
Idiot -

On the other hand, Neptune finally managed to find Emma based on the instructions from Anne earlier, it turned out that Emma was still in the classroom, instead she was dressing up a little there.

"What the hell, Emma ?!" Neptune yelled at Emma as soon as she entered the class, there were only a few people besides Emma there, and as soon as Neptune entered with explosive emotions, the others came out and left Neptune alone with Emma in the class.

"Hey, what's all this?" Instead, Emma asked back.

"Don't act like you know nothing, I don't want to stall for time!"

"I don't understand, what are you really talking about? Come and ask me directly with such a loud tone, it's natural that I ask what's wrong?"

"You make me sick!"

"Hey, calm down."

"How can I be calm if you have made a campus commotion with your slander ?!"

"Slander what ?!"