

Zacharias – it's been almost two years since he went by that name.

Unlike his sister Veronica, he'd been travelling world to world in hopes that he could find something that could grant him salvation from this cursed bloodline of his. And in the process, spare his sister from the pain of madness that was given by the dark god – a name lost in time that was eventually forbidden to speak of – not even the gods were allowed to say the name.

Alfaðör forbade it.

During his time in the order, Bruno found a hidden room within the library that even Alfonse wasn't aware of. He and the previous Summoner, Isaiah explored and found various journals that were written in four different languages but all by the same hand. Two were ancient Askran and Emblian languages, the other two were from different worlds – Isaiah claimed that he could read it because those were the ancient languages back in his world.

Bruno recalled having to ask Isaiah what the name of his world was, in secret hopes that his world would have the freedom he sought out. But the previous Summoner was silent – and in the end, he couldn't even utter the name as if someone forbade it.

From the World of Awakening – he found a cave with a gateway hidden within its depths. A part of him wondered if anyone from the world even knew of this place, or did Alfonse or perhaps his ancestors opened up this gateway. Bruno had nothing to lose and decided to gamble on this discovery – see what world was connected with the world of Awakening.

Crossing the gateway, the Emblian prince found himself in the middle of an open ruin – it wasn't like any other ruins he found in other worlds like Mystery or Awakening. The ruins he saw were similar to ancient Askran and Emblian architecture from the shattered floor to the crumbling pillars – the air surrounding the place was warm, a favorable weather condition for most who do labor.

The deeper he went into the ruins he felt a somewhat, familiar surge of magical power. Magic that he hasn't witnessed within the Heroes or those from Askr or Embla – but oddly enough, it was… similar to the magic of Breidablik. The divine weapon that was used by the summoners who come to their world.

There he witnessed a room made out of gold – as if it came out of the stories of the Alfaðör's golden halls where all the gods and brave souls come together in the afterlife. There lies an altar – where two weapons were displayed.

When the Emblian prince approached the weapons – one was a lance that has runes carved on its tips. The other was a sword with a golden blade and yellow stones that could simply represent the sun, and runes that the prince found familiar. He remembered Isaiah translating runes like this to him when the found that hidden room in the order's library.

Alfaðör demands the sword from her and she readily gives it. The loss of Vanr's sword and heiress had consequences. He read.

Vanir. He thought. Every child in Zineth knew of the lost story of Vanir �� a Kingdom who broke its ties with their world to spare them from a destructive war, never to be seen or heard from again. Each time Askran Kings would try to open a gateway – their abilities would be cancelled out as if a god did not want them to.

Bruno continued to read the runes on the lance's blade. She, who was devastated by the loss of her sister, refused to leave Valhala's walls. Eventually, he found himself reading the words out loud. "Freya, god love, I summon you from your sheltered halls."

The Emblian prince closed his eyes by the sudden surge of light – the golden walls didn't help as it was blinding him. Once the light was gone, before him stood a young woman whose feet didn't touch the floor, with short silver hair and pale grey eyes. Skin as fare as a deity, she wore a cloak made of falcon feathers, and an amber torc around her neck. She looked kind and fragile, as if he couldn't picture her holding anything destructive.

"Prince of a cursed bloodline," her voice was soothing to hear, "why have you called for me?"

"I…" Bruno was loss of words. He never thought he'd find himself in the presence of a god. "I did… not wish to disturb you."

"But you have." She said as her feet slowly landed on the golden floors of the ruins, she turned to the altar – reaching out her hand. And by a silent command, the lance was found in her hand. It didn't take long for Bruno to notice the sad gaze the god had the moment she looked at the blade of the weapon in her hand. "It has been… thousands of years since I was on mortal soil. You are not from Vanir. From which realm did you hail?"

"I hail from Zineth," the prince found himself responding.

"Ah," a smile escaped from the goddess' lips as if she remembered fond memories. "Yes… Zineth – I remember when that world was new. King Lif and Emperor Thrasir were once good friends of my sister… but you do not look at peace, prince. Why?"

"Askr and Embla are now at war…" as much as it pains him, it was reality. He did not wish to hate Askr or its people – after what they did for him. They took him in, treated him well – whereas Embla treated his mother poorly, calling her a traitor and accusing her of sharing imperial secrets with the kingdom – until she died alone in a cold, dark cell and he couldn't do anything to save her. "My blood… this curse wants me to eliminate the Askran royals. I'm… searching for a way… to get rid of it."

"Forgive me prince," the goddess bowed in apology. "But even us gods have limits… and I cannot undo a curse of another god unless…"

For the first time in his life, Bruno couldn't help but look into the gentle eyes of the goddess who smiled. She has answers – she may not have the means but she has a clue, something, anything that could help him get rid of the monster inside of him. The voice that screams for vengeance and bloodlust. The salvation for peace.

He would do anything to get rid of it. To grasp the freedom, he wanted all his life. For him and his beloved sister. "…Alfaðör could grant you your wish. But in return, you must do something for us."

"What must I do?"

"Alfaðör wants his daughter back." She spoke softly. "I want my sister back… Vanir wants their gods back. Help me find my sister, Frey and I will tell Alfaðör of your wish to be free."

"How… do I know that you won't trick me?"

"A contract." Freya said with a cheerful smile. It's been so long since she was able to roam outside of castle walls, let alone be in contact with mortals like this prince. It brings her…a bitterness in disguise. "A contract between a god and a mortal is similar to a contract between Summoner and his Heroes. The difference is that we will both be free of this contract once our respective deals are done. Now, prince," the goddess reached out her hand with a smile still, "in return for your freedom, will you find me my sister?"

Bruno grew up with his father telling him that the gods have forsaken them and favored Askr, above all else because they were monsters. Their bloodline… was born to be monsters. And for that one blazing moment, is when he realized that there was a choice in all of this. Alfonse, Sharena, Anna… even that new Summoner Kiran – were right. There was a way.

He took her hand, knowing – believing again… that he and his sister can finally have a future.

"Alfaðör is now aware of what transpires here." With a simple tap of her finger, the jewel of her necklace glowed as her appearance remained almost the same – her silver hair has turned light brown and her clothes became similar to his. Carrying the proud black plates of Embla and yet maintaining the purity of her white cloak. "My name shall not be uttered. Now… until our contract is fulfilled, you will call me… Eclat."

Eclat smiled fondly. "Yes… my mortal name shall be Eclat." Her voice remained the same. There was this soothing feeling of innocence and kindness – but even he could see the boiling hatred inside of her eyes.