
(1) The Bastards Life

( POV Baron Stone )

I stared down at the courtyard below. My brother was there. Artos Arryn was his name. Arryn how I despised the name Arryn. It was a constant reminder of my station. The bastard son of Jon Arryn. It was that moment that I caught the eye of my half brother and where most families would find love in the eyes of their siblings I found nought but disgust.

"Come brother!" He beckoned pointing his sword in my direction and I knew better than to refuse

I ran to the training grounds and upon entering I found Artos draped in padded leather training armour and his training sword in hand. He was flanked by Brogre a giant man covered in scaled armour and a great helm. He had a dirk strapped to his belt and a kite shield to his back. Clutched in Brogre's hand was a wooden mace, a stark contrast from his true weapon, a spiked morning star that shredded shield walls as easily as it shredded men in battle.

"Yes m'lord?" I said wanting this conversation to be over with sooner.

"It's My Lord." Came his scathing reply

"What?" I asked confused by what he meant.

But my query was answered by a swat of his training sword at the side on my leg. While his young twelve name day old body carried little power it was still enough for my body, of only six name days, to crumple to the ground.

"Say it bastard!" He shouted pointing the blade at me menacingly and as I thought of refusing just to spite the little cunt, I saw Brogre move forward.

"Sorry My Lord." I said with clenched teeth.

"Look Brogre, it seems even mountain clan savages can learn manners." The pretentious ass said with a shit eating grin on his face.

"Indeed my Lord." Came the calm, monotone almost bored voice of Brogre.

I pushed myself to the ground as Artos disappeared from my view only for him to reappear as I made it to my feet. He tossed a wooden sword towards me and I caught it just in time as he swung his blunted metal one at me. I raised the sword and attempted to block the attack and I did so. Before I could celebrate my accomplishment Artos swung again this time hitting my upper arm with the side of his blade causing my own sword to fall from my grasp.

"Where is that famous savage strength your goat-fucking people are supposed to possess." He said as he made to swing again.

I rolled out of the way and grabbed my sword before leaping to my feet. Anger coursed through my veins as bloodlust clouded my vision. I swung and Artos was to shocked to react. My sword clashed against his brow causing a small cut. I swung again as Artos staggered backwards but my blade made no contact instead the wooden sword was grasped by a metal clad hand.

Brogre wrenched my weapon from my grasp. Now without a weapon I was at my brothers nonexistent mercy. He grabbed me by my collar and made to punch my face. A face that looked so different from his own.

"What is going on here!" Roared the unmistakable voice of father

"I'm sorry father. I was just showing Baron some of the things I learned." My little shit of a brother said quickly and as he did so I took a few steps back out of range.

"Don't you lie to me Artos!" Father said again seeing through my brothers eye. I saw Artos glance at fathers red face and for a fleeting moment I thought he would tell the truth. I was wrong.

"It's just...….he spoke bad about mother and...I just got so angry." Artos said with a shaky voice before wrapping his arms around father.

"Brogre is this true, did Baron insult my dearly departed?" Father questioned the 'total unbiased' bodyguard of my brother

"It is true My Lord. I was about to break the fight up when you arrived." The monotone voice echoed from behind the metal helm.

"Thank you Brogre, you're a good man." My father thanked the not so gentle giant.

"And you Artos, I'm sorry for shouting I understand you were angry but you can't fight with family, and Baron is your brother. Do you understand." Father said addressing Artos kindly.

"I understand father." Artos said while wiping his eyes of tears that weren't there.

"And you." Father said, disappointment clear in his tone.

"Son...….just….go to the kitchen and get some food then off to your room, and stay there until I decide on a suitable punishment." He said and as much as I wanted to argue I knew it would be pointless as it had been before.

"Yes father." I said while staring at the ground in 'remorse'

"Good." He said simply before turning and leaving back to his solar

"Good." Came the mocking voice of my brother.

I looked up to see his oh so punchable face staring back at me with a look of gloating plaster on it. A primal growl filled my throat and I lunged for him, I don't know what I expected to happen. Artos, twice me age was easily able to side step my lazy attack and he responded with a punch to the gut. I collapsed to the ground and Artos made to kick my downed form.

"My Lord." Artos was interrupted

"Shall we return to practice?" Brogre suggested

"Yes, let's." Artos said simply while looking at my downed form in disgust.

I made my way to my feet and stood an shaky legs before turning and going towards the kitchens.


( POV Collin Stuart )

I stopped what I was doing and placed the knife I was using to cut vegetables for the stew on the counter. I wiped my hands with the cloth at my wrist and placed it beside the knife. I stared at the bastard in front of me. This fucking bastard was everywhere. If he wasn't Lord Arryn's son I'd beat the boy for even approaching a good Andal man like myself.

"My father sent me for food." The bastard said, addressing him betters.

"Fine, wait here." I said from behind grinding teeth.

I turned and grabbed a bowl and ladle before approaching a pot of stew. I spooned in some of the hardy food before turning back to the bastard. I held the bowl out and he raised his hands to grab it. I cast a quick glance over my shoulder and found the kitchen nearly empty. With a smirk on my face I poured the stew into the dogs bowl that was located near the door.

"What?" The bastard said confused

"There's your food, you mountain, bastard, stone savage." I whispered menacingly.

The boy glared at me before turning and stomping out of the room. I returned to where I was before and went to grab my knife, only to find it gone and gone with it was my wash cloth.


( POV Brogre Barr )

I stared at the boy from the slits in my great helm, my eyes devoid of emotion. I quite liked the boy actually, he reminded me of myself when I was young, in the slave pits of Meereen. But I had orders.

"What do you want." He questioned his young voice tired and angry.

"I don't want this, your brother does." I responded before swinging my metal clad fist at the small boy. I didn't hit as hard as I could, not wanting to kill him. I swung again and again until he barely held consciousness.

"Why are you doing this?" The small boy wheezed

"Whatever do you mean? I just found you, after you fell down the stairs I said before dropping him on the go round where we stood, at the base of the stairway.

"SOMEONE FETCH LORD ARRYN!!!" I shouted as the boy lost consciousness



( POV Jon Arryn )

"What am I so urgently needed for?" I asked my squire as I rushed to get dressed.

"It's Brogre Barr My Lord!" The boy said frantically

"What of him?" I asked confused

"He's been killed!" The young man said.

What! He's dead. That's horrible, if it wasn't for Brogre Baron might be in even worse condition. If Brogre didn't find him at the bottom of those stairs last week he might have suffered serious wounds instead of a few bruises.

"Gather my sons in my solar and fetch the captain of the guard." I said before rushing out the door.


( POV Artos Arryn )

"You, Collin Stuart, stand accused of murdering the sworn sword of the Heir to the Vale, Brogre Barr. How do you plead." Father asked the fat cook

"Not guilty! Please you have to believe me." The fat balding, man who killed Brogre, cried out.

"This knife was found embedded in Brogre's heart, this is the knife that slit his throat and stabbed his chest six times." Father said

"And this cloth, your cloth, was found in the hallways, soaked in blood." Father continued and the man just continued to plead.

"There are a dozen cooks with the same knife and the same cloth, please Mi'lord I swear!" He cried out

"Son, tell us what you overheard." Father said to the bastard

"I heard him talking with his wife the other day, he caught them in bed. That man called Brogre an Essosi slave and vowed revenge." My bastard brother said while pointing at the fat cook.

"It's clear then, who's at fault the question is your punishment." Father said before turning to me

"He was your sworn sword, how shall he die?" Father asked me.

"Please mercy Mi'lord, mercy!" The fat man cried out and the look of anguish on his face exited me.

"Father, I want to see him fly." I said as I watched the man's eyes full with horror and my own fill with joy.

"The Moon Door." Father ordered while gesturing to some guards

The Moon Door was opened and the man dragged before it. He begged and begged but no one listened as he was thrown to his death.

"This has been a traumatic experience for the both of you, go to your rooms, we'll speak on the morrow." Father said to us both and we left for our rooms.

"Brother wait." The bastard called to me

"What do you want?" I questioned, my tone of voice making my thoughts on speaking with him clear but what I found when I turned was the feeling of a blade at my stomach.

"I haven't eaten in days because of that cook, and a week ago you sent Brogre to beat me half to death, and now both are dead." He said before withdrawing the blade from its position and allowing me to identify it as Brogre's dirk.

"It was you!" I said in horror

"You're lucky father is sending me away, else you might be next." He said before sheathing the blade and continuing down the hall.
