
The Ascendance of The Emperor of Darkness

A high school student who suddenly transported into another world after answering the mysterious survey questions in all [Yes].

JRodjun · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

A Wolf?

Right now, I'm inside the forest and finding prey. It's been a few minutes since I got here in the forest, but I don't see any animals and monsters except the unusual rabbit and beautiful Dragon earlier. I continue to move forward, after another few minutes I heard something further ahead. To conceal my presence, I used one of my skill called [Stealth].

[Stealth] Can completely erase my presence, It's like becoming invisible.

"This skill is really helpful in hunting."

With this, my leveling up will be easy. I approach the direction where I heard the sound. And what I saw there, is a bloody wolf lying down under the tree. I couldn't tell what is the color of its fur because of the blood covering it. Based on the damage to its body, It will die sooner or later.

I want to help it, I'm a dog lover after all, even though that's a wolf. Well, they're still in the same species and I also feel pity sorry for the wolf. but before that, I sheath my sword. I also need to cancel my [Stealth] so the wolf can see me.

It's too dangerous to suddenly appear when I cancel the [Stealth] in front of it. The wolf might get startled and attack me. So approaching it while it already senses me is the best method. I survey my surroundings if there's another dangerous animal or monster nearby.

"There's no presence nearby."

It means its safe for now, I cancel my [Stealth] and slowly approach the wolf. The wolf senses me and put it guard up. Well, that's a given because it doesn't know if I'm a friend or an enemy. To reassure the wolf that I'm a friend I show my hands without a weapon. I also turned around to show my back to be more convincing.

"I'm not an enemy, I'm here to help you."

After saying those words I smiled to the wolf. The wolf seems to observe me before putting its guard down. Because the tensed air died down I approach the wolf again. I kneeled in front of it and talk to the wolf.

"I'm going to heal you now."

The wolf tail wagged weakly for confirmation.

"[Divine Heal]!]

I cast the highest healing magic so the wolf will recover quickly. The blood that it lost also recovered because of the [Divine heal]. Having a Max level in [Holy magic] is undoubtedly a good choice. The wolf stands up and moves its body, and after checking its body It looks at me. The wolf size is like an adult Siberian husky. It bowed in front of me and wag its tail.

"So you're showing your gratitude to me."

I pat its head and a sudden voice resounds in my head.

「Thank you very much! Master!」

This guy can use telepathy! Awesome!

!? w-wait, I stop patting its head. What did it call me again?

「Master! Pat my head again!」

"M-master?!, I'm your master?!"

It suddenly called me "Master".

「Yes! you help me! you're a good person. So I want you to become my master.」

because I did a good deed that's why a good thing comes back to me. huh.

Well, I'm not expecting in return though. Becoming its master is not bad, also having a pet wolf makes me a badass.

"How can I become your master?"

「Give me a name and the contract will automatically be established.」


「Yes! contract! When the contract becomes successful you'll become my master and I'll become your familiar.」

So that's the contract huh.

"Can the contract be revoked?"

「Yes! but it can only be revoked if both parties want it.」

Oh! so if the other party doesn't want the contract to cancel, it will remain.

Before naming it knowing its gender is necessary.

"What's your gender?"

「I'm a girl master!」

So she's a girl huh.

Alright! This wolf is very cute and energetic. I'd made my decision.

"I'll grant you the name "Xena" and from now on you'll become my loyal familiar."

「Yes! From now on I'll call myself as Xena! I'll be forever loyal to you master!」

And Xena tries to cuddle his head to me. What a sweet familiar I have here but not now because of his body stained by her blood.

"Before you cuddle me, wash your body first Xena."


"Wow!.. your fur has a silver color, so beautiful..."

A hundred meters away from where I met Xena, there's a small river. Her beautiful silver fur shines after washing her whole body.

「Thank you for helping me washing my body master!」

"Don't sweat it I'm your master after all."

I just love washing the dog's fur, well, there's no need, to tell the truth. I take out my leather water jug to get some river water. I already drink all the water in it a few minutes before meeting Xena.

"Xena, I have a question for you, can you answer me honestly?"

There's a thing bothering me since I met Xena.

「Why you're showered by your own blood? What happened?」

Hearing my question, Xena frost standstill. Maybe my question is too straight forward.

"You don't need to tell me the story if it is too hard for you."

I followed up so she wouldn't feel pressured.

「No, master has a right to know what happened.」

She's a strong-willed girl.

"You can slowly tell the story, take your time."

After inhaling and exhaling a few times too calm herself see started the story.

「My mother and I got attacked by humans when we are resting in our house.」

A surprise attack huh.

"Why the humans attacked you and your mother, did you do or your mother something bad to humans?"

「No! We didn't do anything!!」

A loud shout resounds in my head. Her emotion exploded just now.

"Calm down Xena, It's just a question I'm not accusing you or your mother."

「I'm sorry, I got carried away.」

"It's okay, you can continue now."

Xena calms herself again and opens said something shocking.

「They just want to kill both of us for the sake of the human male that called himself as a Hero.」

!? Hero?!

"D-did you say, Hero?"

「Yes, master, that hero killed my mother.」


Why that hero killed her mother even though they quietly living in the forest. Not choosing that job is the right choice, after all, that job is so messed up. Right now, my blood is boiling because of him.

"Why did he kill your mother, did he say something?"

She pondered momentarily and answers me.

「While my mom and I fighting him and his army of humans he shouted something we didn't understand.」

"What did he shouted?"

Xena looked at me and says something unexpected.

「"Die! Die! Be my experience points God Devourer Fenrir!", is what he said.」

!? I got a little bit shocked, "Experience Point" he says. I know that the possibility of another earthling in this world other done me is not completely impossible. And also He called Xena's mother "Fenrir", it means!, I quickly used my [Appraisal].

[Name: Xena

Age: 16

Level: 25

Race: Fenrir〖Mythical race〗

Stamina: 5,650

Mana: 2,780

Strenght: 5,987

Agility: 7,496

Dexterity: 6,354


- Godspeed ▶ Level 6

- Berserk ▶ Level 4

- Fenrir's Howl ▶ Level 5

- Void Step ▶ Level 4

- Wind Claw ▶ Level 5

Innate Ability↓

- Night Vision ▶ Max

- Telepathy ▶ Max


- Emperor of Darkness Familiar

Monster Info↓

[Fenrir is one of the Mythical races of this world. All its parts are all high quality. You can use its fangs to create a weapon that can kill even a God.]]

Seeing my reaction Xena talks to me anxiously.

「Are you alright, Master.」

Oh! Knowing that there are other people like me and also Xena being a Fenrir, not a wolf, makes me think too deeply.

"I'm okay, don't worry. Your race is Fenrir, right? based on my knowledge Fenrir's are strong, how did they defeat both you and your mother?"

「Just like what I said earlier he got an army of humans, thousands of them. We killed almost two-third but because we are outnumbered our stamina falls, and that the time the Hero with his armored and robed comrade move. They're strong but we are stronger if our stamina is still intact, but they are not, so they defeated us easily.」

So he used meat shields and when both of them got weakened He and his comrade steps in. What a cunning and ruthless hero, but I like it though. To survive in this kind of world, we need those kinds of personalities. But by doing this all the time, eventually, he'll lose his humanity and become a monster. I can also understand the reason why he killed Xena's mother. The materials of Mythical creature like Fenrir is truly high and its fangs are the best materials to use in creating a weapon. A weapon that can possibly kill transcendent one.

While thinking, Xena suddenly talks to me.

「umm.. master how did you know my race? I didn't tell it to you.」

She stares at me after saying those worlds.

Maybe she got suspicious of me because I knew her race without her telling.

"That's because I have a skill [Appraisal] that can see through all the information I want to know whether it's a living thing or non-living."

「Amazing! As expected of Master!」

Her suspicion disappeared, I immediately say another question to change the subject.

"And how did you got here? and how do you escape?"

He's a hero, right? I'm curious how she made here.

「Before mother got stab in the heart by the hero, she used the very last bit of her magic to transport me here. If you're planning to question me if I know this place, It's a no, This scenery is new for me.」

What a great mother, she protected her one and only daughter until her last breath. Oh, come to think about it, where's her father.

"Is your Father not there when they attacked?"

Her tail weakly fall.

「Father died a year ago before I born. Mother said he died protecting my mother from the army of humans. At that time my mother was pregnant on me.」

"I'm sorry for my insensitiveness."

「No!no! it's okay, master didn't know it so I'm not mad.」

Seriously, you're very a good girl. I patted her head again gently. Meeting her here maybe because of our fate.

"Do you hate that hero?"

「Yes! Master, I hate him! I super hate him!」

A quick answer. That's natural, They got attacked and her mother died even though they're only live peacefully.

"Do you want to get your revenge?"

Xena got startled from what a said, but after a few seconds, her composure gets back.

She intensely stares at me.

「Yes! Master!」

After answering me with this intense determination and resolve, there's no backing out now.

"I'll help you to get your revenge and kill that hero."

Declaring that I'm going to help her, tears flow down from her eyes.

「Thank you very much! Master! I'm very fortunate to meet you!」

And I hug a pet her back to soothe her.

"From now on, You'll become my partner until one of us die. Let's work together!"

「Yes! Master!」

We stride back inside the forest. I want to grant Xena's wish to get her revenge from the hero. But knowing that He killed Xena's mother his level might be pretty high now. I need to level up faster.

"Killing the hero huh."

Not bad! The story of Xena earlier makes me want to beat him up. And also the hero is a delicious meal for me because-

"He, himself is also a chunk of experience points."

Xena's ears move.

「Did you say something, Master?」

My goodness! it's a good thing that he didn't hear clearly. The word "Experience Points" might anger her.

"Alright, to defeat the hero We need to be stronger than him. Let's go and get some level!"


Suddenly a sound of a growling stomach resounds in the forest. And that sounds comes from Xena's stomach. Well, she just fights the Hero and his army a few hours ago. it's obvious that she's hungry because of a lack of energy. But hearing it makes me feel exhilarated. And the sound is also cute.


I tried to suppress my laughter but it leaks out.

「mou... you tease master...」

"Sorry, sorry, that's so funny that I failed to hold back myself."

「Is hearing someone's growing stomach makes you happy, Master? You're weird...」

"No!no! you got it wrong!, I'm just happy right now so I unintentionally laugh."

We cheerfully chat while walking inside the forest alongside each other.

I used this「」 in a telepathy part. Thanks for reading my novel again. I'll try my best to update more chapters as soon as I can. :D

JRodjuncreators' thoughts