he uncovers shadowy forces manipulating the course of humanity. These unseen adversaries, ancient and relentless, seek to shape our fate from the darkness. Pitted against them, Brandon strives to illuminate the truths hidden beneath layers of deception. Embark on a tale that interlaces myth, science, and the indomitable human spirit, all set against a backdrop of cosmic battles, clandestine enemies, and the eternal struggle between light and shadow.

Amusedim · ย้อนยุค
34 Chs

Chapter 13: The City

Chapter 13: The City

A sea of disconnected thoughts flooded my mind, each wave pulling me further into a dreamlike stupor. Time twisted and morphed into an elusive phantom, slipping through my fingers in ephemeral whispers. The sense of its passage was a ghostly specter, only occasionally manifesting itself in a vague sense of changing light and shadow.

Intermittently, lucidity would break through the fog like a piercing beam of light. During these brief intervals of awareness, my reality would come into stark relief. I found myself caged, trapped within metallic bars, stark and cold. The confinement was in stark contrast to the open plains and vast expanse of wilderness I had traversed. But in the following moment, the image would blur and shift, pulling me back into the depths of my entranced state.

Another flash of clarity, and I was on a table, my body bare and exposed under a harsh, white light. Strange, alien figures hovered over me, their forms barely discernible through my clouded vision. Their hands, cold and impersonal, roamed over my body, probing and analyzing with a detached curiosity. The sensation was unnerving, a violation of my being, but my mind was too clouded to protest or resist.

In the midst of these alternating periods of trance and awareness, one sensation remained constant - the deceptive warmth of the city's light. It wrapped around me like a shroud, its soft, soothing glow an intoxicating balm against the underlying sense of dread. But beneath its comforting facade, the light was a puppeteer, its radiant tendrils pulling the strings of my consciousness, manipulating my senses and thoughts into a blissful ignorance.

My thoughts during these periods were a jumbled mess, chaotic fragments of perceptions that seemed to tumble over one another in a disordered whirl. Thoughts of home, memories of my journey, visions of the vast lake and the herds of beasts - they all merged into a nebulous cloud, their edges blurred, their forms distorted. Amidst this inner turmoil, my sense of self was gradually eroding, my identity crumbling into dust beneath the relentless tide of the city's entrancing light.

Beneath the fractured kaleidoscope of thoughts, something stirred. Deep within the core of my being, a spark flared to life. It was a sliver of myself, a fragment of the resilient spirit that had carried me through the wilderness and against the primal dangers of the world. Despite the smothering blanket of the city's light, this part of me clung to existence with an unyielding tenacity.

This spark, this innate willpower, began to pull together the scattered fragments of my consciousness, weaving them into a cohesive thread of resistance. It kindled a fight within me, a subtle counterforce against the entrancing light. Each pulse of this resistance was like a heartbeat, slow and steady, a defiant rhythm in the midst of the city's hypnotic dance.

My struggles were minute, a mere drop in the vast ocean of the city's light, but they persisted. With each passing moment, I clawed my way towards lucidity, straining against the disorienting sway of the entrancement. The efforts were exhausting, like trying to swim against a powerful current, but my resilience did not waver. Each push against the light was a victory, a silent proclamation of my enduring spirit.

Slowly, my awareness began to broaden. The veil of the city's light was lifting, its luminescent fog dissipating bit by bit. The world around me took on sharper outlines, reality pushing its way back into my perception. The cage, the cold table, the strange figures – they were no longer abstract phantoms, but solid, tangible truths. The shift was disconcerting, an abrupt transition from the muted dreamlike state to stark consciousness. But I welcomed the change, the return to reality, as unsettling as it was.

Yet, the struggle was far from over. The city's light was relentless, its radiant grip a constant pressure against my burgeoning consciousness. I could feel its insidious tendrils trying to reclaim the control they were losing. But my will had been forged in the crucible of survival. The light had underestimated the strength that lay beneath my disoriented exterior. With every beat of my heart, with every pulse of my defiant spirit, I was taking back the reins of my own mind. The battle was a silent one, waged within the confines of my own psyche, but it was a battle I was slowly, yet surely, starting to win.