
The Beggars Rise

Spartacus Fan Fiction, Warning!!! R-18 is in this book--- A soul who was thrown into Spartacus but with only one fighting ability the rest are all lifestyle type magic wishes. Follow as he decides what to do with his new life. Will he join Spartacus? Or will he create his own legacy in this strange but new world? I own nothing but my own Ideas and OC everything is to the respected creator of the show.

BloodyEat_Delight · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
9 Chs

Ch3: First Official Meeting

Another day of training, that is where Julius found himself as him and Aurelius were practicing, he was really focused at the moment though hoping time would pass faster then this. While being a slave here or Gladiator isn't so bad there really wasn't much down time, if they weren't training they were sleeping or eating, if they weren't doing one of those they were training.

It is not like he minded really but there were times where he had missed TV or at least a book to read, everything to read here was mainly history or story of gods it was boring. He also was bored since he refused to sleep with the prostitutes that Ashur brought, he could heal the sure, but ever since seeing Ilithyia he had no interest anymore of going that route.

Although he wasn't a fan of NTR it was okay if the husband was a grade A dick who only thought about advancing his career right? He honestly didn't think that Glaber actually loved her or anything, so he was actually fine doing this but he needed to plan the future.

A run away slave wouldn't be able to do much in terms of legal ways, there was still the B on his arm, though he was actually controlling his body not to heal that way it wouldn't disappear. As long as he leaves this place he could in theory be a free man again without a mark, which would help him a lot more but he would also need to be able to not be arrested.

He was already going to join Spartacus plan to escape but he needed to plan on a place to meet her, when he won her heart there was no if about it, so that they could see each other. All his days for the past week have been him planning ever since she left, he knew that even though he was good looking that it would take more then just that to win her heart.

"What clouds your mind?" Aurelius asked dodging another swing from Julius's sword it was becoming easier for him since he could tell that Julius was distracted by something.

Julius paused a moment and didn't see a reason to hide it from Aurelius, he counted him as a brother really seeing him as the only family that he had in this world. "It is of Ilithyia, my thoughts are filled of her and since her depart they have done nothing but grown since that day. It is foolish but seeing her seems to fill my day more then any fight could."

"Haha, that woman will really be the death of you. You long for a woman who is not only married but also the daughter from a senator of Rome. Though I can't say all Romans are bad since I met you but still, a Roman women really??? I know many Greek who would beg to bare your child." He said laughing, they walked to get a drink from the barrel of water in the yard for everyone.

"I know, but the heart wants what it wants. I can no more control who I like more then I can control the suns rising and the moon." Julius said, when they reached the barrel he stopped Aurelius from drinking the water, making sure no one was looking her replaced the water inside the cups.

Aurelius went wide eyed seeing that the water was now back in the cup without them having to dunk it inside, he didn't say anything though he would wait for Julius to tell him on his own. For now he took a drink and wanted to see what was so different about his own, his eyes almost popped out of his head when he tasted the cool water that was a little sweat.

"I guess you are right, women are real traps sent from the gods for man. They look sweet and innocent but even those can be the deadliest, watch your back I won't always be there to help you when the time come." He said.

"True, maybe---" Julius was cut off when Doctore started to announce information about the Vulcanalia, since their Dominus was going to send twenty men that was basically everyone they had. "Who do you think will be the one to fight Crixus?" Julius asked even though he already knew the answer.

"Barca there is no other who would stand to be his opponent here, though I am not saying we are weak we couldn't handle him as our current selves maybe later down the line but not now. How about you?" He said with conviction before asking his opinion.

"Spartacus, there is no way that Crixus misses the chance to humiliate the man in the arena. Ten coin says it." Julius said already knowing that it was going to go that way.

"Nope, I will not lose coin betting against you. I don't know how before coming here you were a lousy with bets, but every time I bet with you I lose if I don't already know the outcome so no thanks." He said before they both made their way over to their spot to go back to training.

For the next two days nothing of worth happened, Spartacus was enacting his plan to fight Crixus after learning he is to fight Varro, turns out both Aurelius and Julius were wrong about who he would fight. Julius was a mid day fighter which would earn him a coin and a half for fighting against someone named Brutus, he was some extra but there.

Surprisingly enough Aurelius got Barca, the two had respect for one another and promised not to kill if they didn't need too, they both agreed to put up the sign for surrender before death. Julius laughed later that night as Aurelius complained some, he was happy to have such a high class fight but he was upset because he didn't think he could take Barca.

Now at the moment Julius was looking at the moon while standing outside, the little party was tonight which was announced earlier. Looking at the diaper/underwear thing that he was always wearing he couldn't help but sigh, he had never worn something so low to a party before.

Shaking his head he was brought out of his musings when Oenomaus came to get him, "Come the guest await you all." he didn't bother to wait but went inside leaving a guard to guide Julius.

He was taken to the back where he could hear the sound of the gathering happening, he was handed a touch and rolled his eyes, he hated that it was just making him hotter. The only Gladiator that was there currently was Crixus, being the champion he was in the front room being shown off as their prize, which kept coin in the Dominus pocket.

There were four guards watching them as they stood there, they weren't even aloud to move a little until they were called into the room to be shown off. For what seemed like the next hour all they could do was stand there, it didn't help that with more of the torches they carried his balls were sweating even more then during the day.

Finally they were called out, he couldn't help but to let out a sigh as they moved forward, he made sure to school his face as he went though since he need to be looking uncaring. Walking in they were followed by Doctore who was at the end of them his whip by his side for anything that happened, walking into the room Julius tried to stay neutral.

He says tries because it was like he felt her, looking to the left as they walked in blue clashed with grey-blue as they looked at each other, she was smiling slightly and looking aroused. Julius didn't want to but had to pull his attention away as he went and put his torch in the holder, after that he moved to his spot in the circle.

While standing there he could feel her eyes on him, it almost made him shiver feeling her gaze, he didn't react though since others were coming over and looking him over. Although they didn't touch him like others were being touch they did talk about his fight that he was going to have with Brutus.

Finally she walked over, they had stopped by Crixus and moved past Spartacus but she was now standing in front of him, she wasn't complaining of being bored. Julius watched her, she was in her green dress looking better then any description of Aphrodite that he had ever heard, his eyes heated up just looking over at her.

She grinned but it seemed that Lucretia didn't think that her attention was any special then what she held for the rest, "Look at him, magnificent isn't he. There are all these others in here but for some reason I fell drawn to this one." Ilithyia said it lowly but she was close enough to him that he heard.

Lucretia or his Domina didn't seem to hear cause at that moment she looked away to check on something, "You are more beautiful then any goddess there is, if you would tell me your name I know that even if I die in the games I would die a happy man." He told her looking down and trying not to shudder as she ran her hand from the base of his neck down to right above his pelvis.

She giggled lightly, "Ilithyia, though I already know your name Julius. I also know that you aren't just a normal slave but sold yourself to pay your debts, what I wouldn't give to have been the one to purchase you at that time."

He was entranced by her smile and she saw that, Lucretia looked over at that moment thought she seemed to realize that she was spending more time touching him then others. "Perhaps you would be interested in something more exciting? Something of a physical nature?" She said going closer to Ilithyia and whispering for only the three of them to hear.

"What do you mean?" Ilithyia asked but she never removed her hands, he was sure if it wasn't for the fact that they weren't alone then she would be glued to his chest. He thought that cause he was trying to fight it himself to pull her in close and hug her as tight as possible.

"Follow us." His Domina said while walking away with Ilithyia following, he was a little confused this part wasn't in his memory as much so he didn't know what was happening either. Soon they came into a room, there were five nobles inside along with a couple of slaves, on all fours was a woman who was naked and in a mounting position.

Ilithyia seemed to know what was about to happen, Julius also caught up with the thoughts but since he had to listen to her words there was nothing he could actually do about it. Ilithyia on the other hand lost her playfulness, instead she turned to Lucretia, "Can't we use another, not that I mind which one it is but I would rather see another then it be him."

That was great acting on her part, she seemed to be looking down on him while at the same time trying to protect him and herself from her having to watch him fuck another woman. He didn't know for her if it was just lust or what but he was going to see how this was going to play out, the others in the room didn't seem to mind either way though.

Lucretia raised a brow for a moment but then turned to her slave who she kept by her side, Naevia that was her name, it took him a moment to remember her she was a well like slave by his Domina's side. When she walked out the room his Domina turned back to him, "You can go back now, it looks like we won't be needing you."

He nodded and went to move but Ilithyia's calling stopped him, "Wait, make him watch. It will be way more fun to see how these Gladiators fuck, I want him to see what a real one is, I know that he was just a lowly slave you used in the pit. He needs to see what a real man is."

Lucretia grinned and nodded to him, the two of them moved to stand in front of him while Varro was brought inside, he looked over at Julius before being told what to do. Julius saw the pain on his face, he must be thinking of his wife, he moved behind the woman while taking off his cloth that covered him.

Moving behind the woman he only had seconds to get hard before he had to fuck her, the nobles in the room all watch with great interest as he got started. Julius from where he stood behind the two ladies could hear the breathing of Ilithyia speed up some, instead of moving closer she took a step back.

She was lined up perfectly where her ass met his hand, he didn't react until she pushed herself slightly into him and parted the back of her dress. Seconds later she moved his hand right in between her legs and rocked slightly, although Lucretia looked over she couldn't see what was happening but smile seeing that Ilithyia was enjoying it.

When she turned back around she missed Ilithyia's movements again, there was one person who caught it though, it was Naevia he eyes were wide seeing what was happening. Julius smiled and nodded to her before curling a finger that was under her dress and penetrating Ilithyia, she had to suppress her moan feeling him inside her.

Her movement went a little faster as Varro was also getting closer, Julius was caught up in giving her pleasure and didn't notice that he had already subconsciously healed her. Though she was clean so nothing else happened other then her get healthier, right before Varro finished he felt her shaking in on his arm, she went limp slightly leaning into him.

Since everyone was watching Varro's big finish no one noticed besides Naevia who was shocked to see the two, when Lucretia went to turn and look at Ilithyia Julius helped her stand. He stepped back afterwards as not to be caught, while he wanted to move on more with her he didn't want his Domina knowing of his interest, this was her killer after all.

"So what did you think?" She asked looking at the flushed face of Ilithyia who had finally caught her breath.

"It was magnificent, I will be honest and say that I have imagined that plenty of time but who knew he had such skill. The way he moved was aggressive but it brought about pleasure inside me that I have never felt before, I can't imagine how it would feel inside me." Ilithyia said with a husky voice and some excitement.

Only the three of them knew what she was really talking about while Lucretia was happy she could please her, she wanted to have a close enough connection that she could get anything. "Well there is so much more for you to see and learn about them but for now we must go back, my husband has some announcements." she said with a wide smile while leading everyone out the room.

Ilithyia looked back to Julius who smiled at her with a promise to take her one day better then the show she just got, bringing his finger up he licked her juices off of his fingers. He watched her shudder as she saw what he was doing, she tasted sweet like honey he had made sure to clean her properly before he did anything he was surprised she didn't notice.

Since he needed to get back to his spot he slowed down and whispered to her as he passed by her.

"You got lucky tonight beautiful, if that woman was replaced by you then no other man would have been there to see me take you. And take you I will one of these days, just wait I will be having you calling my name and begging for more as I pin you under me." He light brushed her ass as he moved back to his spot, her shuddering again was all he needed to know that she wanted that to happen to her.

"Can't wait." she was able to say back before he got to far away from them, he smirked while getting back into his spot.

"Can't wait for what?" Lucretia asked since Ilithyia had to raise her voice some since he was walking away from them, the room was to loud for her to whisper to him.

"The games of course, just seeing that display earlier has gotten me excited and ready to see them all in the arena." Ilithyia lied smoothly her eyes flicking slightly to Julius, he didn't notice the little worry in them. She knew he would be fine but she was still concerned about his fight, though even she didn't know why she had such strong feelings for him.

She thought going back to Rome that her thoughts would fade about him, but with the further distance she had from him the more she wanted to get back to Capua to see him. The bad food and wine was really not a reason for her to stay here, if it wasn't for him then she would have just stayed in her fathers Villa until the games.

"Don't worry they are soon and you will get to see the excitement and bloodshed of the arena." Lucretia said not thinking anymore about it, she saw her interest was strong in the matter of Gladiators and was going to keep using them to suck her further in.

The announce was starting and that is when Spartacus attacked Crixus, Julius only shook his head and watched he didn't care to stop it this was entertainment for him. "Let them fight!" He heard Ilithyia scream which put a smile in his face, he didn't care if she wanted to see them fight or not.

"Enough!" Dominus said after awhile Aurelius and Barca pulled Crixus back while he and Varro pulled Spartacus away, which led to Spartacus getting the fight he wanted.

After it was over the were moved back to their cells, Julius did a quick cleaning of himself before lying down to sleep, before he could fall though he heard Aurelius speak. "Saw your women did you? What happened in that other room, you went through then Varro was called." He asked leaning against his wall with a smirk.

"Nothing of importance but at the same time I spoke to her about what I thought of her, I am happy to know she feels the same." Julius said his eyes were closed as he finished talking and decided to go to sleep, thankfully Aurelius didn't press him for more.

The next day they didn't even get to do anything beside eating before they were brought to the Arena, it was starting early today since they had so many fighters there was no telling how long it would take. They were all in the barracks getting ready as Dominus made a speech about today's games, he tuned it out though and listened to the crowd.

Eventually the fights started, first were minor characters and mainly bottom of the barrel people who weren't to good at fighting meaning to get the crowd riled up for what was to come. Julius and Aurelius were standing near the gates that showed the arena, while fights started Julius was watching Ilithyia who started looking around.

He smirked since he knew that she could feel his eyes but didn't know where it was coming from, it was the same way that he was able to know when she was looking at him. The roar of the crowd faded though as he looked at her, her soft moans playing in his head as he thought about last night, he was hard all night when he thought of it.

She seemed to be getting frustrated since she couldn't find the person staring at her, although it was subtle her expression was flicking some. Finally thinking of something she looked towards where he was, it wasn't hard for him to realize that she saw him when he saw her giant smile.

He blew her a kiss which shocked her at first, since no one could see their actions or at least know that they were doing it to each other he didn't hold back from what he did. She smiled even more if that was possible before sending one back, Lucretia was talking to her husband so she didn't notice and since she didn't talk to anyone else they didn't notice.

"You should pay more attention to your surroundings, while you were standing there sending eyes at your woman it is now your turn to fight." Aurelius laughed while handing him his sword, it was something he was getting use to using as his main weapon.

"Haha, don't be jealous just because you have to stick you dick in those cheap women while I have someone who is far better." Julius laughed as the gate lifted after he was announced, he walked in a circled around like he usually did before looking at his Dominus.

Next introduced was Brutus, he didn't pay attention to that though as he was now staring at Ilithyia, the two were smiling/smirking as they watched each other. Ilithyia's fan covered her face from prying eyes that was next to her, the two were able to make googly eyes at each other before his fight was officially started, he winked to her before turning to fight.

The crowd's roar cleared his head as he got in the mood, he was even more focused as Ilithyia was watching him, he wasn't going to let a scratch even appear on him. Brutus was using a short sword and shield, he was actually pretty good with them although he didn't pay much attention Julius remembered seeing him work with them.

They started off slow as the two of them started circling each other, when the crowd started to grow rowdy Brutus attacked, lunging forward he raised his shield while attacking. Julius saw that he went to push him with it while making a stab at him, he didn't let it land though, he switched his sword to the arm that wasn't being pushed.

After exchanging it he blocked the sword stab, catching momentum he spun around and slashed at his back, Brutus didn't have time to recover and took the slash. He yelled out as he rolled out the way, Julius waited for him to stand again before he rushed him, this time he went on the attack he moved his sword as though it was a Katana.

Although they were from the same Ludus it didn't mean that they couldn't kill one another, Julius only thought this cause he could now see that same killing spirit in Brutus eyes. Seeing as he was going to fight with the intent to kill then Julius thought there was no reason for him to hold himself back, he would be getting his fourteenth kill today.

Moving in between the shield and sword he slashed from the waist to his shoulder, Brutus screamed out again as he tried to move back. Julius wasn't letting this pass him though and decided it was time to end it there, taking his sword it went right through the neck of Brutus whose eyes went wide.

The crowd roared loudly seeing the blood spill, Julius's face was currently covered with the blood that flew out of his neck, he kept his mouth shut so none would get inside. Pulling back he raised his sword letting the roar of the crowd wash over him, he looked to the sky, number 14.

Looking back to where his Dominus was he saw the man have a wide smile while talking to the older person who was sitting with him, seeing him look away Julius looked to her. Ilithyia was smiling brightly he even saw her mouth something, 'Thank the gods for watching over you.' is what he could make out from what she mouthed.

'I don't need the god since I have you.' He mouthed back to her before walking back down to where the others were, he saw her eyes brighten actually able to catch what he mouthed.

"I thought it was going to be friendly?" Aurelius said when he saw Julius walk back over to him.

"Well that was the plan until I saw that in his eyes he wanted to kill me, I wasn't going to let that happen to me. So his life was forfeit the moment he pressed to kill me." Julius said while taking the offered water, he really wanted to get the blood off of himself.

"True, hopefully Barca does not feel the same when it is our match. I would hate to feel my head fly from my head from him suddenly deciding to kill me." Aurelius joked while looking over to said person who was getting dressed, their match was in two more fights so they needed to be ready.

Julius laughed and sat to the side, now that his match was done he was going to get some rest he used a little more strength then needed so that he wouldn't injure himself. He almost fell asleep listening to the roar of the crowd, two matches later Aurelius was holding up to fingers and being helped back into the waiting area.

The man was going to be hurt for awhile, Julius shook his head thankfully Barca wasn't willing to kill him, it could also be because Aurelius was actually worth something. Finally it was time for Spartacus and Crixus, Julius could only shake his head knowing his fate.

Twenty minutes later it rang true as Spartacus was carried out, it seemed that he didn't change his fate and was still defeated by Crixus, who came back smug. Since the games were over they took three carts back, one for everyone who won their fight, another for the losers, and lastly one for the dead.

As they were leaving Julius was lucky to catch a glimpse of Ilithyia who was watching them leave, they both smiled seeing that the other was looking for each other. Julius blew another kiss before they got to far away, he ignored the strange looks he got from some of the other men in the cart.

When they got back to the Ludus all the victors went to bath, they got extra water for their win, the losers who needed stitching went to get it also. Going back to his he went to bed with happy thoughts about Ilithyia from the party, even in this smelly place he could still smell her honey on him.

So this was the first meeting for them, it is going to help me think of some things that will happen later with them.

BloodyEat_Delightcreators' thoughts