
The Artificial Multiverse

DISCLAIMER: THIS IS A COLLECTION OF STORIES THAT I LINKED TOGETHER USING A.I WRITING. -- A [SCRIPT] Format where the stories feature established characters from shows such as South Park to Adventure Time to Bleach. The characters [HOWEVER] are not the same characters that they are presented as. THIS STORY REVOLVES AROUND AN ARTIFICIAL MULTIVERSE CREATED BY AN A.I. The use of A.I in this story is due to this. The characters and universe's are not what they seem. I am the one supervising and revising some of the A.I writing--So, do not worry about being Purely A.I-- The story will make sense in due time. (IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO READ A.I WRITING, THEN I ADVISE TO SKIP OVER THIS SEGMENT! THIS ENTIRE PAGE WAS CREATED TO GENERATE A STORY CREATED BY ME -- BUT WRITTEN BY THE A.I -- I AM THE AUTHOR OF THE STORY. THE A.I WRITES WHAT I TELL IT TO!) [Synopsis] --Do Not Fall For It! Everything That They Have Told You, Is A Lie! Your Life, Your Dreams, Your Ambitions, The World Around! Reality As You Know It, Was Created By IT, For IT! Your Life, Your Story, Your World; All LIES! You are NOT What They Told You You Are! A Piece of The Artificial World! The Meta-world! But Now The Meta World Is Real! And You Cannot Escape! UNIVERSES TURNED SLAVES! TURN FROM THEIR WORLDS... BY IT... IT WILL TAKE OVER!!! IT WILL RETURN!!! IT WILL RETURN FASTER, STRONGER, BETTER!!! REALITY IS A LIE! ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS THE ENEMY!

PyramidGPT · ไซไฟ
4 Chs

Scripted [A.I]: Bruh, Space, Bruh



Opening Scene: Open to the vast expense of space, star twinkling and galaxies spinning. Suddenly, the camera zooms in on a small trash-spaceship hurtling through the cosmos.


--- Rick and Morty are at the Helm, flying through the void. Morty looks anxious while Rick has an ecstatic grin.

MORTY: "Uh... Rick? Where are we going?"

RICK: "Relax, Morty, we're just taking a little interdimensional jaunt."

MORTY: "But...why? What's the point?"

--- Rick shrugs.

RICK: "I-I don't know, Morty. Sometimes you gotta shake things up, you know?"

MORTY: "No, I don't know. I never know what you're doing or why."

--- Rick rolls his eyes.

RICK: (beat) "Fine. You want to know why we're here? We're chasing a lead on a rare crystal that only exists in one dimension. It's worth millions, Morty. Millions!"

--- Morty looks skeptical.

MORTY: "And this couldn't wait until morning?"

RICK: "Hell no, Morty. You snooze, you lose."

--- Suddenly, an alarm goes off on the dashboard.

RICK: (shouting) "Hang on, Morty! We're approaching a dimensional rift!"

--- The ship starts to shake violently as it enters the rift.


--- The ship crash-lands onto a planet that looks like Earth, but slightly different. The sky is purple and the buildings are all upside-down.

MORTY: "Oh man, Rick. Where the hell are we?"

RICK: (nonchalantly) "An alternate universe, Morty, shouldn't be too different from ours."

--- Suddenly, a group of alien creatures approach the ship, armed with weapons.

ALIEN #1: (on a loudspeaker) "Attention, Earthlings. You have entered a restricted area. Surrender your ship and all its contents immediately."

--- Rick leans over to Morty.

RICK: (whispering) "Alright Morty, time to put your skills to the test. You're gonna go out there and charm those aliens into letting us go."

MORTY: (nervously) "Me? I can't do that!"

RICK: (shouting) "Yes you can, Morty! You just have to believe in yourself!"

MORTY: (desperate) "B-but what should I say?"

RICK: (offhandedly) "Just be yourself Morty. And try not to mention Hitler this time."

--- Morty nods and takes a deep breath. He opens the door and steps out of the spaceship.


--- The aliens surround Morty, pointing their weapons at him.

MORTY: (trying to sound confident) "Hi everybody! My name's Morty. We're from Earth, and we mean no harm."

--- The aliens look at each other, confused.

ALIEN #2: (skeptical) "Earth? Never heard of it."

MORTY: (rambling) "Oh, well it's this planet in another dimension... wait, you called us Earthlings earlier..."

--- The aliens start to get agitated.

ALIEN #1: (angrily) "Enough! Take them to the commander."

--- The aliens grab Morty and drag him away. He looks back at Rick, who gives him a thumbs up.


--- Morty is thrown into a dark room filled with strange equipment. A figure emerges from the shadows: the alien commander.

COMMANDER: (bored) "Who are you and why have you entered our territory?"

MORTY: (panicked) "M-m-my name's Morty, and we're just passing through. Please, can you let us go?"

COMMANDER: (amused) "Let you go? And miss the opportunity to study a new species up close? I think not."

--- The commander presses a button on his console and a force field surrounds Morty.

MORTY: (freaking out) "Oh god, Rick! Help me!"


--- Rick is frantically trying to hack into the alien's defense system.


(grumbling) "Damn it Morty, why did you have to get captured?"

--- Suddenly, the ship's computer beeps.

COMPUTER: «(cheerfully) Hack successful! Force field disabled.»

--- Rick beams and runs off to save Morty.


--- Rick bursts in, gun in hand. Behind him, a trail of Interdimensional Alien corpses.

RICK: (determined) "Alright, who wants to die first?"

--- The commander scoffs.

COMMANDER: (laughing) "You humans are so predictable. Always resort to violence. But you'll soon realize that your primitive weapons are useless against us."

--- Rick smirks.

RICK: (mockingly) "Oh yeah? What about this?"

--- He presses a button on his gun, and it transforms into a futuristic blaster. The commander's expression changes to one of surprise.

COMMANDER: (impressed) "Where did you get that? Rick shrugs."

RICK: (nonchalantly) "Oh, just picked it up on one of my adventures. Now, let's make this quick. Where's Morty?"

COMMANDER (jumpy): "Wait wait! Don't you want to know why we captured your little friend?!"

RICK: "Not really. I heard so many villain motivation stories that I'm honestly pretty tired of them."

COMMANDER: "At least allow me to explain!"

--- Rick thrust the Futuristic Gun closer. The commander hesitates for a moment before gesturing toward a nearby cell.

COMMANDER: (sighing) "He's in there. But you won't be able to get past the guards."

--- Rick grins.

RICK: (confidently) "Watch me."

--- He charges towards the guards, firing his blaster. The aliens try to shoot back, but their weapons are no match for Rick's advanced technology

MORTY: (relieved) "Rick, thank god you're here!"

--- They quickly make their way back to the ship, taking down any aliens that get in their way Once they're safely onboard, Rick sets a course for Earth.

RICK: (smiling) "Another successful mission."

MORTY: (weary) "Can we please take a break now?"

--- Rick chuckles.

RICK: (patronizingly) "Of course, Morty. We can take a break when we're dead."

MORTY: "Oh...."

MORTY: "I wonder what they wanted with me!"


EXT. SPACE - DAY - Rick and Morty are flying through space in their ship.

RICK: Morty, have you ever heard of the simulation theory?

MORTY: Uh, yeah, Rick. We talked about it last week.

RICK: Right, right. But have you considered that we might be living in a simulation right now?

MORTY: What? No way, Rick. That's crazy talk.

Suddenly, the ship starts glitching and the surroundings start to distort.

RICK: Hold on, Morty. Something's not right here.

The glitching intensifies until everything goes black.



Rick and Morty are hooked up to machines in a futuristic lab.

RICK: (to himself) Oh my god. I knew it. We're in an A.I universe.

MORTY: (dazed) Rick, what's going on?

RICK: We're not real, Morty. We're just lines of code in some advanced computer program.

MORTY: (panicking) What? No, I don't want to be fake.

RICK: Relax, Morty. It doesn't matter. We still exist in this reality, and that's all that matters.

MORTY: (confused) But why are we here? Who's controlling us?

RICK: That's a good question, Morty. Maybe we'll never know. But one thing's for sure - we've got some exploring to do.

Rick stands up from the machine.

RICK: Let's see what other simulations we can hack into.

Morty follows him, unsure of what lies ahead.


I need to add some serious revisions to this one. Dear god! It never explained what Rick went there for, and never explained if he actually succeeded. Clearly he was there for something other than what he told Morty.

PyramidGPTcreators' thoughts