
1 - Prologue

In a peculiar realm, there exists a very peculiar planet. This planet that is so peculiar is called Earth and the reason for this peculiarity is the fact that the very first and only person of their kind was born, a merchant who will sell the means for Ascension.

In the early morning hours of January 15, a young man was walking towards the local Karaoke bar to enjoy an evening with his friends, especially after having to deal with his shitty manager where he works. For four months now the manager at the Lowest Prices has been reducing the pay of this young man mostly due to greed and the jealously of the young man's great looks and how the women working in the store always keep staring at the young man with adoring looks.

The young man's name is Joseph Lee, he was born to an American father and Chinese mother, both his parents had met at the hospital after Joseph's father saved his mother from a mugging and got himself stabbed, after which they fell madly in love eventually leading to the birth of Joseph.

Upon reaching the Karaoke bar, Joseph and his friends went into an available booth and ordered some drinks and snacks to enjoy while they waited for their turn sing a range of popular songs.

Joseph was watching one of the girls in the group get up and get ready for her turn, her name's Yu Yan. Of all the girls in the group, Joseph only had eyes for Yu Yan's charm.

After three hours of eating, drinking and singing everybody returned back to their own homes to get some rest before returning to work the following day. On his way home, Joseph came across an old man who had tripped and hit his head on the side of the road, on seeing this happen Joseph raced across the road to check over the condition of the old man. Upon reaching the old man, Joseph turned him over only to see the barrel of a gun aimed at his head and a grinning old man.

It was Li Wei, the owner and manager of the small store Lowest Prices.

Joseph stared back in horror at his manager, why did he have a gun? Why was he aiming the gun at me? Why? Why? Why?

Joseph knew Li Wei never liked him and it was primarily due to his good looks, and as Joseph was staring at Li Wei, and the trigger was pulled. In the flash of the gun firing, and the sound over powering Josephs hearing, a low sounding announcement could have been heard inside of Joseph's very soul.

(Activating the Ascension Merchant System)



(Scanning Host....)


(Host in process of dying....)


(Preparing host to enter the cycle of Reincarnation....)


(Warning: Host will be sent to be reincarnated, Ascension Merchant System will be disabled until after of rebirth)


(Please note: The Ascension Merchant System has been fully integrated into the hosts soul and the store has been made available. Functions will be limited at rebirth)


And thus came the end to Joseph on Earth and the start of the Ascension Merchant's journey throughout the myriad of worlds and realms.

Hello all, just a first writer and put this random thing together. I have read many stories and can't get enough of reading novels, as such I thought I'd try my hand at writing one.

Feedback either positive or negative appreciated.

Thank you all

Nihilitycreators' thoughts