
The Atrocious Werewolf Prince

After Ragnarok, the gods and demons died, the heroes perished and all the beasts who fought them toe to toe ceased to exist as well. The world evolved, after the death of all superiors (Gods), the inferiors (Mortals) started to learn the ways to gain those celestial powers, some even surpassed the gods. They were gifted with the spirits of deceased powerful beings. Spirit stolen at birth, the prince of once a doughty werewolf kingdom, Ezra Zephyr is plagued by the curse of god until the fate draws him to a mysterious domain. Where he meets a beast, who became Ezra's spirit. That beast was no ordinary beast at all, he was the evil monsterous wolf of Norse, who killed Odin and devoured the Sun. He was Fenrir, son of Loki and Angraboda. Fenrir trained Ezra Zephyr before becoming his spirit; from that moment the Ezra Zephyr changed his innocence with atrocity. Join Ezra Zephyr as he'll wreck havoc in the world with Fenrir as his spirit. Get ready for rollercoaster of Adventure, War, Dark Schemes, Light Comedy and Seggs. A world where both Cultivators and Sorcerors fight for supremacy, a new fantasy world where Qi and Mana co-exist. *** First 32 chapters consist of MC's training, don't judge before reading atleast 40 chaps. This is a novel where MC will trample the so called Gods and Heroes in myriad of mythologies without disisting his sexual urges that he inherited as werewolf. However, there won't be harem and MC will not stick to one girl. This novel is inspired by chinese novel Dragon Prince Yuan, the first few chapters will resemble to it, it's my token of respect to the author of DPY. However, the story and theme is completely different. [ Hello dear readers add me on discord to be in touch with novel man's fan community. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/AcZ72pRbAZ]

The_Novel_Man · แฟนตาซี
452 Chs

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After preparing himself, Ezra was sent to the middle of the forest. This time it was a real forest, from where he heard numerous howls and wild cries when he first arrived.

During the 4 hours of running in magical space, he learnt a few things about the forest. First thing was to keep your senses sharp and the other was to look where you are stepping. A small mistake or noise can catch the attention of unfriendly beasts.

Keeping that in mind, the prince moved on. He was hearing various chirps of birds, cries of monkeys and roars of beasts.

Some beasts cultivate as well, their cultivation levels are the same as that of Martial Masters. Those beasts are called Martial Animals, but they do not possess spirits.

They can only cultivate and grow by eating other beasts, Martial Animals or Martial Masters and absorb their powers inside their heart. Instead of Qi or Mana, they possess a unique power called Force. Force is an energy that possesses the qualities of both qi and mana.

Any beast can become Martial Animal if it eats a variety of other beasts or possesses a unique and pure bloodline. Purer the bloodline larger the amount of cultivation a Martial Animal can absorb from its prey.

Ezra Zephyr read that all from books, the young bookworm's feet continued to move forward as he recalled all that.


A loud slamming noise occurred from somewhere not so far, Ezra looked at his surroundings.


An ear-busting roar gave Ezra the direction of the noise, he was puzzled. His mind was holding a battle between thoughts, he was pondering whether to go and check or to ignore and hide.

After a few breaths, the young werewolf prince decided to go and look, Ezra darted towards the side where the roar came from.

He crossed the bushes and his eyes widened, he saw a Dinosaur and a Frog fighting near a pond.

Ezra Zephyr understood what are they fighting for, it was a fight for the control of the pond.

Both frog and dinosaur were Martial Animals, Ezra thought after seeing the aura-like energy emitted from them. But he couldn't tell the realm of their cultivation, only another martial master can detect it. Currently, Ezra was not a master but a simple mortal with the curse of God.


Just after sending a loud croak, the frog opened his mouth and his sticky long tongue moved like a whip. That gave Ezra chills, he remembered the slashes from Hobgoblin.

The dinosaur jumped into the sky and dodged the tongue by hair's breadth.

As it landed down, it widened his small arms. Force blades extended from its nails. The frog didn't attack this time, he understood it will end up being cut by those force blades.

The frog jumped vertically, many times higher than the jump of the dinosaur. It fell down like a meteor on the pond.


The water splashed and reached the dinosaur, it roared and drew back its blades. It was the perfect opportunity for frog, an opening. The frog didn't miss that chance and attacked with the same sticky long tongue, it snaked its way and wrapped around on dinosaur's neck.

The frog backflipped and dived into the pond, the dinosaur was dragged inside as well. Ezra Zephyr gulped, and a drop of tear rolled down his temple.

After no further movements, Ezra decided to move on before things get strange. Suddenly, the pool turned red.


With a loud cry, the dinosaur came out. He was chewing the tongue of a frog. He used the force blades in due time and saved himself.

He drank the bloodied water from the pond and went into the deep woods.

Ezra's fear rose within his heart, he didn't know what to do. "How can I survive if I face a martial animal?" He pondered in fear.

Soon, the 4 hours were completed without even using a single pill.

Ezra was brought back in front of Fenrir. "How was your experience, boy?" He asked.

"Will be a lie if I say I enjoyed it." The prince answered.

"Hoho, that was expected. Well, think about the entire day for 1 hour. If you sleep before an hour, you will be whipped."

Ezra Zephyr sat in the lotus position and started repeating all the details, regardless of small or big.

After doing what was told, Ezra finally got the opportunity to sleep.

"Aww, my precious sleep" he said and slept on the rough ground.

The next day came way faster than Ezra thought, he has to do the same hellish training just went through yesterday.

When Ezra woke up, he didn't feel any fatigue, just muscle pain. He completed the exercises but consumed double the amount than yesterday.

In no time, 3 months passed. The current Ezra could easily do the exercises and run without the help of pills.

With the new day, Ezra woke up, ready to do his daily routine when he heard Fenrir's voice. "I have prepared your weapons"

"Is that so." The young prince said, there was no sign of fear or respect in his eyes. He talked as he was trying to mock Fenrir.

"So, where is my sword?" The prince asked for his weapon.

"There won't be swords... or there are but not for you hohoho." Fenrir laughed.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean the weapons you will use are not long swords or spears."

A box arrived, carried by none other than Hobgoblin. "Your weapons are in there" Fenrir said

Without wasting a single second, Ezra went to check. When he opened the box, he saw a huge chain. Both of it's ends were tied by weapons, one was a dull short sword made from metal, while the other was a hook, a pointy hook with small saw blades on top, similar sized to the short sword.

Ezra picked it up "It's heavy" that's what he said.

"I know because I designed it. These weapons and chains combined have 10kg weight in them, you will use these in your pieces of training as well. Together with braces, a total of 22 kg weight."

"That's a feather-like weight for a prince" Ezra uttered.

"Says the one who just yelled 'it's heavy' hoho" Fenrir mocked as he chuckled.