
The Awakening: Lust Unleashed

[Mature Content] [No NTR] [WPC Contest, please vote with Powerstones and add to the library (if possibleee)] One day, a Leveling System appeared on Earth along with dungeons teeming with hungry monsters that wished to overtake humankind! During the first three weeks after this event happened, humans easily sent the monsters back to the dungeons, and they themselves started to explore the dungeons! It was a new era, one where wealth no longer ruled, but power did! The higher your level, the more opportunities there were. People started uncovering and learning new abilities with this newfound system. However, just as things seemed to be progressing... A massive wave of coldness descended upon Earth, turning everyone into frozen statues. Bill was one of the many humans who turned into frozen statues... He endured that state for more than ten thousand years before finally returning to life! But the world wasn't as empty as he had imagined! Some humans who were inside the dungeons during the frozen attack survived! "My level fell to 1, but what's this? Charming Aura?" Bill woke up in a world where men and women did not have condoms to enjoy casual sex. However, Bill, besides having a charming aura that made all the women fall for him, also could not impregnate them if he wishes too! "Hahaha, I am in heaven right now! What? There's more? I earn experience points with sex?" Follow Bill's story as he explores the post-apocalyptic Earth, trying to figure out what happened to everyone and enjoying his newfound abilities along the way.

unknownwriter69 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 1

For who knows how long, it was nothing but darkness. I had no idea what had happened to me. One moment, I was reading a +18 Manga and then my vision went black, and I couldn't feel anything anymore.

Did someone catch me with my hand on my penis, looking at characters on a page? If so, that would be embarrassing…

There was nothing I could do in that state, and after a while, my mind started to dream of things to keep me sane. The mind is an incredible thing.

Then, it happened. It was no longer total darkness, but light! I saw light hitting my eyes, and then the sky, the sun, and I heard the birds singing in my ears.

"Am I… back?"

I looked down at my hands, opening and closing them a few times, making sure it wasn't a dream. It wasn't. It was actually happening!


I shouted with all my might. A scream that had been bottled up inside me for a long, long time, and I had to let it out! The feeling of having control over my body again was indescribable, and feeling the fresh air filling my lungs gave me a sense of joy…

But where was everyone? More importantly, where was I? I looked around, and everything was different from before!

I had been in my room when everything turned black, but I wasn't there anymore. The whole area was covered in green, and I could see in the distance the ruins of once tall buildings, which had collapsed due to decay.

"Earth is no more…"

That was what I feared the most. What if everyone else had the same fate as me? Wouldn't that mean the end of humankind?

I looked around the area, trying to find anything useful. There was nothing. All I saw were the ruins of a once thriving civilization, and the dense bushes and trees that had taken over.

There was so much green. I still didn't know how long I had been in the darkness, but I could tell it was a long time. The condition of the buildings and the growth of the plants showed that.

As I walked through the fallen city, I saw them! Frozen statues! They were all naked, just like me.

"So I was frozen! All humans shared this fate! But why did I wake up and they didn't?"

That was a good question, but I had no answers. Then, I remembered the system everyone got before the calamity.

"Status!" I yelled.

[Name: Bill Hopper]

[Race: Human]

[HP: 20/20] [MP: 10/10]

[Level : 1] [EXP: 0/50]

[Body Constitution:

[Strength: 1]

[Dexterity: 1]

[Vigor: 1]

[Intelligence: 1]

[Skills: Charming Aura LVL 1(Active): Activate this skill to emit a fragrance from your body, one that can drive women wild.]

[Lust Constitution (Passive) : Gain EXP points by having sex. You can't get women pregnant, only if you wish to, so go wild!]

The base stats were the same as before the calamity, but I had two new skills! I wasn't sure if I was reading it right, but what the fuck was that?

It was a skill made for having sex with women. Me, someone who never had that chance before? That was too good to be true!

But where were the women? The system wasn't telling me to rub my penis on the frozen statues, was it? What was I thinking?

No, I couldn't do that. Just the sole idea of rubbing my penis on frozen statues was enough to make my body shiver.

But then, where should I find women? I was not solely thinking about sex, obviously,  but I had to find others to survive in that place!

The dungeons were a big problem before that calamity, and I was almost sure they were still there alongside the hungry beasts. What could a naked 18-year-old man like me do in that place?

Then, I heard voices in the distance. My first thought was to hide and protect myself, but apparently, my body was so slow that it was impossible.


Two women appeared before me. They had muscular bodies and long blond hair. Both were carrying spears and wearing cloth clothing,  something straight from the primitive era.

They tried to say something to me, but I couldn't understand a word! It was a language I did not understand!

The only thing I could do was gesture to them, trying to sign I came in peace, but when I looked into their eyes, the two girls were looking elsewhere...

They were looking straight at my cock! I wasn't a man who got laid often. Hell, I never got... But my cock was no joke! My friend, down there, was massive, and the women before me were shocked to see such a snake.

Before I could try anything, they tossed a cloth to me, enough to cover my parts. That made me happy briefly before they tied me up using a rope...

Anyway, at least I was not alone anymore! We moved out of the destroyed city, going deeper into the woods, only stopping after reaching a river.

It took us two days to reach that! My legs were already screaming with pain, yet the two girls looked fine as if they did not do any exercise at all!

How? Was I too weak, or were the two too strong? I did not know. I stopped near the river, sitting on its edge.

We did not exchange words, but the girls realized I needed time to rest, so we stayed in that river for a while. What caught me off guard was the scene of the two girls taking off their clothes, showing their naked bodies before me, and entering the river for a bath...

I saw their white skin and big breasts, wet because of the river's water. The two girls were playing in the water, one tossing the water toward another, and their boobs bounced during their playtime.

That was too much for a man like me to witness. My cock got hard, and because I was only wearing a small cloth to cover my parts, it was marked, and the girls noticed it, looking at the shape of my dick through the cloth.

Their eyes were that of naughty girls who were crazy about having a fun time together, and maybe that was my chance to start on the right foot in that new world?

I looked at the two with a smirk and was ready to activate my charming aura!