
The Assassin Gamer

Noctis Hashima is a former high earning marketer who gets sucked into a game dimension after his brother's death. His father called on him to be his brother's replacement and avenge his brother's death. Will he be able to use his skills as a pro gamer to beat the game, or will he repeat the same mistakes his brother did?

Heavenium · เกม
39 Chs

Chapter 38: The Actual Showdown

On the 17th floor of the Intermediate Stage of RPG Fantasia, players quickly left the 15th floor, as  they heard that forces of 3 Game Administrators will battle it out on the 15th floor anytime today, and they didn't want to get involved, or else get caught in the aftermath. 

The players knew that without the Nobility Badge, they stood no chance of intervening in the upcoming battle, and if they attempted to do so with their average stats, they'd get eliminated from the game right away, forever. 

In the dangerous world of RPG Fantasia, where alliances and balance of power might shift at any time by any means possible, it was like walking on a thin wire that might snap with one single mistake. You have to tread carefully and try not to anger Game Guardians, Game Administrators and elite players, for elite players with a Nobility Badge treat ordinary players as just mere cannon fodder at their disposal. 

Anger a Game Administrator, Game Guardian or even an elite player as an ordinary, unimpressive player with average stats, weapons and items, and you'd get removed from the game and be killed permanently. 

In a valley  on the center of  the vast grassy fields of the 17th floor of RPG Fantasia, Hecate and the witches made their camp there, prepared to do an ambush on both Morrigan and Anubis. 

They could clearly see the camp of Morrigan right below on the left side of the volley, while Anubis camped his soldiers on the right side of the valley. 

The witches knew they had the topographical advantage in this Showdown, as the troops belonging to both Anubis and Morrigan will have to climb up the valley path. 

It won't be an easy climb, as the witches placed movement speed debuff spells, as well as magical power debuff spells on any unsuspecting soldier on either side that attempts to climb up the valley path. 

The witches also placed auto-activating runes that get triggered when unsuspecting soldiers from the side of either Anubis or Morrigan steps on them, sapping the health and magical power of the soldier. 

All the witches and warlocks stationed in the camp right atop the valley are an equivalent to elites, as they are the personal squad of Hecate, the best of the best among Hecate's witches and warlocks, with Hecate also present inside the camp. 

An hour of uneasy silence filled the air, before tension finally broke out, and the camps of both Morrigan and Anubis started fighting with each other, while the witches and the warlocks under Hecate waited out and watched the battle safely right above the valley. 

Modified Egyptian chariots with a mixture of spearmen and archers who also held   modified weapons made of stainless steel raced all over the valley, taking out the elite swordsmen of Morrigan before finally falling to the elite mages of Morrigan, who made thunder cruckle right above the horses, frightening the horses and causing the chariot drivers to lose control, and drive the soldiers to their death. 

The mages in turn fell to the elite Egyptian assassins, who had advantage against the mages when it came to close combat because of their fast attack speed. 

The Egyptian assassins were in turn helpless against the Irish spearmen, as they couldn't get near the spearmen because of their long and sharp-pointed spears.

The fierce battle of retribution between the sides of both Morrigan and Anubis raged with such intensity for a few hours that the fields around the valley were drenched in blood and the screams and shouts of fighting,before it finally subsided, and the remnants of both sides, seeing that they got played by Hecate in this battle, made peace with each other, and charged up the valley to attack the witches and warlocks encamped above the valley. 

Both sides charged up the valley fearlessly, eventually reaching the camp of the witches amidst heavy fighting, and heavy resistance by the witches and warlocks. 

But the witches and warlocks easily overwhelmed the remaining soldiers of both Morrigan and Anubis, as the remnants were already tired and worn out from the fierce battle that raged for hours earlier. 

Morrigan and Anubis, seeing that they lost this battle, did a hasty retreat back to their headquarters to rethink their aims, and rebuild their forces from scratch, which had been wiped out in the recent battle. 

Just before Hecate had time to celebrate her victory over both Morrigan and Anubis, Hashioki suddenly appeared from a portal wearing what seemed like futuristic battle armor with built-in anti-magic weapons of the future,flying across the air. 

"Shit. This is bad. Hashioki is here. Was it him who planned this all along? I need to try and escape. It will be hard to counter Hashioki's anti-magic suit of armor with built-in anti-magic weapons." 

Hecate said to herself,thinking out loud. 

"Everyone, retreat. You all know that magic spells and magic attacks won't work on someone with anti-magic tools and weapons." 

The rest of her personal squad of witches and warlocks realized that Circe is right, and tried to beat a hasty retreat back to Circe's Island while panicking at the fact of Hashioki's sudden appearance. 

Circe used her knowledge of space magic to open up a retreat portal back to her island. 

" Do you think I'll let you escape, Circe? Your minion had a hand in the death of my son. Consider this as my way of saying you deserve this as payback." 

Hashioki said coldly, firing at the portal with the anti-magic palm 

One shot from the palm of his anti-magic suit of armor caused the portal to disintegrate. 

Good. The missile blasters placed at the back of my suit are now charged at 100%. Time to target Circe's personal squad of witches and warlocks before they can escape.

Hashioki thought to himself as he commanded the suit's AI to target the witches and warlocks attempting to escape on the ground. 

"Fire the missile blasters at those witches and warlocks attempting to retreat on the ground. Leave no one alive, Setsuki." 

Hashioki commanded the AI. 

"Yes, master. Calculating the trajectories. Preparing the missiles. Targets locked and loaded. Missiles fired." 

He could hear the AI reply back in a male voice through his anti-magic suit of armor. 

Hashioki could see the homing anti-magic missiles explode right upon impact at the scattered witches and warlocks, who were trying to retreat in a disorganized and disorderly manner in a state of panic. 

The witches and warlocks immediately disintegrated right on the spot, pulverized to bits by the chemicals contained in the anti-magic homing missiles. 

"You! Hashioki! How could you do this to me!" 

Circe practically shouted in anger. 

Circe started firing curses, hexes and magical spells right at Hashioki, who was airborne thanks to the anti-magic suit of armor's built-in flight ability. 

"Have you forgotten that my specialty is anti-magic tools and gadgets, Circe? That's what makes me hard to defeat, since I'm basically the nemesis of magic casters of the Majority Faction. My suit is also protected with a mini anti-magic force field that negates magic.upon impact."

Hashioki taunted Circe while counter firing with shots of anti-magic fired from the palms of his anti-magic suit of armor and nimbly dodging the spells fired at him. 

Their battle raged on for a few hours, with Circe and Hashioki firing, counter-firing, and dodging attacks until Hashioki got tired of playing around with Circe. 

"Time to end this fight and end you for good, Circe. Goodbye."

Hashioki took out an anti-magic sniper rifle with a scope, and sniped at Circe 5 times before finally managing to kill the witch and eliminate the Game Administrator who played a hand in  killing Satsuki for good.