
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Chapter 7, Viper's Jaw:

As the crew was slowly approaching the Viper's Jaw, they hard shouting and crying as soon as they got closer and closer

"You hear that?"

Amarico said as she slowly crouched herself and used her Felinor ears to hear more clearly.

"Yeahhh! Let's fuckin feed her to the Sharkos!"

A voice said as a older voice spoke up

"Hah! The sharko's would probably just stomp on her because she's a blind fuck"

then suddenly the female voice that was crying suddenly spoke up

"Please! I beg of you! Stop doing this!" She cried out loud

"Shut up bitch!" The guy slapped the girls face as she kept on crying

"I just want to see my brother again" The girl cried as she was covering her head

As soon as Mizu heard that a flame of determination bursts out of his eyes as he gripped his sword tightly "So what's the plan"

Mizu asked as he gripped the sword's handle with both of his hands as he looked at Ada and Amarico

"Well, first off we can just go in guns blazing... They don't have that good weapons. From what I can see from here with my eyes it looks like a Battleaxe and a Mace" Amarico said as Ada was unsheathing her dagger

"Seems like small fry... You reckon you can handle the Battleaxe, Mizu?"

Ada then looked at Mizu as he saw him nod "Of course"

Ada then started to approach the entrance with Mizu "Amarico, take watch"

Amarico just sighed "Of course I don't get in the action"

Mizu and Ada was slowly approaching the cave's entrance as Ada gave him one more reminder "Remember, stay calm. It'll help you along the way"

They then went inside as the 2 men noticed them

"Oi, who the fuck are you huh?" The bandit that had the deep voice shouted as the younger one eyed Ada

"Damn she lookin hot, ey Brut, fuck up the kid and let's have the hotty for ourselves after were finished with this blind fuck" The guy named Brut approached Mizu as he smirked

"No need to tell me twice" He then swung his battleaxe

Mizu suddenly parried the male


Ada then approached the younger bandit as she quickly slashes her dagger to him but the male bandit grabbed his mace as she parried Ada "You fucking bitch!"

Mizu then struck the Brut as the huge male started to swing his axe as he Mizu then dodged but then as the Brut tried to swing another hit, he feints his attack. This made Mizu try to parry it but then in return

"Idiot! Take this you little brat!" Brut then used his left arm as he punched Mizu so hard that he knocked him out of the cave

"Shit!" Ada kept on parrying the bandit "Getting fucked up now huh girlie?!"

Mizu slowly stood up as he then was panting as he looked at the big male "Game over kid, you're done for!"

Suddenly everything turned gray. Mizu looked around as he saw Amarico frozen in place about to go to help him

"What the.."

Suddenly a voice said in an angelic manner "Whispers from the deep beckon you...."

Suddenly 4 cards appeared in-front his face as he then saw a thing he needed to get.

Everything started to return back to normal as Mizu suddenly parried the guy's attack


Mizu then raised his sword as it burned with fire "FIRE BLADE!"

Mizu slashed the bandit with the blade of fire. It wasn't a normal orange flame, it was azure

"The Azure Hero..." Amarico said as she stopped in place.

The bandit was burning with the blue flames "Get it off! Get it off!"

He tried to pat it down but it doesn't disappear he then fell out of the edge as he fell to his death

"Brut!" The younger male bandit screamed but then his throat was then sliced open by Ada as she then kicked the male to the ground.