
The Battle between Angels and Demons

Pwol · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs


Gyang reached the outskirts of Gyel and found himself

standing before the cottage of the village elder. It was a

modest but tranquil abode, surrounded by colorful

blossoms and fragrant herbs. He hesitated for a moment

before knocking on the wooden door, but a sense of

determination urged him forward.

The door creaked open, and there stood the village elder, a

woman with a timeless air of wisdom. Her eyes held

secrets that had been passed down through generations.

"Young Gyang, I sensed your arrival in my dreams," she

greeted him with a knowing smile.

Gyang recounted the dream he had shared with the

mysterious figure and the sense of urgency it had left in

his heart. The elder listened intently, her expression

shifting from curiosity to understanding.

"The dream you describe is no ordinary dream, Gyang," she

began. "It is a vision, a calling from the spirit world. The figure that beckoned to you is a messenger, and the abyss

represents the unknown, the uncharted territories of


The elder went on to explain that Gyang's destiny was

intrinsically tied to an ancient prophecy that had foretold a

great change in the world of Gyel and Vwang. Gyang was

to play a pivotal role in this change, but he would need to

venture beyond the confines of his village, beyond the hills,

to uncover the truth of the prophecy.

Though apprehensive, Gyang felt a growing sense of

purpose. The elder provided him with a small pouch of

medicinal herbs and an old map, the key to embarking on

his journey. "Remember, Gyang, your path is not without

challenges, but you have the strength and the wisdom

within you to overcome them," the elder assured him.

Meanwhile, Kangyang had also reached the cottage of her

village elder, a woman whose aura exuded serenity and a

deep connection to the spiritual realm. She knocked on the

door, and it swung open to reveal the elder seated on a

wooden stool, weaving a intricate pattern.

Kangyang explained her dream, the mysterious figure, and

the sense of urgency it had stirred within her. The elder

listened, her eyes revealing a profound understanding.

"Kangyang, what you experienced was no ordinary dream,"

the elder began. "It was a vision, a call from the spirits of

our ancestors. The figure that beckoned to you is a guide,

and the abyss represents the uncharted territories of your


The elder continued, revealing that Kangyang's destiny

was closely tied to the same ancient prophecy as Gyang's.

She, too, was chosen to play a crucial role in the unfolding

events that would shape the world of Gyel and Vwang.

With a heart filled with determination, Kangyang accepted

the elder's guidance. She received a pendant, similar to the

one her mother had given her, as a symbol of protection

and connection to her ancestors.

As Gyang and Kangyang left the cottages of their respective elders, they were filled with a sense of purpose

and the knowledge that their destinies were entwined with

an ancient prophecy. Little did they know that their

separate journeys were about to converge, setting the

stage for a grand adventure that would change their lives

and the world they knew forever.