
The Battles of Hearts (Naruto)

Honestly, I designed Naruto's personality in opposite the Manga/Anime. Although Naruto is my favorite, I wanted to craft a character who experiences betrayal from a loved one and becomes cold hearted, this is the story of Naruto the Military Commando. In my story, his son, Aqua Hoshino, differs from the original Oshi No Ko character. I wasn't fond of how Aqua toyed with Akane and Kana's hearts, so I created him to be the son that Naruto truly deserves. I hope you enjoy my narrative.

The_Mystry · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
72 Chs

The Son of White Fang

As Aqua left the room in silence, an air of heaviness descended upon those remaining. The family had just uncovered the dark and painful secrets of Naruto and Aqua's past, realizing the immense burdens they had carried.

Naruto's voice, roughened by time and experience, broke the solemn quiet. He directed his words to Ai, who had been silently blaming herself for the state of the two men she loved. "Don't even think it's your fault, Ms. Hoshino. Before meeting you, I was like this, only more so. When I was betrayed and framed, I returned to the military and became my old self."

Naruto's gaze bore into Ai's with an intensity that seemed to cut through her guilt. "You didn't kill Naruto. You awakened the real me, the one who finds peace in war."

As his words settled into the room, the weight of realization became clearer to everyone present. They had seen the darkness that Naruto and Aqua had become, and in that darkness, they saw the shattered fragments of the men they once were. But they also realized that, deep down, those men still existed, buried beneath layers of pain and despair.

Then Naruto's departure from the room was met with a heavy silence. The family, marred by the revelations of the past and the suffering of the present, couldn't help but feel a deep sorrow for both father and son.

Ruby, holding back tears, muttered, "They've been through so much... It's hard to believe."

Kota, gazing at the door through which his father had disappeared, spoke up, "Yeah, it's as if they're trying to bury their humanity under layers of darkness."

Izumi, who had been deeply affected by Aqua's revelation of his past, added, "It's tragic. They've lost sight of who they were."

Ai, unable to hold back her tears any longer, wiped them away with trembling hands. She whispered, "We have to find a way to bring them back, to heal their scars."

Kana, who had witnessed her beloved Kota's somber expression throughout the ordeal, tightened her grip on his hand and said, "We can't let them lose themselves completely. We must find a way to save them from this darkness."

Shikimori and Akane, the significant others of Izumi and Aqua, respectively, stood alongside the rest of the family during this somber moment.

Shikimori, gently squeezing Izumi's hand, whispered to him, "We have to be there for them, Izumi. We can't let them lose themselves to this darkness."

Akane, who had always been a strong and resolute character, added with determination in her voice, "Aqua needs us more than ever now. We have to support him and help him find his way back."

As the tension in the room continued to linger, suddenly, a figure appeared at the doorway, his silhouette cutting a striking presence against the backdrop of the military base. The onlookers recognized the legendary figure immediately, and a hushed silence fell over the room.

Kakashi Hatake, the renowned and enigmatic commander, stepped into the room with an air of authority. His single visible eye, sharp and penetrating, scanned the room before settling on the trio of Kota, Shota, and Izumi. A small, knowing smile played on his lips as he observed their salute.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Kakashi mused, his voice commanding and calm. "It seems like you've been busy, boys."

Kota, Shota, and Izumi straightened up, their expressions a mix of respect and anticipation. They had heard stories of Kakashi's unparalleled leadership and skill, and to be in his presence was both an honor and an anxiety-inducing experience.

Kakashi's gaze shifted to the rest of the group, and his eye softened slightly as he recognized the worry etched on their faces. "I see we've got some serious issues here," he noted, his tone grave. "But don't worry. We've got a plan."

Kakashi moved with purpose toward Ai, his gaze holding a blend of concern and determination. "Ms. Hoshino, it appears that the Umbrella Corporation might have you in their sights. To ensure your safety, I'm planning to assign Naruto as your personal bodyguard. This might be your chance to mend things with him," he explained, his voice measured and reassuring.

Ai was taken aback by the unexpected turn of events. Her heart fluttered with a mixture of apprehension and hope. "But... I don't know if he'll even listen to me," she stammered, her eyes pleading.

Kakashi placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry. Naruto may seem tough, but deep down, he's still the man you knew. You have a chance here to bridge the gap between you. Take it," he advised, his voice carrying the weight of wisdom.

Ai nodded, her resolve growing. "Thank you, Kakashi San. I'll do my best."

As Kakashi turned to leave, he paused and looked back at the group. "And as for Aqua," he began, his eye glinting with a hint of intrigue, "I have some other plans in mind. Plans that might just shake things up a bit more."

Akane's voice quivered slightly as she directed her gaze at Kakashi. "What do you have planned for Aqua, Kakashi-sensei?" she inquired, her eyes reflecting the worry she held for Aqua's well-being.

Kakashi's demeanor remained calm and collected, his single visible eye crinkling slightly at the corner as he pondered his response. "Aqua is on a path that mirrors his father's in many ways. He has yet to realize the extent of his potential and the depth of his own inner strength," he replied cryptically, leaving the group to ponder his words.

Kota interjected, his tone laced with concern. "But what about his well-being, Kakashi-sensei? He's pushing himself too hard, and it's taking a toll on him," he implored, his worry for his older brother palpable.

Kakashi turned to Kota with a knowing look. "Aqua has a resilience that runs deep, much like his father. I have plans to guide him, to help him find the balance he needs," he assured them, his words carrying the weight of experience.

Kakashi, with a somber expression, looked around at the gathered group. "There is one more thing that you all need to know," he began, drawing their attention. "Akane's father, Sasuke Uchiha, is a living legend, a figure from the shadows of our military history."

As the others exchanged perplexed glances, Akane felt her heart quicken in her chest. The very mention of her father's name sent a jolt of disbelief through her veins. She had always considered her father to be an enigmatic figure, but the idea that he was a renowned warrior was beyond anything she had imagined.

As Akane listened to Kakashi's revelation, her eyes widened in astonishment and confusion. "My father?," she murmured, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Kakashi nodded, his gaze fixed on Akane. "Sasuke Uchiha is indeed a legend in the military world. His prowess in battle earned him the moniker 'The Demon of the Moon.' He was known for his relentless determination and his unwavering commitment to protecting those he loved," he explained, his words carrying the weight of a long-held history.

Akane's mind raced as she attempted to reconcile this newfound information with the stories she had been told about her father. "So, my mother kept this from me all these years? Why?" she questioned, her voice laced with a mixture of hurt and confusion.

Kakashi let out a soft sigh, his gaze shifting slightly as if lost in memory. "Your mother, Rose, had her reasons for keeping this part of her past hidden." he offered, his tone empathetic. 

Then Kakashi with heavy heart explained them Sasuke's tale, one could say that Akane's grandfather opposed his relationship with Rose. Sasuke and Rose's situation mirrored that of Izumi and Shikimori. Aqua recognized the parallels and sought to prevent his student, Izumi, from making the same mistakes as Sasuke. This motivation might have been a result of Sasuke's departure without knowing he had a daughter, all in the name of protecting his family, similar to Izumi's actions. Sasuke currently serves in the military and is known as the Demon of the Moon. While Rose is a prominent businesswoman, she has never shared this part of her history, not even with you, Akane. Rose's father forced Sasuke to leave, their situation mirroring that of Izumi and Shikimori. Sasuke joined the military in search of redemption. Rose attempted to locate Sasuke after becoming a successful businesswoman but was unsuccessful. She never disclosed this to Akane.

Akane's eyes glistened with unshed tears as the weight of her mother's sacrifice settled heavily on her shoulders. "I never knew..." she whispered, her voice trailing off as she processed the truth of her lineage.

Kakashi placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, offering a reassuring squeeze. "Your mother has always had your best interests at heart, Akane. There is much about this world that remains shrouded in shadow, but the light of your family's love will guide you through the darkness," he assured her, his words imbued with a sense of wisdom and understanding.

Akane inquired, "How does Aqua know my father?"

Kakashi replied, "Aqua is Sasuke's only student."

Ai, Asia's top idol, was deeply shocked upon learning about Rose's past. It dawned on her how their stories mirrored each other's, evoking a sense of empathy for the pain that her best friend had endured, much like her own experiences with Naruto.

Akane declared to Kakashi that she would never give up on the idea of bringing Aqua and Naruto back from the darkness that seemed to consume them. She also vowed to find her father, Sasuke, no matter what it took, understanding that her family's history held the key to understanding their current struggles. Kakashi nodded in approval, acknowledging her determination and offering his support in her endeavors.

Ai, with tears in her eyes, added, "As the wife of Naruto and the mother of Aqua, I will do whatever is necessary to bring my family back together. I won't let this darkness take them away from me. I'll fight for their redemption and our reunion, even if it's the last thing I do." Her voice quivered with emotion, expressing the depth of her commitment and the strength of her determination.

Ruby put her hand on her mother's shoulder and firmly stated, "We'll do this together, Mom. We'll bring Dad and Aqua back. We won't let them be consumed by the darkness. We are a family, and we'll fight for each other." Kota, nodding in agreement, added, "I'm with you, Mom. We'll do whatever it takes to bring them back, to bring back the family we once were." Their words carried a strong resolve, echoing their determination to rescue their loved ones from the shadows that threatened to engulf them.

Kana grasped Kota's hand firmly and looked into his eyes, her expression resolute. "I'm with you, Kota. We'll bring them back together. We won't let this darkness take hold of us. We'll fight for their redemption and for the family we all deserve." Her words conveyed her unwavering commitment to support Kota and the determination to prevent the same fate from befalling them.

Izumi, emboldened by Shikimori's support, looked at her with a sense of gratitude and determination. "Thank you for being here, Shikimori San. We'll make it through this together. I won't let anything happen to you either," he replied, his voice conveying unwavering resolve. Shikimori with Determination replied "You're right, we'll save them all. They've suffered enough, and we won't let this darkness consume them any longer." Two shared a moment of silent understanding, reinforcing their commitment to protect their loved ones.

Kakashi, recognizing their determination, stepped forward and said, "I have seen the strength in all of you, and I believe in your ability to bring them back. But remember, the path ahead will not be easy. The darkness that surrounds them has its roots deep within their hearts. It will take more than just words to bring them back. You will need to show them that there is still light in this world, that there is still hope for redemption."

Kakashi's words hung in the air, emphasizing the gravity of their mission. "You'll need to prove to them that the bonds you share are stronger than the darkness that seeks to consume them," he continued, his gaze shifting from one determined face to another. "But with your unwavering commitment and the power of your bonds, I have no doubt that you can bring them back from this abyss." His tone was both encouraging and stern, emphasizing the difficult path that lay ahead of them. "Stay strong and believe in each other. That will be your greatest weapon in this fight."

As the weight of Kakashi's words settled in their hearts, the group stood united in their resolve. Each one was prepared to face the challenges ahead, to bring back the light that had been overshadowed by darkness. They shared a silent understanding, a commitment to reclaiming the lost pieces of their loved ones. With a renewed sense of purpose, they began to prepare for the daunting journey that lay ahead, knowing that their bonds of love and determination would guide them through the shadows and lead them toward the hope of redemption.