
The world is slowly changing

On March 14, 2020 something strange happened, the sky turned pitched black like its night and lightning flashed across the dark sky, the thunder echoes loudly then a cloud formed. A creature then appeared in the clouds and said this world is now my Lords playing ground and some of you humans will be gifted with abilities by my lords. You will hear more about this in a week on March 21, 2020. The dark sky then turned back to day light, later that day at 7pm it was broadcast over the news. NEWS REPORT: it was reported that this strange creature was sited all over the world and it said the same thing but am sure I am not the only one that is confused about the situation….

Back at Northern City at a small café…. What do you think that was Alex? It must have been some big movie company shooting a movie scene or some scientist testing out some new project. It can't be a movie scene it looks too realistic and if it was scientists testing some kind of project, they would have announced it. Do you think it could be Aliens? Really Leo? Aliens? Hahaha aliens don't exist said Alex. Do you have a better explanation what the hell that was then said Leo? Nope, I sure know it's not alien tho, let the scientists or government figure things out. 

Western City at Carlenton Highschool… A boy with black straight hair and wearing glasses is sitting at the window reading a manga called The Advance player of the dungeon. While the students in the classroom was terrified, he was pretty calm. Did that thing just said the humans will be gifted with abilities well some at least. Shiro your quite calm about this said a girl walking up to him. I can say the same about you Amy said Shiro and fix his glasses. Ok, so what do you think of this? ask Amy. Well am not really sure but I think that creature is of another world said Shiro. That would explain it as by the looks of it that creature is not in charge. Your right its some other creature, that creature called it lord and it sounds like there is more than one….

1 Week later… March 21,2020 the day finally comes where the creature returns. It returned at the exact time at 12 noon the sky turns pitch black, lightning flash, thunder roars, then dark clouds form and then it appeared. I will continue were I left off. About the abilities and how it will be gifted, my lords will gift it randomly or to people who they find personal interest in. There will be various abilities base on your origins such as fire, water, earth, wind etc. You will start to notice your abilities at April 15 but some person takes 3 days after. If that 3 days past and you don't awaken then it's most likely you weren't gifted with any. There are various ways to awaken, the most famous ones are situations that may endanger your life, you randomly use your ability on accident, you awaken your ability by doing things you like etc. That's all but beware on April 20, 2020 this world will change. The creature vanished and everything went back to normal.

Next day… Ayo Leo, LEO…LEO, Alex shouted. Oh, Alex what sup? Didn't you hear me calling? Sorry I have a lot of things on my mind right now. Your thinking about that thing yesterday aren't you. Yes, any normal person would be thinking of that. What did that creature mean that the world is going to change on April 20, in what way said Leo? Can't we just leave that to the authority, let's head to school. Do you want to head to the karaoke after school? am going to invite Jia. I know you like her said Alex. Really? Is it that obvious said Leo? Yea bro, I saw you drooling over her like you wanted to gobble her up. Am kidding hahaha… but you were looking at her a lot said Alex. Am guilty, I really, really like her. Then how comes you didn't tell your best buddy. I didn't want to tell you because I don't have any chance of being with her. Come on you do have a chance, who knows what will happen today so just tag along bro. Ok fine I hope I don't embarrass myself. 

Later that day…. I can't believe she actually tag along said Leo. Am good with girls you know said Alex with a smirk. She also brought a friend. Yes, and she is super cute said Alex. Ayo a room for the four of us let's see two hours please said Alex. That will be $1200 said the karaoke worker. Alex hand him the money and they then head to the karaoke room. [you also get drinks and snack within the $1200 pay] They take a seat. I haven't introduced my friend yet said Jia. This is Amanda, she is also in 3rd form. Nice to meet you, my name is Alex and this is my friend Leo. He is really shy so be patient with him said Alex. Amanda went up on the small stage in the karaoke room and then she chose a song. Song: Diamonds by Rihanna. She then started singing…. Shine bright like a diamond

Shine bright like a diamond. Find light in the beautiful sea

I choose to be happy, you and I, you and I 

We're like diamonds in the sky you're a shooting star I see a vision of ecstasy when you hold me, I'm alive… she is now finish singing. Wow! Amanda you're a really good singer said Alex. Really? Thank you very much said Amanda while she blushes. I guess I will go next, am warning you guys am not a good singer said Alex. Ahem… Alex clears his throat. Song: Better now by Post Malone

He then started singing…. You pro'lly think that you are better now, better now You only say that cause I'm not around, not around You know I never meant to let you down, let you down Would a gave you anything 

Would a gave you everything...He continues singing. Alex finished singing. Alex that was amazing, I didn't know you were this good at singing said Leo. He is right, that was amazing said Jia. Thank you, thank you said Alex with a big smile. So…who is next? What about you Leo? Said Alex. Me? umm- n-no am not much of a singer said Leo. Oh alright, then what about you Jia? I would say the same, am horrible at singing. Oh wow! I didn't expect that but ok we can just get to know each other, am sure Leo would be interested to know more about you isn't that right my man said Alex with a grin. Uh- y-y-yes… said Leo with his face flustered. They started talking about things they like and laughing to each other jokes. Shy Leo was really talkative and relax. Two hours have passed the time at the karaoke is now over. Today was fun, we should do this again said Jia. Sure, it was a blast. Why don't we exchange phone numbers so that we can keep in touch said Alex looking at Leo with a smile. Alright here is mine…. They exchanged phone numbers and then said their goodbyes. Alex and Leo headed in the same direction and Amanda and Jia parted ways. Yo Leo did you have fun because it sure looks like you were having fun said Alex hugging him with a big smile. It was fun, I really enjoyed it. Thank you for convincing me to come said Leo. I know it, no problem my guy. So… are you going to call or text her tonight? said Alex with a smirk.  N-no idiot I can't just call her said Leo with a nervous tone. If you don't I will then. No don't, alright fine am going to message her. That's my boy good luck, I guess this is where we part ways see you later bye said Alex. Alright bro thanks and bye. I'm home shouted Leo. Welcome home big brother said Leo little sister. How are you doing Shania? Am fine big brother, I finish doing my homework. Good girl said Leo patting her head. Am going to make us dinner now so you can go take a bathe. Ok big brother. This is my little sister Shania. she is 7 years old and she is the only family I have left. My mom and dad met in a car accident 2 years ago they didn't make it out alive. For the past 2 years I have been living with her alone providing for both of us by taking on a part time job and small request like cutting the neighbor's yard. I love my sister so much and I will do anything to make her happy. Big brother am finish said Shania. Ok take a seat dinner will be finish soon. Leo finished cooking. He then placed the food on the dining table. Big brother it smells really good, its curry yay she said happily. Yes, its curry your favorite said Leo. They started eating. Hum… its delicious as always big brother. Thank you, am happy you like it said Leo with a gentle smile. Time past and its now night time. It's time for bed now Shania. Ok big brother can you read me a bed time story please. Alright he headed to Shania's room and tuck her in and then he takes a seat on the bed. Which story would you like me to read tonight? The 3 little pigs she said while her eyes sparkles. As usual you sure do love this story he said with a grin. Leo then started to read…Once upon a time there was an old mother pig who had three little pigs and not enough food to feed them. So, when they were old enough, she sent them into the world to seek their fortunes…. One story later… Shania fell asleep when the story was close to finishing. Leo then get up and cover her properly then kissed her on her forehead. He then went to his room and lay down in the bed with the phone in his hand. It's now 8:35p.m I wonder if it is too late to text Jia…uh-ah- am going to do it or maybe I shouldn't? said Leo while rolling side to side in the bed. Alright I have made up my mind am going to text her. He went on message and press on Jia but now there is another problem he doesn't know what to say. What should I say to her? he wonders to himself. I should say hi. No that's stupid I can't just say hi, oh I know I will just say hi what sup? It's Leo. He texted her that then place his phone on a small table near his bed and he hide his head under the pillow feeling nervous and embarrassed. 8 minutes later… Ting a noise come from his phone. A notification just come in, he quickly jumped up and grab his phone. His hands were shaking and he was sweating just to show how nervous he was. He finally opens the message, Jia replied saying Hi, am just finishing up some home works. While Leo was nervous and surprised, he was also very happy. He then replied oh am sorry for interrupting you. No, it's ok am almost finish we can talk said Jia. Really? That's nice. So, how are you? Said Leo. Yes, am fine how about you? I am alright. Did you have fun today? Jia asked. Yes, it was really fun. I am happy to hear. Time went by so quickly its now 10:42p.m. Wow! Look how late it is said Jia. It's that late already I didn't even notice said Leo.  I will be going to bed now said Jia. I should be getting to bed now too. Good night Leo tonight have been fun. Good night Jia I think so too. Smile bye. Bye.

Next day…. At Carlenton high school. Good morning Shiro said Amy. Now this is strange you don't normally tell me good morning, what happened? Said Shiro. Nothing happened, is it bad to tell you good morning. Anyways do you want to come with me to a café after school? ask Amy. No replied Shiro. Why not? I will be paying for you. I just want to talk about that strange thing that happened said Amy. "Are they a thing now?" "But I never see them talking." "Maybe they were secretly dating and now it has come to the light" two girl's gossips at the front of the class. Alright I will come said Shiro.

After school at the café… What do you want to talk about Amy? ask Shiro. Can you at least order something first after all its my treat. Hello, waitress we would like to order now said Amy. What would you like to order ask the waitress? I will have French vanilla chocolate please said Shiro. Ok coming right up and what about you miss? Just a cup of water thanks. Alright then said the waitress. You come to a café and only a cup of water wow! Anyways back to the matter at hand what do want to know it's not like I know anything said Shiro. What do you think of what happened yesterday, do you think it's real? Ask Amy. My theory is that there are other species out in the universe that have been keeping tabs on us meaning they have been watching us for a long time now. The question is why now, why did they decide to invade now? As for the ones that the creature addresses as lords, they are the leader. I wonder how many of them they are? Your theory seems very believable, did you come up with it from watching all those anime's and reading manga. Yes, is something wrong? No, let's move on what do you think about the abilities that are going to be granted to us humans. That I don't know am very curious about it and what will happen on April 20. I see, I guess we will just have to see… well thanks for the invite today it wasn't bad said Shiro. No problem and thank you for giving me your opinion\theory on the matter; do you want to exchange phone numbers so we can talk more about it said Amy. I guess it's alright. So, they exchanged phone numbers and headed their separate ways.

Out in space on planet Caprica… Is everything set for the big day? Yes, my lord….

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