
The Meet Up

Ha Joon met the Queen at the border of the two tribes.

"I thought you wouldn't come, I can't say I'm surprised I am the most beautiful female of my tribe." she said.

"This bitch piss's me off without her saying anything." he thought to himself."Okay why did you call me. I thought you don't want to unite our two tribes to it's original status." he said with a coldly expressionless face.

"Yes but I have a proposal if you. " she said.

"What is it?" he said.

"Well if you really want to unite our two tribes then be my mate. I'm assuming you don't have a mate."she said.

"I already have a mate and I wouldn't trade her for nothing." he said smiling.

"Is he smiling I have never seen him smile he looks even more gorgeous when he smiles....." she thought to herself. " Wait...YOU HAVE A MATE SINCE WHEN?" she exclaimed.

"How's that any of your business? My life is none of your business." he said in his cold self.

"So the rumours are true, but who would be brave enough to make him her mate." she thought.

"Look Su-ho if you don't have anything more to say can I go home now?" he said frustrated .

Su-ho moved in closer to him and tried to seduce him.

"No, you can't leave you should stay with me I'll make your day and night if you stay come on stay with me." said Su-ho.

Ha Joon's started to release a dark aura around him,he leaned in closer to her nearly touching her nose.

"I said I have a mate, which part didn't you understand you worthless piece of shit. My mate is my happiness if you ever try to hurt her in anyway I'll fill you life with so much chaos and destruction that you'll beg me to kill you, and besides you have twenty mates I don't want to be part of your collection." he said with a darkened expressionless face.

"I have never seen him so pissed, I must get out of here before he kills me.". she thought "Okay I'll leave. " she said terrified .

She left wondering who his mate was. "I'll find out who she is and kill her that will get her out of my way. " she thought."Jin? Please go find out who his mate is and I'll give you the best night of you life." she said seductively.

"Yes, you highness." he said" Finally I get to sleep with her. I have been her mate for two years and I have only slept with her twice, I'll make this change worth it." he thought to himself.

He ran to the forest tiger tribe in the breezing snow.


"Sung ho I'm bored can I go outside, plllleeeaaase." said Mi Young.

"No. It's snowing outside and you might get sick again you just recovered." said Sung ho.

"Okay fine." she said angrily.

"Okay you can come with me outside but only if you take a warm enough coat okay." he said.

"Okay I'll be right back." she said

She ran into her room and selected a beautiful coat she made out of deer skin and cotton.

"How do I look? I made it out of the deer skin you brought a few weeks ago. Do you like it?" she said shyly.

"She's a very creative person I wonder if she's a goddess I know I have made is assumptions about her before but the things she does are things that only a goddess can do." he thought to himself starring at Mi Young.

"Well, do you like it? If you don't I'll get another one it's no problem." she said

"No! It's beautiful I just zoned out. It really looks great on you." he said.

"Thank you." said Mi Young.

"So where would you like to go? " asked Sung ho.

"I just wanted to go around town. Would you mind if you flew over the village? Just for a little while." she said

"I don't mind at all. We can fly for as long as you want too." he said.

"Thank you. Okay let's go." she said excitingly.

They went outside and she saw the snow falling and was amazed by the beauty of it.

"Get on my back." said Sung ho in his dragon form. She looked up at him he looked so majestic and was huge.

"I have never seen him in this form upfront before his much bigger than I thought. But how am I go to reach his back?" she thought.

"Aren't you going to get on my dragon

"Okay. But I...ahm... I'm too short I..... can't reach your back." she said blushing in embarrassed.

"Oh, no problem, get on my hand I'll help you get on." he said with a gentle smile.

"You're not going to make fun of me." she said.

"Oh, I will pipsqueak." he said

"Why you.....I....." she angrily stammered.

Sung ho chuckled and started to fly over the village. The sight of the village up top was very beautiful, she was so happy to see the village.

" Thank you. I know I say that a lot but I really mean it." he said

"You're welcome." he said.

They flew over the village for a little while but Mi Young started to feel cold and asked Sung ho to take her back.

As they were going back home Mi Young spotted an orange tiger laying unconscious in the snow.

"Sung ho, do you see that? It looks like a tiger." she said.

"Yes it is a tiger but it's a valley tiger let's not waste time on him." he said

"Come on he'll die if we leave him there let's help him. Please." she said

"You always get you way don't you? Fine I'll help you." he said

"Thank you." she said.

Sung ho flew down to the body and found it badly bruised. They picked him up and flew him back to they house in forest (white haired) tiger tribe village.

"I wonder what hurt him so bad." she thought.

" So what are you planning on doing with him?" asked Sung ho.

"Well I'll give him my blood, don't worry I won't pass out this time." she said.

"Okay. Just don't make him your mate, if you make him your mate I won't hesitate to kill him." he said coldly.

"D.....don't worry I.....I.....I won't." she said.

She cut her thumb and let the drops fall in his mouth. After a few seconds the same green light appeared.

"he's healing. I think he'll be just fine." she said.

"You always worry about others before you worry about yourself, that's what makes you different." thought Sung ho smiling to himself.

"Why are smiling? Just a moment ago you almost murderous rampage." she said half jokingly half scared

"Sorry if I scared you I just get sooo jealous when I see you near other males." he said.

The tiger was waking up.

"Where am I? How I'm I still alive? Is this...?" he sniffed and found Ha Joon's scent" Ha... Joon's... House? OH MY HIS GOING TO KILL ME IF HE FINDS ME HERE." he thought terrified.

Mi Young and Sung ho came in the room.

"Oh you're awake. I thought it will take days." she said gently.

"Oh My God, so this is Mi Young no wonder why his so obsessed with her." he thought.

" Can you talk? Are you still in pain?"she said concerned.

"Oh... I'm... fine." said Jin.

"So, What's your name?" she asked.

"I'm Jin. You're so beautiful please let me be your mate." he said.

"A..a..a..h, I...I already have a mate." she said.

"Oh Please I'll do anything."pleaded Jin.

" Didn't you hear her she doesn't want a mate she already has two mates." he said with a darkened expression.

"Sung ho my Lord am so sorry I'll leave." he said.

"Okay be safe." said Mi Young waving her hand.

Jin ran off back to his tribe terrified of what Sung ho would do to him.

"Why is he scared of you?" she asked curiously.

" Oh, it's... It's a... long story." she said flustered.

" You know what I don't even want to know. Ah have you seen Ha Joon it's almost night time. Why is he taking so long." she said worried.

"His probably fine I'll come back soon." he said.

"I hope you're right." she said.

Mean while as Mi Young was worrying about Ha Joon he was busy worrying about what gift he could give Mi Young.

"What can I give Mi Young? I want to give her something special before I get to mate with her. Her....sweet....vagina will be mine." he said.

" What are you saying Ha Joon." said a voice.

"Jeong? Dr.Jeong you're back! " he said hugging him.

"Let go you're squeezing me." he said

"Sorry." said Ha Joon.

"You do realize that you're in public right?" said Jeong.

"I wouldn't care less about what these people think, I just want Mi Young's melons I want to touch them so bad. I felt them once when she accidentally brushed them against my hands once and I want to feel them in my hands this time I'll be grabbing them in my hands." he said in pervertive way.

"(sigh) Sometimes you do act like some one who's almost a hundred years old." he said disappointedly.

"You're five hundred years old and you have never had a mate." he said slyly.

"I... I... I'm going to kill you!" he said angrily.

Dr. Jeong chased him around with his cane all over the market.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it!!!!!" screamed Ha Joon.