

In the bustling heart of London, A crack appears in the sky, accompanied by a chilling question: "Do you have what it takes to save the world?" Those who select "Yes" are thrust into an extraordinary new reality where they gain mysterious abilities and are presented with a countdown timer. Amidst the confusion and fear, Harry and Susan encounter others who have also been awakened, including a grim-faced man named Marcus. As they band together to understand their new powers and the significance of the countdown, they realize that their fates are intertwined. With only 48 hours before the tutorial begins, they must navigate this strange new world, uncover their hidden strengths, and prepare for the challenges that lie ahead.

Paradox1507 · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Betrayal and Revenge: Part 2

As the group ventured deeper into Rochester Castle, the air grew colder and the darkness more oppressive. The stench of decay was overpowering, and the faint sounds of distant whispers echoed through the halls. They moved cautiously, their senses heightened, ready for anything.

"This place gives me the creeps," Jamal muttered, his eyes darting around the shadows.

"Stay focused," Harry whispered back. "We're almost there."

They navigated through narrow corridors and crumbling archways until they reached a massive set of double doors, intricately carved with dark symbols. Beyond those doors, they knew Robert awaited them.

Harry pushed the doors open, revealing a grand throne room. The sight that greeted them was chilling. At the far end of the room, Robert sat on a twisted, obsidian throne, his eyes glowing with malevolent power. Around him, the most powerful of his undead minions stood ready, their twisted forms radiating dark energy.

"So, you've come," Robert sneered, rising from his throne. "I was expecting you."

"We're here to end this," Harry declared, stepping forward. "Your reign of terror stops now."

Robert laughed, a cold, hollow sound. "Fools. You have no idea what you're up against."

With a wave of his hand, Robert unleashed his undead minions. The battle began in a flurry of movement and clashing steel. Harry and Marcus moved in perfect sync, their attacks coordinated and precise. Jamal darted through the shadows, striking with lethal efficiency. Susan and Dave held the center, their combined magic and swordsmanship cutting down the undead with relentless determination. Daniel's radiant light shone brightly, burning away the darkness with each strike.

Despite their formidable skills, the group struggled against the sheer number of undead. But they fought on, their teamwork and resolve unwavering.

"Harry, on your left!" Marcus shouted, deflecting a blow from a skeletal warrior.

Harry spun, slicing through the attacker. "Thanks, Marcus! Keep pushing forward!"

Jamal appeared from the shadows, dispatching another enemy. "These guys just keep coming! Susan, we need more firepower!"

Susan nodded, summoning a burst of holy light energy that blasted through a line of undead. "Dave, cover me! I need to recharge!"

Dave slashed through an approaching zombie, positioning himself protectively in front of Susan. "I've got you! Keep that magic flowing!"

Daniel's radiant light cut through the darkness, his voice a beacon of hope. "Stay together! We can't let them overwhelm us!"

As the last of the minions fell, Robert stood, his expression darkening. "Impressive. But you've only faced a fraction of my power."

He raised his hands, and the ground trembled. From the shadows emerged towering, grotesque creatures—Robert's most powerful summons. The group steeled themselves, knowing this would be their toughest battle yet.

Harry charged at Robert, his blade gleaming with determination. Marcus flanked him, his daggers aiming for critical strikes. Jamal used his Shadowblade skills to disorient the larger creatures, while Susan's healing and support kept them in the fight. Dave's swordsmanship and Daniel's radiant power pushed back the darkness, but Robert's magic was overwhelming.

"We need to find his weakness!" Harry shouted over the chaos.

"His power comes from those runes!" Susan pointed to the glowing symbols etched into the floor and walls.

"Cover me!" Daniel shouted. "I'll disrupt the runes!"

The group rallied around Daniel, protecting him as he began to chant a counter-spell. Robert, realizing their plan, focused his attacks on Daniel, but the group held firm.

Harry gritted his teeth, deflecting a blast of dark energy. "We can't let him stop Daniel! Marcus, Jamal, take out those creatures!"

Marcus nodded, his daggers flashing as he struck at the undead. "On it! Jamal, with me!"

Jamal moved like a shadow, his blades finding their mark with deadly precision. "Let's see how they like this!"

Susan channeled her energy into a protective barrier around Daniel, her voice steady. "Hold on, Daniel! Almost there!"

With a final, powerful incantation, Daniel's light engulfed the room, shattering the runes. Robert screamed in rage as his power waned. Taking advantage of the moment, Harry and Marcus launched a coordinated attack, their weapons striking true.

Robert staggered, his dark energy dissipating. "This… isn't… over," he gasped, before collapsing.

As Robert fell, the remaining undead disintegrated, their dark magic undone. The room grew silent, the oppressive darkness lifting. A moment of stunned silence followed as the group took in their hard-won victory.

"We did it," Susan said, her voice a mix of relief and exhaustion.

Harry nodded, looking at his friends and allies. "We did. Together."

The group stood victorious but weary, knowing they had faced and overcome a great evil. They took a moment to catch their breath, the weight of their victory sinking in.

"Let's get out of here," Jamal said, his usual humor returning. "I've had enough of this place."

A glowing window appeared in front of Harry.

<Exclusive Quest Completed>

<Revenge for Betrayal>

<Rewards: Shadow Lord's Necklace (Legendary Item), 20,000 EXP Points, Additional 10,000 Points for defeating a player, 50,000 Gold>

Harry's eyes widened as he examined the details of the Shadow Lord's Necklace. It was a legendary item, part of a set of four pieces. The necklace was intricately designed, with dark, shimmering gems embedded in a silver chain, pulsing with a subtle, ominous glow.

<Shadow Lord's Necklace>

<Type: Legendary Item>

<Set Bonus (1 4): Increases shadow-based abilities by 30%, enhances stealth duration, and grants the wearer a shadow cloak that deflects minor attacks.>

<Set Bonus (2 4): ???>

<Set Bonus (3 4): ???>

<Set Bonus (4 4): ???>

Harry felt a surge of power as he placed the necklace around his neck. The effects were immediate—his senses sharpened, and he felt a new, almost preternatural awareness of the shadows around him.

"What's that?" Marcus asked, noticing the necklace.

"It's called the Shadow Lord's Necklace," Harry replied, showing them the item. "It's part of a legendary set. This piece alone increases shadow abilities, enhances stealth, and provides a shadow cloak that deflects minor attacks."

Jamal whistled, clearly impressed. "Looks like you hit the jackpot, Harry. That's going to be incredibly useful."

Harry nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "We still have a lot of work to do, but this will definitely help."

Susan smiled. "We'll find the other pieces. Together, we'll become even stronger."

Suddenly, Harry remembered his unique skill, Essence Drain. "I almost forgot—I can use Essence Drain on Robert."

He knelt beside Robert's fallen body, focusing his energy. A soft golden glow enveloped Harry's hands as he activated the skill.

<Essence Drain Activated>

<Absorbing power from defeated enemy…>

A stream of dark energy flowed from Robert's body into Harry, filling him with a surge of new strength and knowledge.

<Strength +5>

<Intelligence +5>

<New Skill Acquired: Necromancer's Command>

<Skill: Necromancer's Command: Summon and control undead minions. The number strength of minions depend on the user's intelligence stat.>

<Currently 0 20 Controlling:>

Harry stood, feeling the influx of power thinking about it to himself "I gained a new skill but I can tell them that I got the skill of necromancy. I still cannot believe that essence drain can be used to steal skills like this, too bad that it has a cooldown of 24 hours so I need to be careful on whom I use this."

They made their way back to their vehicle, ready to return to the safe post and prepare for the next stage of their journey. They knew the road ahead would be challenging, but they also knew they had each other.

As they drove away from the castle, the sky brightened with the promise of a new day. They had faced the darkness and emerged victorious. Whatever lay ahead, they were ready to face it together.