
The Ashen Fox

"As the Spider's body laid cold, the result of decades of self-destructive behavior, the Fox arose from his carcass." Mysteriously waking up from what he thought would be his final rest, the Spider, the leader of an international criminal organization, found himself confused and thrown into a new world, where his path to discovery of not only his own nature, but the nature of reality itself, would start.

The_Biblioteka · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

CHAP 10: Sowing



"Do you think we can create some modified seeds?"

(Definitely. Do you want me to start working on that?)

I connected to the core, and it was really overwhelming.

(I've finished connecting you to the fungus.)

Just when I was getting used to moving my body again, my notion of a body was warped again, and I realized just how intricate the fungus was. It was beautiful, to say the least, seeing a superorganism in its full splendor. I could use the secondary processors now, and the faster information processing made it seem as if time had slowed down, which generated a dissonant feeling, since while my thoughts felt faster, my eyes were still connected to Bea, and my vision was normal. I could feel 'myself' moving around the structure, I was everywhere. It'll take time to get used to this feeling of 'omnipresence', but I'm more interested in the implications of the feeling itself. Can I create multiple bodies, and control them independently? Can I reconstruct my own body to anywhere the fungus is? Realizing the power I had achieved, I felt something within my mind stir slightly, and the only thing I could tell was that it was old, ancient, in fact, and as it 'moved' around, I felt a strange type of fear. It was similar to a prey looking at its predator moving in for the kill, but much more primordial.

The... 'thing', stopped stirring, and the feeling went away. I added another thing to the 'mysteries I can't solve yet' list. I felt Anita moving around, using the processors to fulfill my request, and I could actually see what was being worked on, and directly manipulate it. I helped her, and we got it done quite fast, since what I wanted was not that complex, and she had researched it a bit already. The final product was seeds of the plants we had available, and when they sprouted, they would infect the ground with a 'dormant' variant of the fungus that would slowly grow. The plants themselves were the best they could possibly be, and the 'dormant' variant would enrich the soil.

Since they were done, everything I needed was land. I'll use part of the forest to grow some crops and start making some money, then move to central Europe, since the climate would be more suitable. The only problem would be moving produce, but I could use the lake and the citizens of Lappeenranta to move it. I disconnected from the heart.


She was playing with Bea.


"You've visited Lappeenranta again, right?"

"I did. Worked for some people, made some friends, and bought some things. Why?"

"Good. Do you know about anyone that owns land there?"

"There are some farmers. They paid me to kill some pests."

"How do they get their produce around?"

"Sleds, mostly, sometimes ships, depending on what kind of vegetable we are talking about."


"There's a canal on the lake that leads to a gulf."

"Good to know. Anita?"


"Can you clear an area for me?"

(What size?)

"One acre. Use one-third of the land to plant potatoes, the other for plant sugar beets, and another for carrots."

The fungus moved around, and I saw trees disappear, as well as seeds being planted in lines, the 'dormant' fungus inside them connected to the central fungus, and became active. Farm done, things could start moving.

"What are you doing?"

"Starting the green revolution. Now, dearie, we wait. I've worked hard to gain time, so it's best to use that time to relax for a bit."

My crops grew faster, so they were ready to be harvested after one and a half months, during which I took my chance to at least relax for a bit. The fungus proved once again its immense usefulness, since it simply ejected them from the ground, and threw them into carts, the sugar beets, however, needed to be processed, seventy-five of them were made into sugar, and the rest into alcohol, which I made sure to keep at least some bottles for myself. I created caribou and some of those fake humans with the fungus and my caravan started moving to the city.

"Don't you think this is excessive?"

"We need to make an impression. You said there were farmers, right? I will take them out of business, and then give them a chance to work for me. Capitalism at its finest, I'd say."

"I see. This is world domination, then?"

"It's a start. Controlling food is a way of getting power, but technology and information are easier to use. Governments don't like it when someone has a monopoly on food, so they put various restrictions on them, but it's a way of making a lot of money."

The travel took some time, and as we passed through the street, people looked outside their windows.

"Where's the market?"

"Just down the street."

We arrived at the market, and Alice helped me down from my cart. An old man approached us and started talking.

"Alice! How are you doing?"

"I'm fine, Fillipu. How about you?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine. And who's this sir with you?"

"He's Gray, a friend."

"Haven't seen him around town before."

"I'm new here."

He offered me his hand, and I shook it.

"And what brings you to Lappeenranta? I assume this caravan isn't here just for show."

"Well, I've been traveling around with my employees, and we found this place pretty cozy, so we cleared up a part of the forest and made a little farm, and I decided it would best to sell our produce here. I stumbled on Alice while she was hunting, and she's been very welcoming."

"More food is always welcome, so you're free to sell what you harvest here."

I used my cane to signal the robots, making them take the food out of the carts and make a stall, the man was visibly surprised at the amount of produce I brought. Alice went over and helped them build it.

"How big was the clearing you made in the forest? It must be a lot if you managed to harvest this much."

I turned to the man.

"I'm a bit of an innovator, you know? My seeds are better than normal, ever heard of genetics?"

"Genetics? I don't think so."

"Well, it isn't really that complex. You just have to know that my plants are marginally better in every aspect, so they're more tasty, last longer, and can be harvested earlier."

My robots finished putting down the sacks of food. The man went over and picked one of the carrots. He analyzed it, then started looking over at the other ones.

"They look very good. You said your seeds were better, do you have any on you right now?"

"I don't. But we're talking about revolutionary technology here, sir, I can't just go around giving them willy-nilly."

"I understand. I'm willing to pay a hefty price for them."

I gave him my knife.

"Taste it."

He did as I said and peeled the carrot, then took a bite.

"That's... Amazing. These are the best carrots I've ever tasted."

"See? This is why I can't sell them, if people start buying and producing more of them, I lose my most valuable invention altogether. I'm willing to negotiate, however."

"What do you want for them?"

"Your land, and your services."

"I won't sell my land to you."

"Don't worry, the land would still be yours, it would just be mine as well. It's a type of partnership, you plant my seeds on your land, and a part of the profit goes to you."

"How much of the profit?"

"Three-fifths for you, the other two for me. You've got more to win than to lose here, my friend."

The man stopped to think.

"You said the land would be both yours and mine, what exactly does that mean?"

"My plan is to create a company. The land would belong to both you and the company, of course, the company owning your land is only a guarantee it'll profit. It's simple bureaucracy."

"And how do I know you won't take my land?"

I smiled a bit.

"Taking your land would only give me a headache. You see, I don't currently have a lot of land, and I can't just clear the whole forest for it. You'd be just doing the same things you already do, only with better seeds, and my company to back you up on the costs of whatever you need to keep your farm going. Nothing would be mine, really, only the company's, I just so happen to be the owner of said company."

The man put a hand to his chin and started tapping his feet. Some people began approaching my stall, and Alice started dealing with them, it was easier for people to buy from someone familiar. I extended my hand to the old man.

"Do we have a deal?"

The man shook my hand.

"We do. Well, Mr. Gray, about those seeds?"

"I'll make sure to pass by tomorrow with them. It was a pleasure doing business with you, Fillipu, but I still have to sell my produce."

"Of course, of course."

I went to my stall and finally started getting my hands on real money. Since I got Fillipu to make a deal with me, I'll have to write a contract before I give him the seeds, and then things will start moving. People will see Fillipu producing a lot more food, ask him how and he will point them to me, and the cycle will repeat. When the farmers start growing too much food, exportation will become inevitable, and when they can't keep up, I'll have the solution, solidifying my appearance as an innovator and a reliable person, and opening doors for me to start creating a shipping company, which will in turn open more doors and bring me more money, and by then, the fungus will probably have reached gigantic proportions, which means I'll have solidified power, even if the world doesn't know it.

I'll keep an eye out for Umbrella, of course. I don't have any idea of when they'll begin existing, or if they already exist, I just know that if I follow them closely, I'll have access to a zombie virus. I'll have to force my hand into the United States and get a good grip on Raccoon City, since if we are to take cliches into consideration, the ground zero of an outbreak is where the most important research is being made. I have to take into consideration that maybe Raccoon City is not the ground zero, just a city that got infected. It's frustrating to know that I could've gotten much more information on this world if I'd just played those games, but to be honest, the fact that not only did I resuscitate on a different world, even if I don't think the term resuscitate is accurate for my situation, but that this world is, or at least is similar or based on, a goddamn videogame, is such a ridiculous proposition that I couldn't even begin to think about it.

It seems the city has grown a bit in those nine years since I surprisingly managed to sell everything I'd brought, Alice and the robots helping me. I'd talked a bit with some other farmers, and a man who apparently had a ship, but didn't manage to make any deals with them, sadly. We got back home, and I sat at the table in the kitchen, laying the sleeping Bea on it, and petting her slowly.

"Anita, could you please pour some vodka for me?"


I felt the fungus move around, and pull out a bottle, then heard something be dropped on the table before I heard liquid being poured out. I put the cup to my lips and felt the familiar heat on my throat. This was some good alcohol, and I don't remember having beet vodka before. The bottle was put on the table.

"Thanks. I've missed this. I'm assuming that when I drink, you drink?"

(I do, I see why you like it.)

"I wonder, is it even possible for me to get drunk?"

(I doubt it, not with something this weak. Your organism is too efficient in breaking down the alcohol.)

"Hmm, I don't know if I like that or not."

(I could try and lower the efficiency if you want.)

"Maybe later. For now, I'll appreciate this."

I stayed silent for a bit, sipping on my cup. Alice left the bathroom.

"Getting drunk, old man?"

"Relaxing. You know how long I've been wanting some alcohol?"

"Ten years?"

"Around eleven. Sobriety is a bitch, especially if it's forced."

She sat in front of me.

"Are you accompanying me?"

"I'll take a glass."

Anita passed me another cup, and I poured some for Alice.

"Have you drunk before?"

"I haven't. Never found a reason for."

"Not even coping with my supposed death?"

"I didn't think you would have liked it if I was drinking without you."

She sipped on her cup.

"A good assumption. Normally I wouldn't have liked it, but I've grieved before, I know how it is."

"Oh? And who were you grieving for?"


She stayed silent for a bit, the only sound being the slight sound of Bea breathing, and the sips we took.

"I still don't get it."


"Why do you want 'world domination'?"

"Every man dreams of that at least one time in their life. I just so happen to have the chance to actually act out on it."

"I'm serious."

"So am I."

I couldn't see her face, but I imagine she was looking at me with a poker face. I smirked a little.

"As you must know, the fungus is a very special organism."

(You'll make me blush.)

"It's something never seen before. If the world can make something like the fungus, what more can it create, then? Whatever that is, it will most definitely be dangerous, and I'd prefer it if such a thing was on my hands. "

"So that's it? You just want control?"

"I already told you I'm a control freak, but that's only part of it. I'm a scientist at heart, dearie. We're talking about breakthroughs in biology thought to be impossible. Hell, my existence right now is already spectacular."

She stayed silent for a bit.

"So it's about greed."

"Greed and pride."

"At least you're honest."

"I'd use a lot of words to describe myself, honest is definitely not one of them."

(I don't know, you tend to be honest.)

I heard she take the bottle off the table, and pour some vodka on her cup. My cup was empty, so I passed it over to her, and when she filled it up, I downed it, took my cane, and got up.

"You're getting back to work already?"

"No rest for the wicked. I have to make some seeds for Fillipu, and I've taken enough of a vacation already."

"I'll help."

(Me too.)

She got silent and I heard the cup hitting the table.

"Did you just drink the whole cup?"


"Better drink some water, dearie. Hangovers are a nasty thing. I remember when I had my first one, the good ol' times."

She went to the sink and I went to the lab. Vacation's over, time to do some work. During my time off, I'd been thinking about what I should do now, and ended up reaching two objectives, first things first, I need to find a way to keep the fungus a secret, especially since I planned on expanding it throughout the world. I devised two ways of doing so, either automated DNA destruction of every sample they managed to take from the fungus or a way of camouflaging the fungus. It's theoretically possible to make the fungus generate a pyrophoric substance on its 'shell', but it wouldn't be exactly inconspicuous, and the possibility of someone digging into the ground and accidentally blowing themselves up, as the chance of initiating a chain reaction that would destroy at least a part of the fungus, make it so such a preposition has more potential as a weapon than as a safeguard for the fungus genetic code.

A complete breakdown of DNA integrity would take much more work, but it creates much more certainty in not leaving evidence of the fungus and its properties than simple camouflage. Doing both would be best, but would require very complex biological mechanisms, and as in engineering, the more complex something is, the more things can go wrong, so it's best to go with only breaking down the DNA. Alice entered the room.

"Are you fine?"


"Doesn't sound like it. Sit down, take a rest."

"I'm fineh. I'll help you."

"You have not worked in a lab before, and you're at least somewhat intoxicated, so just watch for now. Talking about labs, Anita, about the research you did."


"Programmed DNA destruction, I think we should develop that idea."

(I only stopped researching it due to the lack of specimens I could take as a basis, and I found no use for it in the long run. Why are you interested in it?)

"The fungus is going to be all over the world, so we should develop a way to protect its genetic material."

(I see. I'll start working on it. Any other ideas?)

"Only out of curiosity, would it be possible to make the cells of the fungus have redundant DNA taken from other fungi?"

(As a way of camouflaging it? I'm sure we could brainstorm a way of doing something of the like.)

"Sure. While you work on figuring out destroying DNA, I'll make the seeds."

I created a chair for me and started working. Making the seeds wasn't hard, nor did it take that long, but we should work on a way of creating them automatically, especially considering we are going to need a lot of them in the future since I do plan to make most, if not all, of the agriculture on the world use the seeds we created. When they were done, I put them in a sack, ignoring the snoring of Alice, and started working with Anita on making a way of protecting the genetic material of the fungus.

By the time we'd reached a conclusion, Alice had woken up, taken Bea to hunt, come back, and was now playing with her. I pulled out my knife and cut the tip of the spike Anita had sent off. I then gave it back to her.

(It worked! The fungus was changed genetically into a species of Marasmus, if we get information on the genomes of other fungi in a certain area, we can make the fungus as subtle of an invader as possible.)

I leaned back on the chair.

"I thought it would take longer than this, actually."

(Two consciousnesses think better than one.)

"Who would've thought?"

(Not me.)

I modified the dormant fungus inside the seeds, and got up from the chair, supporting myself on the cane, deciding to take a little break before we started working on my next objective, especially considering it was going to be quite loud, and wandered over to the bed, where Alice was playing with Bea, hearing the high-pitched laughs from the little fox.

"Hahaha! The little lemmings are very funny, I like the sound they make when they enter my mouth."

"Do you? I prefer hunting bears myself."

A scary conversation. I connected my vision to Bea.

"Oh, eye's gone. Gray?"

Alice looked over at me.

"Finally finished doing whatever you're doing?"

"Yes. The fungus should be secure. How was the hunt?"

"It was very fun, but I miss going hunting with you!"

"Don't worry, girl, when I get used to my legs again, I'll go hunting with you."

"So that is why you've been nagging me about doing a synchronized attack."

"It's not my fault you're not as skilled as Gray."

Alice looked over at me, then back at the fox.

"Have you looked at him recently? he acts even older than he did before."

Bea looked over at me.

"But he looks better than you?"

Alice dropped Bea off from her bed after that.

"Traitors don't deserve to sleep with me."

"But who will I sleep with?"

"You like Gray so much, go sleep with him."

"But he doesn't sleep!"

Bea came over to me, and I picked her up, putting her on my shoulders, and petting her.

"You can sleep on my lap while I work."


Alice got up from her bed.

"You must be starving."

"I'm pretty sure I can't feel hungry anymore."

"Since you're so famished, I can cook something for you."

"Alright then. I'll play along."

I sat at the table and put Bea on my lap. Alice cooked for us, and it was as delicious as ever. While I ate, I heard Alice mutter slightly.

"You never let me sleep on your lap."

I smirked.

"You didn't ask."

"You heard me?"

"Are you really asking me that question?"

"What do you mean?"

"Isn't there something else you want to ask?"


I stayed silent. After some seconds, she finally muttered.

"Can I sleep on your lap too?"


She got up.


"I'm kidding. Of course you can, dearie."