
The Author's Intervention

A famous author, avid gamer, and otaku, Park Eun-woo was doing his best to make ends meet in the world, as he was at the peak of his success he had finalized a contract that would make his latest and most successful novel into a game! As he was celebrating, his vision got blurry and suddenly his face was planted on the ground, as thoughts were forming on his head on how to escape his current predicament he soon saw that the contract he had been given was now glowing! As an Otaku he formed a smile but soon he no longer couldn't. "Screw this I don't know who I'm going to be!" With that all his vision turned black. - This novel is for fun and at the same time my way of learning and writing better english as it's not my first language thank you!

AquaFan · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs


In an apartment in Seoul, a successful author was celebrating his current achievements, he was a tall and handsome youth that had crystal blue eyes that gazed at the contract he was holding, perhaps his most successful to date 'Master Class'.

"And they said I wouldn't be able to come this far!"

Park Eun-woo, the author, who had just returned from his enlistment began to work on his dreams of being a successful author, although he was hesitant at first his family supported his dream, the one he had referred to were his bunkmates which were ironically also his biggest fans.

Master Class was the typical story of the earth being ravaged by demons and humans were given mana or their potential awakened although the format was heavily used he somehow managed to release and finish it before the genre would die down.

Eun-woo drank wine as he was still holding the contract, the contract itself was a gold mine in his eyes, his novel was soon to be made a game by a huge company, and perhaps turned into a manga or even better be animated, as an Otaku it felt like his dreams had been achieved.

"I could die right now from Happiness"

Eun-woo jokingly said as he sipped the wine, as soon as he did he felt a strange pang in his chest, at that moment even though the pain was the worst he had experienced he could still force out a small smile.

"Me and my big mouth"

As he clutched his chest in frustration he still couldn't let go of the contact in his hands, his body soon hit the floor, the contract that he held on to dearly was now somehow still not crumpling despite the force he placed it on his hand, as his eyes was slowly closing he soon saw the contract was now glowing a faint blue light.

'Screw this, I thought I was sick or something, turns out some random being decided to punk me!'

Eun-woo knew his body well, and he too had read lots of novels like what was happening right now, he didn't know why he was chosen all of a sudden he soon closed his eyes in acceptance as he would find a way to return to his original world or so he thought.


Eun-woo slowly opened his eyes to see he was in a room he was unfamiliar with, he pinched his arm, he felt pain but thought he needed a stronger stimulus, he soon took a deep breath and punched his face.

'That was not a smart idea'

He held his cheek, he then knew, he was transmigrated into the novel he was in, how? he felt like he was one of the not-so lucky ones and that it should be some unfortunate author or hardcore fan that should be transmigrated as he was one of the soon to successful authors that made it big time.

"That's right, I'll sleep my problems like I usually do! I'm sure its just one of those hallucinations from drinking too much, by the looks of it, it's already late, maybe by the time I wake up tomorrow I'll be back in my apartment"

With that Eun-woo tried to sleep soundly even though he was somehow nervous.


"Ah Damn It, I thought it was just a dream"

Park Eun-woo said as he looked at his hands and surrounding, he had just transmigrated yesterday but chose to sleep away as he couldn't accept his situation just yet. He was successful in his previous life and thought he wouldn't be one of those people that would be transmigrated.

Eun-woo then decided to go take a look at his body in front of the mirror, He had deep black hair, blue eyes, an above average looking face, and chiseled body.

"Not bad, judging by my face I'm not the Villain, but at the same time I'm not the Protagonist nor a just a mob Character? Who am I?"

As he was admiring his body since it was just a minor upgrade from his previous looks as he had always exercised and was enlisted in the military, he soon heard a knock on the door snapping him back to reality.


As soon as he heard his name, his eyes widened and realization came down on him.

"I'm screwed"

He suddenly remembered who Eun-woo was and who he was supposed to be in the novel.

"Eun-woo was supposed to be me, the second son and heir of the Park Conglomerate, with business talents not worse than my elder sister who's the current Big Boss of the company."

Eun-woo whose body he had transmigrated in was currently 17 and was about to enroll in Luxuria Academy one of the Seven prestigious battle academies dedicated into training future ability users in a world engulfed in war with other planes.

The war was supposed to be only between Demons and Angels but as the war waged on different species such as Orcs, Elves, Dwarves and even the Humans were entangled, soon each side recruited different races not limited to those earlier mentioned, as the author he had an idea which side which race was in but couldn't confirm it for now.

"I'm not supposed to exist here."

Eun-woo said as the thought of self inserting himself in his story was an idiotic idea but chuckled as now he really was in it and didn't know what variables would pop out, he was supposed to be an old character in the novel but scrapped the idea eventually and continued creating the novel.


as soon as Eun-woo said that a system prompt opened in front of him.

Name : Park Eun-woo

Age : 17

Title : Rich Second Generation (No Title Bonus)

Stats :

Strength : F- [?]

Agility : F- [?]

Intelligence : E- [?]

Mana : E- [?]

Stamina : F- [?]

Luck : S [?]

Charm : A [?]

Jobs: Battle Mage

Battle Mage : A deadly mix between Mage and Fighter, User is efficient in using spells, imbuing weapons with magic and fighting either long ranged or melee combat.


Hand of Sancus [EX] : User is favoured by the God of Trust 'Sancus'. Contracts agreed by the opposite party will always be bound and will not be able to break it, can be used once a month.


Basic Spearmanship: User knows basic spearmanship styles and is able to understand basic concepts easily.

Basic Swordsmanship: User knows basic swordsmanship styles and is able to understand basic concepts easily.

Basic Magic: User knows basic Magic spells and is able to understand basic concepts easily.

Eun-woo chuckled as he looked at his stats.


Eun-woo muttered the skill as he thought how he was favored.

"Guess he must be the reason why I transmigrated into a character that should have been erased" as soon as Eun-woo said that the banging on his door was getting louder.

"Eun-woo! Get your ass out here!"

Eun-woo sighed in resignation as judging by the tone and voice, he knew that it was his older brother, he then opened the door to be greeted by a fist, Eun-woo instinctively caught the fist as if it was second nature to him.

"I thought You were dead"

Park Seung-ho, in the original version, the one where I'm supposed to not exist, he was a fight first ask questions later guy, he was supposed to be the heir, he and the protagonist were supposed to be comrades after they saved her sister's life in a kidnapping situation that was supposed to happen on a different plane.

But that was different now, I was now here, and he was written as a guy who cared for his family first, friends next, his life last. Seung-ho had a sturdier build than me, comparing to mine, I had a slim body but had compact muscles unlike Seung-ho who looked like he was into body building, he had an average face maybe due to his build but we had the same eyes.

"No I was sleeping the whole day"

I answered in front of him who looked like he was about to punch me again.

"I don't want you to be complacent just because we have certain advantages"

Seung-ho glared at me but soon nodded as if he understood why I slept the whole day.

"It can't be helped then, you're lucky that the entrance Ceremony was moved to next month, I have to go now"

Seung-ho then turned around and l understood why, he was attending Superbia Academy, though each academy had it's specialties Superbia specialized in training Meat Shield Heroes if I say so.

Today is his last year, and he wouldn't be mentioned until later in the novel, by the time he graduates he would be immediately ranked as a top Meat Shield.

As I was about to return to my room to plan my next steps since I had accepted my situation I soon felt danger, but before I could react, my head was already slapped.

"Move Your Lazy bones dumbass!"

I heard a young woman's voice and turned around quickly to face her

Park Ji-hyun, my eldest sister, currently the Big Boss of the Park Conglomerate, a rank [SSS] Alchemist, a dignified businesswoman and most importantly, A Witch Sister. Park Ji-hyun looked like a Super Model and She was in actuality being the face of our Conglomerate and numerous business, she would be in the top of beauties in the earth.

"I'll cut your Potion supply in half if you don't want to come with me!"

"Noona, I don't want to engage in business talks for a year, instead I want to train"

As soon as I said that Ji-hyun's eyes squinted and scanned my body to detect if I was lying or not, as it was part of her ability to discern whether a person was telling the truth.

"So? I don't care I can make potions that'll erase your fatigue easily"

"Regardless, even though I have the same talent as you, you know yours has a much higher grade now"

Ji-hyun clicked her tongue as she knew I wasn't lying.

"That's why you're coming with me! You also know that it's the only way for the talent level to grow"


I looked at Ji-hyun seriously as if indicating that I was serious, though I also know why she was acting this way trying to lure me away from the battles, in fact our parents are very much alive but our Father lost an arm and our mother was taking care of him, they too were talented people and decided it was best to give the reins to Ji-hyun as they felt she was ready.

"Fine, but if in the year I see you get seriously injured you're going to stick with me!"

"Thank you"

"Just what is it with you boys that you want to go on an adventure? to rescue the damsel in distress then screw them?"


I replied truthfully as in my previous life I was still in my twenties and had dreams of having children too, but now I'm in this novel, I know how the heroines were going to look like as I had hired an illustrator and made them draw according to what I envisioned them, though it was strenuous for the illustrator I made sure to pay extra of course.

Ji-hyun looked like she wanted to complain but she soon took her blazer.

"I'm also leaving now, take care" She was soon followed by 2 silhouettes as she left, if any, I knew those silhouettes were an EX Rank artifact that was given to her and was controlled by my mother since she didn't have any kind of protection nor had enough Mana to activate it to protect her.

"I have an overloaded starting point huh"

With that I returned to my room and decided to plan out my future.