
Chapter 14

Minutes before…

The man in a black suit observed the family, despite being a murderer he considered himself to be generous and pious, he would first kill the girl and then the woman, thus preventing them from suffering more when they saw the man die, however, just before taking a step, Aron's commanding gaze stopped him.

It was curious, but when he saw Aron's eyes, the man in the suit felt a chill down his back, there was no way that simple karate fighter could instill fear in him, however, why had he been petrified right in that place? Suddenly Aron looked at the girls and said

- Please wait for me in my office, I must talk some things with this man

Rouse held her daughter up as Aron walked into the office, determined to face the guy with the black suit.

- who are you and what do you want?

- Impressive! you're the first person who feel my killer instinct

- You said it before! I'm sure it felt like a block around of distance

Aron analyzed the man, he looked like a stereotypical agent from some bad spy movie. His way of walking and moving showed an excess of confidence, it was better to be careful, no one could be so confident for no apparent reason, however, his body looked like that of a slightly trained man, for some reason he did not feel that that subject was a hazard.

-Well - said the man taking off his dark glasses while he spoke - I'll be frank and direct, I've come to kill you and unfortunately the witnesses you hid in that office

- Why should you kill me? I haven't messed with anyone!

The subject in black was surprised, his instinct was shouting two things at him, the first was not to face that man and the second was whispering that the man was innocent. He knew in the deep of himself, it was not he who had killed the gatekeepers, however, there was something he feared more than his own instinct and it was Weifon, the man dressed in white (his boss). That guy was the scariest thing he had ever met up to that day, in other words, regardless of whether he was innocent or not, he still had to carry out his orders or he would be the one who would end up in a state worse than death.

-I don't really think you have killed those idiots - said the man while he massaged his temples -but my job is my job, I'm sorry ...

- Killed who?

Before Aron could say anything else, the guy in black lunged at him while he was wielding a knife,

- He has experience with knives, however he doesn't seem like a professional - Aron analyzed it to himself.

The speed of the man and the way of attacking, reminded him of a wild boar, there was no technique, it was as if he relied only on his brute force, which apparently did not deserve any merit.

The man in black was frustrated with only taking a few steps, because he did not understand that was had passed. Aron had disappeared in front of his eyes. It was as if he had been attacked by a tornado and his body had been slammed with incredible force against one of the walls. The poor man felt his ribs break and I can't help but cough up blood from his internal injuries.

He looked at Aron, who had barely moved, but had his knife in his hand, how could an ordinary human be so strong?

- If you really want to kill me - Aron said calmly - a one on one fight won't work.

Aron tossed the knife aside carelessly, to Aron's surprise the subject in black stood up, he had beaten him with the intention of sending him to a hospital, but from the way he moved it was as if he had not received major damage, he had still coughed up blood, he shouldn't be able to stand up.

- How good! - Said the man taking off his tie to throw it aside - I couldn't do this for a long time! Activate Auto Regeneration, Activate Rapid Step, Activate Agility, Activate Strength, Activate Martial Arts Mastery, Activate Rock Skin

Aron did not understand what that subject was saying, however, he could feel it, the more he murmured the more dangerous it became, to the point that inadvertently Aron changed his relaxed position without guard to a guard that would be the kind he only used when facing others martial arts masters.

The man attacked him again but his speed, movements, strength and precision seemed like someone else's, even with Aron's experience and strength it was difficult for him to avoid being hit in a vital point, although he did not receive any significant damage, even so, he received a couple of blows that confirmed that the power of his fists was at the level of an expert fighter, this time it was Aron who ended up hitting the wall behind him

- Impressed? - The subject in the black suit asked Aron, when he activated all his abilities it was impossible for a simple human to fight him, however, a chill ran down the back of the man in black, the kind of fear that only Weifon could produce ... Aron stood up with a smile

- For me it has also been a long time - said Aron - since someone hit me like this!

Aron moved stretching his body, perhaps it was an impression of the subject in black, but it seemed that Aron's muscles were now bigger.

Not only that, his eyes burned with a dark flame, when he began to walk towards him, the man in black instinctively began to back away, the pressure he felt reminded him of the monsters that inhabited The Castle of the Dead Ladies.

- Tell me how did you do it? - Asked Aron- how did you get so strong just by muttering a few words?

- You would not understand…

Said the man in black who decided not to think about that and attacked Aron with all his might, while moving he activated all the abilities he had left, however, Aron's huge hand took his face and with overwhelming force smashed his face against the ground breaking it with his skull, although that caused significant damage to the black guy, it was not enough to knock him unconscious. However, when Aron's hand was separated from his face, almost immediately a punch struck his face with such force that his upper jaws, septum, and various other skull bones were shattered leaving him completely knocked out.

- Too bad - said Aron- and I thought that you would hold a round against me.

- But how useless you turned out to be - the voice behind Aron did not surprise him - he had perceived the presence of several subjects waiting outside to then enter the dojo.

Aron, took a broken leg from the man in black's glasses and slowly stood up and turned around.

There were at least six people in front of him now, however, that did not worry him. At that moment a man appeared with a knife to Rouse's neck while Vivian was crying.

- You - said the man now speaking to Aron- we will do this, if you endure our blows for 3 minutes without defending yourself or putting your knees on the ground, we will let the woman go and if after 5 minutes you have not yet died we will let the girl go .

Aron analyzed the situation, looked at Rouse who nodded. This in a movement so fast that none of those present could see, he threw the leg that he had picked up from the man in black directly at the right eye of the one who was holding his girlfriend prisoner.

A scream of pain was heard behind Rouse, while the man's knife fell from his hand, Rouse did not miss the opportunity, and with all her might she hit the testicles of the man who was now screaming in pain also because of his crotch, Rouse grabbed her daughter and ran to Aron's side.

- Don't let Vivian see this please.

He asked Aron to Rouse, however the little girl replied

- I want to see how Aron Daddy puts those bad guys in their place

"Aron Daddy" both Rouse and Aron looked at the girl in surprise, she had never called to Aron dad. A huge smile spread across Aron's face, who couldn't help scratching himself behind his neck somewhat pained, but immediately turned around looking at his opponents.

He decided to please his little "daughter" and teach the bad guys a lesson, with as little violence as possible of course.