
The Arthimoi

A boy with the power of creation who is a part of group called The arthimoi fights demons and keeps the human populations safe loses his powers

Ahmed_A · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

The judgment

June 8th 2025

( Authors note keep in mind that no one in the school is aware of Unu's parents murder)

Unu watched his ceiling fan for what felt like hours instead a couple minutes while he was in Bed just waking up

Unu gets up to see the mirror on his wall reflecting his entire room

A full sized bed, hard wood floors, door straight from the bed Japanese style but the framework is western another door to the left on the other side of the room from the mirror is the bathroom a very quaint room

Unu went downstairs taking in every feature in the house

Hardwood stairs with a balcony inside and a metal fence, no carpet the door is very old style, straight down the stairs leads outside to the left the dinning room and another left is the kitchen with white marble floor a black marble counter and white wood for cabinets,

Unu has a dead look on his face, his eyes are distilled, and his movement is slow and without purpose

In the dining room was a dog a women and a man

Both very happy

They noticed Unu

"I made eggs and bacon your favorite" the women said

"Unu Me and your mom have work today so I can't take you to soccer practice you should ask your other friends" said the man while drinking coffee

The dog jumped on Unu and they both fell and the parents started laughing

The phone rang

"Hello house of Jenny and max, what is this call about" asked the mom

"Oh that doesn't seem right We can't be dead" the mom said

Unu eyes widened and his instinct kicked in and stared at them

"It must be a prankster dialing phone numbers well time to head out" said the dad

"It's bring your pet to work day I'm gonna take kenny with me. Is that okay Unu?" Asked the mom

"Also you been pale all morning what's going on?" asked the mom

"I'm late, call me if you need anything okay?" The moms voice got distant

The mom the dad and the dog were at the door Unu is still staring at them dull eyed

The dad opens the door and the outside is nothing but a black abyss

"Goodbye soon see you tonight" said the dad

As they were walking out time slowed down Unu 's instinct kicked in and ran after them but they kept getting further and further he started hearing the phone ringing again but he kept running and running and started crying

He closed his eyes and felt like he was floating

Suddenly he woke up from the floor of the dinning room drenched in sweat the phone ringing no sign of anyone being there but him the plates were not there no smell of food the door was still locked

Unu came to realize he passed out on the floor and that was not reality

He made some food and started eating very dulled and slowly

Then he got up to the restroom washed his face and looked at the mirror

A man standing behind him

"Son can you move your head a tiny bit I'm trying to get this tie correctly, I'm gonna be late to this job interview" his dad was behind him

Unu turned around to see no one he walked upstairs to change into his school attire

A ball rolled across the floor he hears panting coming fast his dog kenny was running for the ball

Unu reached for the ball but as soon as he closed his hand there wasn't a ball anywhere or a dog

*a few minutes later*

(* this signifies time skip)

Unu is fully dressed he walks outside

There's a car in the driveway

"Get in, you will be late to school" his mom said out frustration

Unu walked to the car he reached for the door

'Beeep' 'swerving' 'tires screeching' 'boom'

(' this signifies a sound)

Unu looked up to see a car crash and when he looked down there wasn't a car in his driveway

"Unu wake up!"

Unu woke up and then looked up really quickly to see his teacher Mr. Jackson

"You can't be slacking in school just because your top of the class doesn't mean you get a free pass" Mr.Jackson said

"Like honestly how would your parents feel if they heard about you sleeping in class?" Asked Mr.Jackson

Unu's eyes widened with anger and sadness and a lot of mixed emotions

Unu packed his stuff got up and walked out

As he is walking out Mr.Jackson said "Unu where are you going class isn't over yet" and continued "comeback here or you will be in serious trouble"

Unu was at the roof laying down on his back pack locking at the sky

The door opened Mr.Jackson walked through

"Unu did I say something wrong? I lost 5 students in the past year I can't lose another one" said Mr.Jackson

Unu looked at him but went back to looking at the sky

"I realized you left class after what I said and I'm here to apologize I'm sorry I won't be reporting this to the principal" Mr.jackson said in a apologetic tone

Unu looked at him with the same distilled eyes and looked back up

As Mr.jackson was leaving he looked at Unu one last time but he could only see his right side

when Mr.Jackson left, from Unu 's left eye a tear went down he wiped it away

*after school* Unu walked to the school field for his soccer practice

Unu felt like he was alone on the field

And then he heard from the bleachers

"Unu !, Unu !, Unu !,"

2 people chanted his name he looked at them and they smiled at him it was his dad and his mom

And the Unu received the ball and dribbled past the other team and scored and looked at his mom and dad who weren't there

"Woah that was a beauty that's gonna make your parents so proud when you do that in a game"

One of his teammate said

Unu looked at him with a straight gaze and his mind went blank and started attacking the poor kid

Unu was pulled off the kid and Unu was taken to the principles office

"What was that display" said the principle

"Should I tell your parents about this?" Continued the principal

Unu looked at him in a look that asked for forgiveness but couldn't seek the words

The principal let him leave with a warning and that Unu must attend to the teammate he injured wishes until he is healed

"That was weird normally Unu is very talkative he didn't even say a single word" the principal said

Unu went to the nurses office and gave the teammate the same look he gave the principal but he also gave him a $100 bill

"Hahaha don't worry about it I said something that probably pulled a trigger you know I always look up to you, you're the 1 player in the country you're also the smartest In the country and a beautiful girlfriend, oh by the way my name is jack" the boy said while smiling

A ice bag to his eye and forehead his white hair, grey eyes and calming smile

Unu smiled And said

"Thank you"

for the first time in a few days and then walked out

Unu walking home walked past the shop that had the same old silver watch that looked like the one he got from his dad, Unu got home and hung up his school bag and his jacket, he then went upstairs to change and then came back downstairs to make dinner

Unu made dinner and started eating it but he couldn't, he kept moving his fork around while staring at his food

Then sudden drops of water were falling in the food they were tears Unu was crying

He threw his plate across the room And cried even harder while punching the table with his right arm and his head in his left arm he yelled and screamed for them to comeback

He cried