

What kind of lot? I don't know. It can be parking LOT, it can be a LOT of something, in fact, LOT can be LOTs of things.

I originally planned to do a two word chapter. Yes, you head me, or well... read, and not me but the words I have written, you get the idea... anyways, a grand total of two words instead of just one. That's a whole LOT of more. But here came the problem. The first word I got was 'LOT' the second word what I got was 'publication'... now, how in the living hell do I combine these words to make a sensible chapter.

I can't.

The idea was great, I think. There would have been a LOT of possibilities. But there are a LOT of more problems that chances. I like gambling so I'll not take this chance, as by not taking this chance I can have a LOT more chances later on, include this very chance I just passed... for now.

Thank you for coming to my TED TALK, see you tomorrow.