
The Bastard that Unified Terraria

Born a bastard with no birth right, owning nothing and not even having a name, my father banished me to the wastelands of terraria. I will unify the barbarian tribes and take revenge on everyone who ever looked down on me.

Lord_Blow · สงคราม
1 Chs

Am I Really so disgusting ?

It was 12 midday, and Selena was rushing through the kitchens in frightening speed.

She found the rest of the maids going on about their usual gossip, the same devil was subject of it all. A very common occurrence!

" So you're telling the bastard slept with Tia " 

One of the maids stared at the latter face covered in shock .

" why else would tia have that disgusting face on her this morning, she said he kept blabbering about becoming king one day and everyone who looked down on him would lose their heads "

Selena sighed and cut them short!

" enough with the chattering, the young lord does not like it when his food is lately served "

She was right to think so, after all paying heed to a bastard's baseless remarks was a waste of time. He had no birthright since he was an illegitimate child, no support from the vassals and banner-men, even his maid prays to the great divines that he perishes every single day.

How could he become a king, he doesn't even have a name for goodness sake.

" why am I even thinking of such a waste in the first place " 

She hurried the kitchen staff to proceed.

Surely serving the young lord Daniel, who was upright, noble and had the better looks was the correct choice .

Thinking of his looks, slight blushing became apparent on her cheeks.

If only she could somehow manage to seduce the young lord, how her life would completely change. She prayed for the days she would never have to be on this damned kitchen .

The days where she would enjoy lavishness and wealth.

The Bastard had just about woken up.

Waking up late was unbefitting of a Fuentes, as his father often reminded him, but he was a simple bastard with no name nor last name, so he paid no heed to etiquette and overall mannerisms .

He turned to the left side of his bed and sighed in annoyance, his right palm hit his forehead and his uncut nails scratched down his face.

He still remembered how that pathetic maid Tia, as soon as she told her she is free to go, ran away while making disgusting faces.

" Am I really such a disgusting sight? "

He stood in front of the mirror touching his own face curiously. He wasn't as tall as his half brother Daniel, he merely reached 175 centimetres and though he had broader shoulders, his beard made him look like a 40 year old barbarian.

His hair was going grey despite being a young man, all because he was never fed properly.

His nose thick leaned a bit to the longer side, and his eyes each different colours.

His left eye green in colour, while his right one crimson red. All his life he had been told such a phenomenon is simply because he had been born a bastard, but he knew that was bullshit.

There were plenty of bastards working in the stables but their eyes were matching colours, nothing out of the ordinary .

So just why….

A massive sound of boom interrupted his thought process, the wooden door of his shabby room was forced open and a tall man whose face was full of battle scars yet his demeanour and fashion so elegant, entered the room. It was his lord father's butler Manis .

" Having the opportunity to come face to face with such an esteemed individual, is this bastard's greatest luck . I greet the most capable Manis who is alw… " 

Manis spat at him and did not let him finish his well rehearsed paragraph.

The bastard pulled this stunt often and he was aware why he did such a thing.

It was his coping mechanism, hyperbolising greetings towards people of higher status, so that he could feel like he makes fun of esteemed people and therefore elevating his own self and feeding his own ego.

" put on a proper attire bastard, the lord has summoned you to his chambers "

" Summoned me to his chambers ? " 

The bastard put on an over exaggerated expression .

" I may be a lowly bastard but I am still his son, summoning me to his chambers… " 

He tried putting on a coy expression but his lips started to twitch as he could barely hold his laughter.

" is the lord thinking of committing incest? "

Manis' eyeballs expanded to the point where he looked like a character in those children books, with an expression like he had just seen his entire family die, he spat on the bastard for 3 more consecutive times, such a time frame was enough for him to pull himself together.

" Enough with the bullshit, you know today is the day you head for Terraria, surely your true home lies there and you will… 

He stopped and after staring at him with a smirk, he proceeded 

" you will fit right in "