
The Assassin With The Brightest Star

Retired from the life of an assassin after he was given a second chance. Ruben Hilston live his life with enjoyment, drinking and eating the best. Until the night before his 19th birthday, his father told him a story... a story of his brother... the night of his birth 19 years ago. His father passed him a chest. Opening the chest...... [You have receive a gift from the consellation The Forgotten Ruler $# %$# ?&%@$%] [System has been gifted...] Pulled into the world of consellations and streaming channels, Ruben accepted his fate and journeyed to find the truth. The journey to become the brightest star... Please note that some of the ideas in the stories aren't original and are inspired from my favourite novels. I hope you enjoy reading!!! WARNING: Some chapters may contain violent scenes unsuitable for young viewers and readers.

Laz_Idio · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Chapter 1

Sitting in a bar drinking, happily chatting away with the other customers is Ruben Hilston. He is popular among the locals that live in this part of the city.

A carefree man that started drinking in bars the moment he reached the legal age of 16. Although he drinks alot, Ruben had never caused any trouble.

He got along very well with other customers in the bar he regularly drank at as well.

People in the area only know him as Ben, although not much was known of his background, it was evident that he came from a loaded family.

Whenever he was in a good mood, he would pay for the drinks of all the customers in the bar.

Many regulars loved him since they would get their beers paid for by Ruben once in a while. Even if he is a trash that only drinks and live in carefree, he is a likeable trash with deep pockets.

The bar which is also an inn had rooms on the floors above.

He would often stay the over in the inn when he was either too tried to get home from drinking or too late to return himself.

This is why he is at the bar almost all the time.

When Ruben isn't drinking, he would be looking for the best restaurant in the city to have a meal.

Although he was a heavy drinker, Ruben had always kept himself sober, unbeknownst to others. He acted high or drunk when he have had enough, but it was still all just an act. A habit he kept subconsciously.

It's been almost 19 years since he had arrive in this world. He still remembered opening his eyes seeing himself in a cradle, weak and vulnerable.

After discovering that he had been given a second chance in life, he decided at that moment to leave his past life behind and enjoy all that he couldn't before.

In the previous life, Ruben was actually the King of Assassins. He was the best at what he does.

Being an orphan, he was forced at a young age to work for men in the black market.

He trained to be an assassin later on, working for corrupt politicians, warlords, rich businessman, people who paid well enough.

He was skilled in all kinds of weapons and form of assassination. Sniping the president, slitting the throats of guards, breaking the necks of agents...

He became the best assassin in his world at the age of 21. He was then known as the king of assassins, getting high commissioned jobs from rich and powerful men.

He took many jobs and continued being the best, until one day. All the men that have commissioned him to do their dirty job felt that he was a timed bomb set to explode on them.

He knew too much since he was the one they hired, naturally, they were afraid that he would expose all their exchange or use the information he had to blackmail them.

Fearing him and the things he knew, they hired all the assassins and bounty hunters in the world to have him eliminated.

After running, killing and hiding for 6 long years, he finally met his end at the age of 38.

However, much to his surprise, that wasn't the end for him.

Just when he was accepting fate, ready to enter hell for all his sins, he found himself reborn as a baby in another world.

A world that looked like the Victorian ages of Earth on the surface. When the steam engined trains were just introduced, electricity made available to the public and such.

Ruben was actually born in a noble household that lives in Halum City, which is 3 hours away from the capital by train.

Being the youngest of 3 sons in the family, Ruben had a very carefree life in luxury much to his liking.

After suffering for 38 years in his previous life, Ruben enjoyed and spent all that was available to him in this life.

Although he was wasn't planing to continue as an assassin, he continued his training as soon as he was old enough without anyone in his family and people in the mansion knowing.

He got back his physique from his past life and maintained it while doing other leisure activities.

Having avoided drinking to keep himself in his best condition before his rebirth, Ruben drank all that he could as soon as he reached 16 in this world.

To not burden the family that gave him love and care, he even bought a few inns with his allowance unbeknownst to his family.

He was later able to finance his own leisure activities with the money he made there.

He was even able to save a large sum of money after spending them on the best food and alcohol.

His father and brothers are constantly worried of him hoping he would involve himself in the businesses owned by the family and help his brothers who were already working there.

Ruben wasn't interested in working, having worked to the point of being hunted and killed in his previous life.

He decided to earn money from his own business in the shadows which he had people hired to do the work for him. All he had to do was collect his profits every month.

He could also spend his days doing nothing.

After having enough for the day, Ruben walked out of the bar which was actually owned by him, the inn including.

Squinting his eyes, he noticed the sun was setting. Without a watched he guessed that it should be around 5pm.

'I should return for dinner today. Father's mood seemed off the past few days.'

As he was walking to the nearest carriage available, he noticed someone walking towards him from behind. He could tell who it was from the footsteps so he didn't bother much of it.

"Young master! Young master! You have finally left the bar!" The young attendant approaching Ruben from behind screamed out.

"Call me any louder and the whole block would know who my father is." Ruben said rolling his eyes as he continued walking towards his ride. "Mill, why did you come looking for me today?"

"The Lord is looking for you to have dinner at home today and asked me to inform you." Mill then continued with a dreamy smile. "Your 19th birthday is tomorrow. He might be planning to have you engaged to a nice lady as well."

While Mill was giggling, Ruben turned around and flicked his forehead, "Where did you get this dumb idea from?" He said with a frown.

"Well, you're turning 19 tomorrow, most young masters and young miss would already be engaged, even married. You should look for a nice lady yourself." Mill said rubbing his forehead with a wronged expression.

With a mental age of a 57 year old, he wasn't interested in getting married much less with young annoying pampered brats.

"You can have yourself engaged or married then, I'm not interested." Ruben said while informing the coachman of his destination.

With Mill comming along, it took them half an hour to return home. Ruben entered his 'humble' abode after paying the coachman.

As you would expect of a rich noble, the mansion had an driveway leading to the main entrance. There was even a white stone carved fountain the the middle of the circular driveway.

The porch had well kept flowers and plants making it look very neat and elegant. The mansion had many windows with the same carving design on their frame.

In the main hall which had stairs comming down from the 1st floor along the wall, the head butler could be seen waiting for Ruben.

"Little young master, the lord, madam and second young master just started their dinner. The eldest young master is away on a business trip."

Being the youngest in the family, he was often called little young master by the older staff in the mansion. Ruben wasn't a petty person so I didn't do anything of it, making him little young master to many of the staff even when he is no longer 'little'.

"Thank you Frank, inform father and mother that I will be heading there as soon as I get changed and washed my hands."

"Yes little young master." Bowing, the head butler Frank left.