
The Beginning

The story guy vikas is belongs from a middle class family like every middile class he has dream of giving his family a good and bright future.He done IT course from a university from a govt. seat.After doing the course he get a job in private sector in a cruise company as an assistant of IT officer.Everthing is going to be well and happily he is doing his job comfortably and in the cruise he make a friend a small girl of his IT officer.but the wiseman always says we can expect always good in our life but what the fortune want only happen that in our life.so like all days he is in his cabin but slightly he hears a screaming sound of peoples he just check out in his screen of camera and he gone shock the pirates attack the ship he gone scared and he locked the cabin and hide in a secret save place inside the cabin.the pirates brake the door and search for alive peoples but they can't find out anyone so they move forward then vikas came out from the place then he check the camera again for seeing where are they but he see the pirates capture all the peoples in the hall and some pirates go for searching money,peoples and other stuff and in the captured people there is his boss and his small girl and other staff.he think he can escape easily but then he think what about others.the pirates killed them all then he think one day he will also die so why not do some think by which other peoples remember him and if he die so what he will try for this and not live a waste life.then he make a plan first he free the peoples and in the peoples there are the cruise security also bounded.and they will also help in safe the peoples then first he make a contact to indian navy for help.then he shut down the lights communication system and then he also shut the survilance system.the he searching weapons.he got a knife and a gun from a die security guard and a pistol and lil ammo.....