
5: Permission Granted

He drove them across Madison to a cozy Italian restaurant along a busy street.

“This is my mom’s place, Trav.”

“I know. You told me you love eating here, so I thought I would treat you.”

“Oh. Aww, that’s sweet.”

The two of them got through the first forty minutes of their date before Verna’s mother found them.

“Verna León Cacchya are you hiding from me?”

Verna looked up and beamed. “No, mama. I’m not hiding.”

“So why didn’t you come through to the kitchen?”

“Because I’m on a date!”

“A date?” her mother echoed softly, approaching their table.

Verna couldn’t help rolling her eyes at the way her mother’s face lit up when she got a good look at Travis. Standing, she kissed her warmly on both cheeks before introducing Travis.

“Nice to meet you Mrs. Cacchya.”

“Please call me Sylvia. I hardly answer to Cacchya anymore. It’s been two years since my husband died and the name is a painful memory.” Then she smiled up at them and asked whether they had ordered the night’s special. “I’m making it myself.”

Then she slapped her forehead. “Table twelve’s should be ready. Excuse me. Enjoy your meal,” she called over her shoulder.

The night’s special happened to be a delicious chicken lasagna.

“How come you don’t make this for me?” Travis complained in good humor.

She laughed. “The day I do, you’ll forget everything else!”

“Except you hair, babes.”

She rose an eyebrow.

“Well,” he conceded, “and some other things…” His hand reached for hers, lifting it to his lips. “You’re gorgeous.”

She withdrew her hand from his swiftly. “So are you.” She smiled shyly.

Travis frowned but said nothing.

When their dessert arrived Travis was watching Verna, trying to figure out what stirred him so much about the look she’d had on her face when her blueberry finger tarts were placed in front of her that he forgot his own tiramisu.

And then it hit him. As the second tart went into her mouth, her slightly parted lips smiled and she closed her eyes as if she was in heaven. The same way she did when they-


He nearly started. The rapturous expression had been replaced by a confused one.


“Why-?” she began to ask, then her expression cleared. She picked up the third finger tart. “Want to try it?”

He hesitated, ready to say no, but then he smiled, flashing a gold tooth and causing her heart to stop. “Sure, but I can’t reach it there.”

Verna stretched her hand, obviously hoping to throw it into his mouth, which caused him to chuckle. “Babes, I don’t bite. Ha- even if I do, it won’t hurt.”

Knowing she wouldn’t budge soon, he bent forward, deliberately catching her forefinger in his mouth. She gasped as his tongue moistened her finger before releasing it, allowing her to pull it away.

She looked into his eyes to see them darkened with desire. But she saw something else too. A challenge. She looked away and could’ve sworn she heard him sigh a moment later.

The next thing he did was say, “I’m seeing my son on Sunday. You want to come?”

It was her turn to hesitate, then she said, “What time do we leave?”

She received another wide smile with the reply. “Nine-thirty.”

The following day, when they were driving home from seeing Stacey and Bubba, Travis noticed Verna was rather quiet.

“What’s up?”

She shrugged. “Thinking about the weekend.”

“You nervous?” She nodded. “Don’t be, gorgeous. Zane may be a handful, but he’s a bundle of love. He’ll love you.” As much as I do.

He stopped the car. Not sure whether outside her house qualified as ‘discreet’ enough, he just turned to look at her wistfully.

She smiled, as if reading his mind. Leaning forward, she grabbed the lapels of his jacket, pulling him close for a kiss that took a very long time. She only pulled back when the headlights of a car penetrated the dark intimacy. But Travis didn’t mind. Neither did he mind stopping at her door to express their feelings for each other again.

What he did mind was the struggle to control himself when he remembered their test results had not yet been delivered. He threw himself onto the sofa on the other side of the living room from Verna León. She bit her lip.

Running a hand through her hair she said, “Oh my God, I didn’t think it would be so hard! Shouldn’t the results be here by now?” Pause. “Let’s go check the mailbox- I didn’t do that yesterday, maybe they’ve come.”

“I don’t think I would take disappointment too well right now.” But he stood up anyway.

Just their luck, there happened to be a lot of mail to sift through. Travis didn’t touch any of it.

“I feel like we’re taking a pregnancy test.”

Verna’s giggle turned into a squeal of delight when the envelope they were looking for appeared. She dropped everything else and dragged him to the sofa again.

“Here, give it to me,” he said. “Let me read it.”

The sigh that escaped his lips caused Verna’s heart to stop for a few seconds. The letter fell from his fingers and he looked at her. “Come here.”

She moved over timidly. “What does it say?”

“It says I have the right to safely kiss you and touch you and make love to you as much as I want…”

“So what are you waiting f-?”

That was the last thing Verna said for quite a while, as Travis exercised his long-awaited rights.