
The Valley Tiger Tribe

She went to her room and started to mess with the clay Sung ho had brought .

"It might be a bit early but I'll just crash it first now that it's a little bit soft, I'll start wedging and kneading the clay, then I'll start to make my make my clay objects and finally fire them. I just hope I remembered the whole thing but I don't have a potter's wheel, I'll try and look for some trees for timber to make one it's a good thing I watched those YouTube videos."she thought to herself. She snuck out of the house and went to see if Bong Seon will help her find the prefect timber.

"Bong seon! Are you home? Bong Seon!" she called.

"Yes am home, but am a little busy can you come back in like two hours." she said trying not to moan.

"Sorry didn't mean to disturb you and your mates." she feeling embarrassed."What's wrong with you Mi Young, you keep forgetting that she has mates to attend too. But how am I going to cut down a tree? And my stomach hurts so bad, maybe I should just go and look for a perfect tree I hope to find it soon, it's already noon those two will loss it when they find that am not in my room, I just have to hurry." she thought to herself.

She went to the forest and found a few pine trees and marked the tallest and biggest tree. She started to roam around the forest distracted by it's beauty, she found a little baby deer near a thorn bush licking it's dieing mother's wound she felt sorry for the baby deer and went to check the mother. She found that the mother was alive but barely. As she stood up to live she cut her hand and as soon as the blood fell on the mother deer she started to move, got up and went away with her baby. She was confused about the event that just happened and thought to have just been a coincidence.

Back home the men were just about finished.

"Can you go and check on Mi Young." said Sung ho

"It will be my pleasure." said Ha Joon teasingly.

"Mi Young are you still sleeping we... MI YOUNG! MI YOUNG! Where are you." called out Ha Joon. Sung ho came running to Mi Young's rooom

"What's wrong where's Mi Young?" he asked worried.

"Oh she's right behind me." he said sarcastically. "Do you think if I knew where she was I would be looking for her." he said

"You do understand that it's not a joke for her to be out there alone she could be kidnapped or raped do you want her to be raped? Use your God eyes and find her." said Sung ho

"If I could don't you think I could have done it by now. I can't use my God eyes." said Ha Joon.

"You know what I don't even want to know. Let's go to the forest she might be there." said Sung ho

They both transformed and used their superspeed and ran to the forest. They searched the forest not leaving any stone unturned until Ha Joon found her sleeping under an orange tree he took her in his arms and brought her home and laid her on the bed.

"She looks even more beautiful when asleep, her scent is like a field of roses. Sleep tight love, I have to go tell Sung ho that I found you." he said

"No need am here. " said Sung ho

"Good you found her, I don't know what I would do if anything happens to her." said Sung ho teary eyed.

The next morning as she was waking up Mi Young felt extra warm as she opened her eyes she realized that Sung ho and Ha Joon were sleeping in her room she felt embarrassed. She wanted to sneak out but Ha Joon held her hand.

"Are you trying to leave again? " said Ha Joon.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" she said apologizing.

"No you didn't but why did you sneak out yesterday? Do you know how we felt when we couldn't find you?" said Ha Joon seductively.

"Ha Joon I...." she got interrupted with a long beautiful kiss.

"Don't you ever do that again." he moaned I n her mouth.

She pulled away from him. With the seductive gaze still in his eyes. Sung ho woke up and pulled her into his arms giving her a big hug she hugged him back.

"Why did you leave yesterday, do you want to leave me as well? Please don't leave me you the only person who has cared for me, not just because I was a dragon but because of me as a person. So please don't leave me." he said crying.

" Am sorry if I made you worry but am fine and I wasn't going to leave you I just went out to look for timber I didn't want to disturb you two as you were working. Am sorry if I made you worry for nothing I promise from today onwards I'll inform you when I leave." she said.

He pulled away from her and gave her a kiss, Ha Joon get jealous and left the room.

"Sung ho can you please excuse me I need to go and get a bath." she said.

"Do you mind if I join you?" said Ha Joon

"Yes she does."said Sung ho

"So controlling."he said seductively looking at Mi Young.

"You know what I'll bath at the small river the one that's near the hill." she said.

"Okay I'll'll go with you and I promise not to look at you when you're bathing." said Sung ho.

"I wish I could come with you but I have so work to be done." he said with his former cold look on his face.

He transformed into his tiger form and ran off. Sung ho and Mi Young started to go to the river but Mi Young was worried about him.

"Where is he going? He looked serious." she said.

"It's just that the forest and valley tiger tribes have been at each other's necks he has been trying to unite the two tribes for almost sixty years now the two tribes the....." Mi Young interrupted Sung ho.

"Sixty years?" she said as calmly as possible.

"Yes for sixty years, he might have been a cold guy but he really loves his people." he said.

"Oh, I know." she said calmly but in her head she was screaming"Sixty years? SIXTY YEARS!? How old is this guy and he never had a mate in all his life."

"So how long have you known each other for." she asked.

"We've known each other ever since we were kids, it might sound like a lie but we used to be friends a long time ago." he said.

"What that's a lie. If you were friends why did you stop being friends." she asked.

Sung ho hesitated for a while to answer.

"Sorry I didn't mean to remind you of the past." she said apologetically.

"You're my mate, you deserve to know everything about me." he said. "My father and I came to the village to make a partnership and alliance. I as my father was discussing with the tiger tribe King I was outside playing. When I saw a little boy being bullied I stopped them from bullying him and we became friends. We became inseparable." he said

"So what happened to your friendship." she asked.

"We're here go take a bath, here's the soap." he said.

"Oh, right but promise you'll finish the story, of your friendship with Ha Joon." she said.

"Yes I promise." he said.