
The Bad Girl's Good Boy

"Do I have something on my face?" She asked. "What?" I asked. "You were gaping like some dead fish. Are we gonna have any problems?" She said not taking her eyes off her book. "Sorry." I apologized then returned to the lecture. What happens when nerdy Theo crosses paths with the all black wearing new girl, Delilah? Will she change him or him her? Think Mean girls with a hint of High School Musical, a dash of gossip girl and a drop of k dramas.

PearlOjo · วัยรุ่น
12 Chs

Chapter 3: Delilah's POV

I did the basic registration, schedule collection yada yada yada that comes with every cliche' high school then walked to my first class, English Lit. Honestly, Jefferson Richmond High wasn't bad; if you ignored the stares and stupid comments like:

"New girl."

"She's hot. I call dibs."

"I'm not a fucking chicken wing doofus!" I yelled at the jock.

"But you're sure as sweet as one." He replied.

"Ugh." I groaned.

High school, the only place that was bold enough to confine hormone crazed teenagers for more than 1 minute. Honestly (Wow I say honestly a lot), I wondered how teachers coped. It must be so hard trying to resist smacking some people upside the head for being so stupid.

Anyway, I digress.

The English Lit teacher Mrs Barn was an old fashioned lady that still retained traditions that should have been abolished a long time ago. I mean, she made me do a 'short' introduction.


At least she made me sit beside a really cute nerd that couldn't stop staring at me. I tried to jot what she was saying, because I'm a good student like that, but I just couldn't focus with his eyes on me.

"Do I have something on my face?" I asked not taking my eyes off the board.

"What?" He stuttered.

Gosh he was so cute. I fought the urge to coo at him. *gag* please I'm not that sweet. Yes he was cute but the staring was irritating.

"You were gaping like some dead fish. Are we gonna have any problems?"I scolded, a little too harshly if I may add.

"Sorry." He apologized then returned to the lecture.

Finally, I could concentrate. But just as I was about to write, the bell rang. I looked at my schedule and smiled. Music class was next but I couldn't understand the map.

I left the class after everyone had filed out and before I could blink the warning bell sounded and the hallway that was once packed with students suddenly got empty and I was left standing there like an idiot.

I had just given up hope and resigned that I'd go to the library and get in trouble for skipping class when my savior appeared.

"Uh...what are you doing?" He asked.

I turned around and saw goggles from English Lit class staring (again) at me. But this time it was more of a questioning look. His dark brown hair looked ruffled like he had just run his hands through it and he had the perfect nerd look from the glasses down to his slacks.

I decided not to be a bitch and ask him for help. It wouldn't hurt to be nice once in a while.

"I got lost. I'm supposed to be in Music Class now but I have terrible map reading skills." I said playing for a helpless girl look.

It seemed my attack from earlier strengthened his resolve a little bit because he wasn't the blubbering mess I expected. Instead he flashed me a killer smile that stunned me for a moment and offered to walk me there.

"That's where I'm headed now. And we're in luck, Mrs Nancy is really nice."

"Oh. Thank God then."

I tried humming to ease the silence and he smiled at me.

"What?" I asked apprehensively.

His hands came up next, "Oh I'm sorry. I love the song you're humming."

"You listen to Magic?" I asked.

"Who doesn't?" He laughed.

We got to the doors of the class and like a true gentleman, he opened the door for me.

The other students seemed to be warming up and I could see that it wasn't just us Seniors. They were arranged according to the instruments they played and I guessed those without instruments were singers.

"Aren't we supposed to be learning about the history of music and stuff?" I whispered to... Oh my gosh. I just realized I didn't even ask his name.

"Yeah but we're preparing for the Winter Musical." He whispered back.

"Yes Mr Bronx. That's why I don't understand your tardiness today." Mrs Nancy said staring at us now.

The whole class stared at us and I just saved the eye rolling for later.

"I'm sorry Mrs Nancy. I had to help the new student." He said, basically throwing me under the bus. And here I thought we were bonding.

"Yes I can see that. But next time I won't hesitate to send you to the Principal's office." She warned.

"Yes Mrs Nancy." He said, heading to the stand for keyboardists.

'Interesting.' I thought.

"So young lady, can you introduce yourself to the class?" Mrs Nancy said turning to me.

I did the same introduction I did in my previous class and moved to take a seat.

"Oh no, dear. You still have to audition." She said.

"Okay. Um...I sing fairly well so I guess that's what I'll be doing." I said.

I did a cover of Sia's Chandelier and after things started getting too serious I asked them to sing along and we mixed in other songs. When I was done, I curtsied because I'm classy like that and they clapped and laughed.

Mrs Nancy handed me the script and list of songs for the musical and I laughed. The songs were so cheesy and were almost all about love. I moved to sit and two girls moved to sit beside me.

The first to speak was a tall yellow skinned girl with curly black hair she left in a cute fro, "Hi I'm Diana. I love your hair. Is it natural? I loved your voice. Gosh you're such a singer you put Hayley over there to shame." She said pointing at a brunette a few seats from us.

"Diana! Sorry. She's such a handful sometimes. I'm Emma. I sing soprano." The second girl said. She was a little taller than I was with long pin straight light brown hair. She had her hair down but her outfit showed she was in between the soft girl and cottage core aesthetic.

"I'm Delilah but I prefer Lylah." I said, "I don't mind at all. I like her a lot. And yes Diana my hair is natural."

"Oh. That's nice. So have you made any friends yet? If you haven't you should probably eat lunch with us. We'll introduce you to the rest of the gang."

"Um.." I said trying to come up with the perfect excuse.

"It'll be fun. I promise." Emma added.

"Oh alright." I said.

"Yes!!!" Diana squealed. She was so loud that we all had to cover our ears.

"Jeez! What part do you sing Diana?" I asked.

"Oh I don't sing. I just cheer everyone up." She said with a giggle.

The rest of the class went by faster than expected and I couldn't wait for lunch. When the bell rang, I went to my locker to dump some stuff from my bag. As I turned to leave I was confronted by some...I have no words right now so I'll let you decide.

"So you're the new girl." One said.

'Ugh. If I hear that stupid title one more time.' I threatened internally.

"Yes I am. So whatzitooya?" I asked, suddenly remembering that scene from SpongeBob.

They rolled their eyes and Barbie number two spoke, "Look stay away from Theodore. He's mine." She said only to be interrupted by a cough from Barbie number one, "I meant hers. He's hers."

"Look when you guys figure it out, let me know okay?" I said walking away from them to my next class. This time I had no issues finding the biology lab.

Just another day in school.

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