
Chapter 24

"I don't want my car getting stuffy and all" Rosemond complained.

"I should change your cars to bigger ones then" George said.

"No, it's fine. We're having ballet class tomorrow and i need to practice" Rosemond reminded him.

"Ohh i should leave you to it then" George pecked her cheeks and rose to his feet.

"Is Miss Jenny still asleep?" Rosemond asked because she was missing her nanny already.

She had selected her wears herself when she got back from school and she didn't feel so excited like she feels whenever Jennifer selects her wears.

"Yes but i think she's a bit Ill so she needs a lot of rest" George said.

"Really? But you didn't tell me she was Ill you only said she was asleep" Rosemond said worriedly getting to her feet.

"Where to?" George asked.

"I need to check on her" Rosemond said and George watched as his daughter hurried through the adjoining door.

"What do you want for dinner? will you come downstairs?" George asked Jennifer as he walked into her room.

He saw Rosemond with her and sighed as she had refused to leave Jennifer's room since then and it looks like they were both doing her homework.

"No, i think I'll just have fruits" Jennifer said.

"You sure? You didn't have lunch too" George asked worriedly as she doesn't like the new Jennifer, she looked weak and bothered.

Well, who wouldn't look bothered after what happened.

"Rosemond, i think i left my wristwatch in your room" George lied.

"Really?" Rosemond asked.

"Yeah, go help me search your bed for it" 

"Okay dad" Rosemond said, she got down from Jennifer's bed before hurrying to her room.

"If you're bothered about what happened earlier then there's nothing to worry about, I'll make sure everyone is safe okay?" George said reassuringly and Jennifer nodded.

"I trust you to do that" She smiled and George was glad.

"Now that's what I'm talking about You just smiled, your face has been sad all along" George said, smiling too.

"Yeah" Jennifer blushed.

The sudden lightness of her mood amazed him. The weakness she was feeling was slowly diminishing and she knew it was because of George.

He had lightened her mood only with his presence and she had been feeling so down that Rosemond noticed and the little girl have asked what's wrong severally.

"If you're still feeling weak by tomorrow, then don't bother going with Rosemond to school okay?" George said.

"No, I'll be fine like, I'm fine already" Jennifer replied

"You sure?"

"Of course Mr George, thanks so much for your care" Jennifer said, deeply touched.

"Comen on you were almost hurt in my possession, and I'm still so sorry about that, I've checked on Sam and Mark too and they seem fine" George said.

"I'm glad" Jennifer said.

"So should we go eat dinner now?" George asked.

"Yes" Jennifer nodded.

"Great"George smiled.

The adjoined door opened and Rosemond stepped into Jennifer's room pouting.

"What?" George asked.

"I searched everywhere for your wristwatch but couldn't find it. Definitely it's not in my room" Rosemond frowned.

"Ohh i must have left it in my private living room then" George said scratching his head.

Jennifer smiled knowing he had deceived Rosemond because there was no missing wristwatch anywhere. He only told her that so she could excuse them.

"So should we go to the dining?" George asked Rosemond.

"No, I'll just have fruits" Rosemond said, sitting back on Jennifer's bed.

"What?" George asked.

"Yeah" she confirmed.

"Okay then , sit here alone and have your fruits. Jennifer and i will go to the dining" George said and Jennifer laughed.

"What Isn't she also taking fruits?" Rosemond frowned.

"I changed my mind Rosemond" Jennifer said.

"Huh?" Rosemond asked, glancing at her dad.

"Yes" Jennifer said.

"Let's all go to the dining room then" Rosemond bit her lips.

"But you said you were going to stay here and have your fruits. It's not bad" George teased.

"I changed my mind" Rosemond rolled her eyes and got down from the bed.

She slide her tiny feet into her slippers and walked out of the room. "Copy cat" George laughed and Jennifer joined him.

The next morning, Jennifer walked out of the door with Rosemond and saw Sam but she had even forgotten Dominic will be joining them.

Sam stretched his hand to open the car door but Dominic beat him to it as he opened the car door with a fake grin which annoyed Jennifer so much.

Rosemond entered the car while Jennifer got beside her then Sam.

Dominic got in the front and Mark began to drive but the car seemed tensed and Jennifer noticed no one had said good morning.

Dominic's presence was such a bad one and her mind was beginning to get unsettled.

"And why was Sam watching Dominic that way?" Jennifer wondered and she noticed Rosemond doesn't look happy too including Mark who makes them laugh just kept mute.

They got to Rosemond's school after long minutes of tensed silence.

"I'll take her to her class" Dominic offered. but Rosemond refused

"No, Sam will" Rosemond said, grabbing her backpack while

Sam grinned and held Rosemond's little hand in his and

winked mockingly at Dominic before leading Rosemond to her class.

Jennifer and Mark saw what happened and couldn't hold there laughter.

Mark did a good job in hiding his thought and Dominic wore a visible angry look that Jennifer could see how cruel those eyes looked at that moment. Like that was the real him.

Sam returned still grinning and they all entered the car with Sam and Jennifer seated behind  until her phone rang.

Jennifer smiled as she saw Charles incoming call

"But, shouldn't he be in class" Jennifer thought as they were still in the car, on their way home.

Hey Charles" she called and immediately she noticed Dominic shifted from his seat but she shrugged it off.

"Jenny" Charles called

How are you and why's your voice down? Shouldn't you be in class, is anything wrong?" Jennifer asked.

One question at a time sis, i think I'm fine Jenny. I'm actually on my way to school but i have something to tell you.

"You have something to tell me?" Jennifer asked and Dominic suddenly turned in his seat but Jennifer didn't notice because she was worried about her brother.

Charles doesn't sound this way except when something is extremely wrong.

"First, i hope you and mum are fine?" She asked.

"Yes we're perfectly fine" Charles said and she sighed in relief.

"Okay so what do you want to tell me?" Jennifer asked and silence followed.

"Charles" She called and noticed the call was suddenly disconnected.

"Why the hell are you stalking me!" Charles yelled at the man who suddenly grabbed his phone while he was speaking to Jennifer.

It was the same man who had taken him to Kingsley's building.

Charles jerked his phone back from him. as they were on a busy street so people didn't really notice what was going on.  

His school was right by the corner of the street but he had stopped here to speak to Jennifer because the issue had been bothering him and he's not someone to hide something from his sister.

Though he knows she will be coming home for the weekend but he couldn't wait. He knew he'll feel better after talking to her. But then this man just appeared..

"Don't ever in your life interrupt my call again" Charles yelled, pissed.

"Get into the car" The man ordered calmly.

"You must be insane to think I'll follow you like i did the other day. " Charles said regretting he followed the man the other day.

"Mind your words boy, It won't take me a second to break your wrist" The man threatened, looking around.

"And it won't take me a second to call the cops. Stay clear away from me and my sister " Charles gritting his teeth.

"We will but only if she quits that job" The man said.

"Well she's not quitting that job. She will whenever she wants to" Charles said.

"Whatever, Boss Kingsley said to come meet you one more time and confirm if you'll agree to convince your sister or he should carry out his threat"

"I'm not going to convince her, i won't even suggest it to her but tell your boss, the so called millionaire who behaves like a frustrated poor man that If he dares hurt my sister..."

"You'll call the cops right?" The man. asked mockingly

"Cops? of course not because he'll definitely have the cops wrapped round his fingers but trust me when i say I'll kill everyone of you with my bare hands if anything should happen to Jennifer" Charles threatened.

"Really?" The man laughed mockingly.

"If you think i can't do it then try me" Charles said.

"Like i said earlier, i can break your wrist in a second" The man said.

"Of course, all foolish people know how to do best is to throw a fist" Charles said not knowing where he got the courage to speak from as the words just kept flowing from his mouth. 

"What" The man looking pissed.

"What is what? does it mean that you're foolish? if you're not then you won't be bothered by my words" Charles said.

"Shut up" The man shouted looking more pissed.

"Don't take me for a fool because i followed you the last time, i did that because you mentioned my sister and that should tell you the length i can go for her so if you hurt her like i said earlier, then be prepared for me. I rarely give threats but once i do, i make sure i carry it out" Charles said smiling as he slips his phone back into his pocket.

The man looked at him in awe, he never thought he was this bold as they had all thought that he was a weakling.

"And guy you should know life isn't about been bulky, if you go about threatening people with your build, you'll one day meet your match and you won't find it funny" Charles said glancing at his wristwatch.

"I should go to class now and if you're wise enough, you should relay my message to your boss" Charles said before walking away and the man stared after him as he left.

"Woah what a psychopath" He exclaimed

Charles brought out his phone and quickly placed a call across Jennifer because she had been calling him while he was with that man and he had no choice but to keep rejecting the calls.

"Hey sis" Charles called

"Charlie, are you okay?" Jennifer asked and he could sense the worry in her voice.

"Yeah i am, i only got interrupted" 

"By what?" Jennifer asked

"A  large mouse" Charles laughed and Jennifer laughed at the other end too.

"I'm glad you're fine, so you wanted to tell me something." Jennifer said

"Yes but that'll be when you come home for the weekend, i have to go to class now"

"Ohh  okay, have a nice day"

"And you too sis. I love you" 

"I love you more" Jennifer replied smiling before disconnecting the call.

She was glad he's okay, her heart had been in her throat when the call was suddenly interrupted.

"It's my brother" Jennifer laughed, after noticing Mark's curious look.

They just arrived home and she couldn't wait to be out of Dominic's  view.

"Ohh, you have a brother" Sam asked

"Yeah" Jennifer smiled as Mark parked the car and they all alighted except Mark who moved to the car to the garage..

"See you later Jennifer" Mark said.

"Okay bye" Jennifer said and headed for the door.

She noticed Dominic was following her and her heart skipped a beat but then she remembered he was one of the bodyguards meant to be inside the house .  

They didn't speak to each other as they walked into the house and Jennifer went to the kitchen while Dominic went somewhere else.

"Hello!" Jennifer said entering the kitchen.

"Hi" Jean smiled, seeing Jennifer's back.

"I'm hungry" Jennifer said picking a plate as she began to dishi out her breakfast.

"Of course you should be. So how was the ride with the new bodyguard?" Jean asked.

"It was fine even if no one spoke to the other in the car" Jennifer said placing her meal on the table as she walked to the fridge to grab a chilled bottle of water.

"Really?" Jean asked.

"Of course, it was so boring. Though i wouldn't even have joined in the conversation if he had attempted to." Jennifer shrugged.

"I can clearly see you don't like Dominic." Jean noted.

"Maybe" Jennifer said taking a seat opposite Jean

"But why?" Jean asked.

"I don't know how but never mind" Jennifer said.

"Dominic is actually a good guy, you'll get to like him" Jean said.

"Hmmm" Jennifer said with her mouth full.

"Slow down with the food, it doesn't have legs" Jean said and Jennifer laughed.

"Alright" Jennifer said pouring herself some water.

"I'm just so glad you weren't hurt yesterday" Jean said.

Although George had said not to leak what happened to anyone but Jean was an exception as

George had narrated the incident to her himself.

"It was a near-death experience and the shock was damn!" Jennifer shook her head.

"So sorry about that, but that incidence wasn't to hurt you but George. I'm so worried for him because so many people are after his life" Jean said.

"Really?" Jennifer aaked dropping her spoon slowly.

"Yes" Jean sighed as Jennifer moist mouth went dry, her heart pounded slowly and she could tell she's starting to get really worried too.

"Nothing must happen to him" She assured herself

"Does he get death threats?" She asked Jean.

"Severally but George loves keeping things to himself, I'm sure he wouldn't have been bothered if it was him the incident had happened to"

"What, but that's not good" Jennifer said and decided that

she will talk to him when he's back from work.

"George just have this special grace, because the amount of dead threats he receives is enough to have killed him"

"Wow" Jennifer blinked.

"I don't know who's so wicked to the extent of trying to kill a man who has been benevolent all his life, George doesn't hurt people, and i don't get why people would want to hurt him" Jean said.

"This life is just so fucked up, bad things tend to happen to good people. Mr George has been nothing but nice to me all along.

It's  just that i don't want to lose anyone close to me again" Jennifer said as her bright face turned dark.

"Again?" Jean asked.

"Yes" Jennifer said, tearing up."

"What happened?" Jean asked.

"I lost my parents years ago" Jennifer said  bursting into tears.

"Oh my" Jean quickly rose to her feet and walked towards her.

"I'm so sorry about that dear" she said wiping Jennifer's tears with her apron.